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debuggerの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 42件


debuggerに関するエントリは42件あります。 debugRustgithub などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『JavaScriptのデバッグにはdebugger文を使おう - Qiita』などがあります。
  • JavaScriptのデバッグにはdebugger文を使おう - Qiita

    JavaScript初心者のため、デバッグ力がまだまだ拙くどうしたらデバッグ力ってつくのだ…と悩んでいたら 👨‍💻 < スタックトレースするといいよ! 👨‍💻 < スタックトレースするにはdebuggerとかconsole.trace()使うといいよ! と教えていただきdebuggerを使ったらとても便利だったので🙏 スタックトレースとは スタックトレース (stack trace)とは エラーが発生したときに表示される内容で、そのエラーが発生するまでの過程(どんな処理がどの順番で呼び出されたかの流れ)を、ざっくりと表示したものです。 「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 スタックトレースを使って問題をどう切り分けるか まずは問題が起きている箇所のスコープを狭くしていきましょう💡 問題の切り分け方として ざっくり入口と出口の関数に適切な値が入って

      JavaScriptのデバッグにはdebugger文を使おう - Qiita
    • GitHub - ktock/buildg: Interactive debugger for Dockerfile, with support for IDEs (VS Code, Emacs, Neovim, etc.)

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        GitHub - ktock/buildg: Interactive debugger for Dockerfile, with support for IDEs (VS Code, Emacs, Neovim, etc.)
      • スクロールをトリガーにしたCSSアニメーションを視覚化し、デバッグが簡単にできるデベロッパーツールの機能拡張 -Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger

        スクロールをトリガーにしたCSSアニメーションは、どのようにデバッグしていますか? ブラウザの枠内で完結するアニメーションであれば、ブラウザ上ですべての挙動を確認できますが、枠外で開始や終了するアニメーションだと確認できません。 スクロールをトリガーにしたCSSアニメーションを視覚化し、デバッグが簡単にできるデベロッパーツールの機能拡張がリリースされたので、紹介します。 参考: Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger by Bramus! 記事の掲載にあたり、元サイト様にライセンスを得ています。 まずは、さっそく機能拡張のインストールから。 下記のページにChromeでアクセスし、「Chromeに追加」をクリックするだけです。起動方法や使い方は後述します。 Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger -Chrome ウェブストア この機能

          スクロールをトリガーにしたCSSアニメーションを視覚化し、デバッグが簡単にできるデベロッパーツールの機能拡張 -Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger
        • FireDBG - 🔥 Time Travel Visual Debugger for Rust

          🔥 Time Travel Visual Debugger for RustVisualize and debug Rust programs with a new lens

          • React Native Debuggerを使った、React Native+Expo開発の流れ - カミナシ エンジニアブログ

            こんにちは、カミナシの@tomiです。 React Native + Expoで開発する上で、React Native Debuggerが自分にとって必須のものとなっています。 このツールを使って日々どういった感じで開発しているかをまとめました。 他にもReactotronやReact Native Toolsなどのデバッグツールもありますが、私は様々な情報をまとめて確認できるReact Native Debuggerに落ち着きました。 スタイルの検証やpropsのデバッグ、Reduxのstate確認にactionの発火確認などができ、開発する上で欲しい要素全てが揃っています。 Expoの標準デバッガーへの不満 Expoに標準で搭載されているElement Inspectorでは、選択した要素のスタイルの確認はできますが、プロパティの変更をしたり、コンポーネントが持っているstateやpr

              React Native Debuggerを使った、React Native+Expo開発の流れ - カミナシ エンジニアブログ
            • A visual debugger for Jupyter

              Most of the progress made in software projects comes from incrementalism. The ability to quickly see the outcome of an execution and iterate has been one of the main reasons for the success of Jupyter, especially in scientific exploratory workflows. Jupyter users like to experiment in the notebook, and to use the notebook as an interactive communication tool. However, for more classical software d

                A visual debugger for Jupyter
              • What a good debugger can do 🔮

                When people say “debuggers are useless and using logging and unit-tests is much better,” I suspect many of them think that debuggers can only put breakpoints on certain lines, step-step-step through the code, and check variable values. While any reasonable debugger can indeed do all of that, it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Think about it; we could already step through the code 40 years ago, sure

                  What a good debugger can do 🔮
                • Replay - The time-travel debugger from the future.

                  Investigate bugs and flaky tests with perfect reproducibility. “Running our end to end tests through Replay saves us countless hours of manually reproducing and debugging CI failures, and lets us seamlessly share failed tests across our engineering teams. Vamsi Peri Director of Engineering, Metabase “Before Replay, some test flakes were simply not debuggable: we didn't have the information require

                    Replay - The time-travel debugger from the future.
                  • GitHub - SoptikHa2/desed: Debugger for Sed: demystify and debug your sed scripts, from comfort of your terminal.

