Manual Memory Management in Go using jemalloc Dgraph Labs has been a user of the Go language since our inception in 2015. Five years and 200K lines of Go code later, we’re happy to report that we are still convinced Go was and remains the right choice. Our excitement for Go has gone beyond building systems, and has led us to even write scripts in Go that would typically be written in Bash or Pytho
Designing GraphQL schemas This post made it to top 10 on HackerNews front page. Do engage in discussion there and show us love by giving us a GitHub star. GraphQL has taken the app development world by storm because of its immense benefits. GraphQL adoption by UI development teams has brought in a new wave of flexibility in API design, productivity across frontend-backend teams, intuitiveness in e
Introducing Ristretto: A High-Performance Go Cache This post made it to the top of Golang subreddit and is trending in top 10 on the front page of Hacker News. Do engage in discussion there and show us love by giving us a star. With over six months of research and development, we’re proud to announce the initial release of Ristretto: A High Performance, Concurrent, Memory-Bound Go cache. It is con
The State of Caching in Go Since writing this post, we have built Ristretto: A High Performance Go cache. Read all about it here. This post made it to the top of Golang subreddit and is trending #2 on the front page of Hacker News. Do engage in discussion there and show us love by giving us a GitHub star. Every database system requires a smart cache. That is, a cache that keeps the most frequently
Become part of a community passionate about building better apps. Why Google Needed a Graph Serving System This post made it to #3 on HackerNews front page. Do engage in discussion there and show us love by giving us a GitHub star. When I introduce myself and explain what we are building at Dgraph Labs, I am typically asked if I worked at Facebook, or if what I’m building is inspired by Facebook.
Become part of a community passionate about building better apps. Badger vs LMDB vs BoltDB: Benchmarking key-value databases in Go If you have been following us, you may know that we released Badger a few months ago. Badger is a simple, efficient, and persistent key-value store, written in a hipster language. Even though it is not at v1.0 yet, we have already received a great response from the com
Introducing Badger: A fast key-value store written purely in Go We have built an efficient and persistent log structured merge (LSM) tree based key-value store, purely in Go language. It is based upon WiscKey paper included in USENIX FAST 2016. This design is highly SSD-optimized and separates keys from values to minimize I/O amplification; leveraging both the sequential and the random performance
Golang: Run multiple services on one port Ever faced the problem of having multiple ports in an application, one for each service? In this post, I’m going to brief about how to run multiple services via the same listener port. At Dgraph , we used to have one port to serve HTTP requests, one for gRPC and one more for internal communication among the servers. But now we just use one port for all the
Designed from the ground up to be run in production, Dgraph is the native GraphQL database with a graph backend. It is open-source, scalable, distributed, highly available and lightning fast. Tip: New to Dgraph? Take the Dgraph Tour to run live queries in your browser. Then, try Dgraph as a cloud service, or download Dgraph to deploy it yourself.
Custom encoding: Go implementation in net/rpc vs grpc and why we switched At Dgraph , we aim to build a low latency, distributed graph database. This means our data is distributed among nodes in the cluster. Executing a query means multiple nodes are communicating with each other. To keep our latency of communication low, we use a new form of serialization library called Flatbuffers. What sets Fla
The future of Dgraph is open, serverless, and AI-ready →
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