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                      GitHub - SoptikHa2/desed: Debugger for Sed: demystify and debug your sed scripts, from comfort of your terminal.
                    • GitHub - pgosar/ChatGDB: Harness the power of ChatGPT inside the GDB or LLDB debugger!

                      First, make sure you install pip. ChatGDB also requires a python version of 3.3 or above. To install, run the command pip3 install chatgdb. It will create an executable called chatgdb that you will have to use to set your api key. To do that, run the command chatgdb -k <API KEY> You can set the model to use. There are two possible options, gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4(defaulting to the former): chatgdb

                        GitHub - pgosar/ChatGDB: Harness the power of ChatGPT inside the GDB or LLDB debugger!
                      • GitHub - metacraft-labs/codetracer: CodeTracer is a user-friendly time-traveling debugger designed to support a wide range of programming languages.

                        Compared to traditional debuggers, CodeTracer gives you two major superpowers: Once you capture a bug in a recording, consider it squashed! Bugs that are hard to reproduce can be painful to fix — you’ve surely been there. Once such a bug is captured with CodeTracer, you'll rarely need more than 30 minutes to track it down! This is largely a consequence of the next superpower: Most bugs are easily

                          GitHub - metacraft-labs/codetracer: CodeTracer is a user-friendly time-traveling debugger designed to support a wide range of programming languages.
                        • Using Rails debugger/rdbg with VS Code

                          In this article, I show you how to use VS Code's "Run and Debug" panel to connect directly to a debugger instance, using the VSCode rdbg Ruby Debugger extension. We're lucky in the Ruby on Rails world to have the powerful debug gem available, and it becomes even more handy when it's integrated directly into VS Code, where you can take advantage of breakpoints, automatically debugging Exceptions an

                            Using Rails debugger/rdbg with VS Code
                          • GitHub - openai/transformer-debugger

                            Transformer Debugger (TDB) is a tool developed by OpenAI's Superalignment team with the goal of supporting investigations into specific behaviors of small language models. The tool combines automated interpretability techniques with sparse autoencoders. TDB enables rapid exploration before needing to write code, with the ability to intervene in the forward pass and see how it affects a particular

                              GitHub - openai/transformer-debugger
                            • GitHub - dylandreimerink/edb: An eBPF program debugger

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                                GitHub - dylandreimerink/edb: An eBPF program debugger
                              • Adobe ExtendScript Debuggerのセットアップ - Qiita

                                はじめに この記事は、Visual Studio Codeに、Adobe ExtendScript Debuggerプラグインをセットアップする手順を共有するためのものです。 前提とする条件 この記事は以下の環境を想定しています。 macOS 10.14.6 Visual Studio Code 1.38.1 ExtendScript Debugger 1.1.2 記事を読む前に、お手元の環境をご確認ください。 想定する読者 この記事は以下の読者を想定しています。 Visual Studio Codeを利用したことがある JavaScriptの知識がある ExtendScriptを利用、開発したことがある この記事ではVisual Studio CodeおよびExtendScript開発の解説はしません。 ExtendScriptとは ExtendScriptとは、Adobe社のCreat

                                  Adobe ExtendScript Debuggerのセットアップ - Qiita
                                • GitHub - 0x2c7/ruby_jard: Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. You can now focus on real debuggin

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                                    GitHub - 0x2c7/ruby_jard: Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. You can now focus on real debuggin
                                  • GitHub - jupyterlab/debugger: A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files

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                                      GitHub - jupyterlab/debugger: A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files
                                    • GitHub - godzie44/BugStalker: Rust debugger for Linux x86-64

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                                        GitHub - godzie44/BugStalker: Rust debugger for Linux x86-64
                                      • GNU Debugger Adding eBPF Debugging Support - Phoronix

                                        GNU Debugger Adding eBPF Debugging Support Written by Michael Larabel in GNU on 5 August 2020 at 12:08 AM EDT. Add A Comment The GNU Debugger (GDB) has merged initial support for debugging of eBPF code that is traditionally consumed by the Linux kernel as part of this in-kernel special purpose virtual machine. Oracle engineer Jose Marchesi contributed the new target of (e)BPF for basic debugging a

                                          GNU Debugger Adding eBPF Debugging Support - Phoronix
                                        • Identifying training bottlenecks and system resource under-utilization with Amazon SageMaker Debugger | Amazon Web Services

                                          AWS Machine Learning Blog Identifying training bottlenecks and system resource under-utilization with Amazon SageMaker Debugger At AWS re:Invent 2020, AWS released the profiling functionality for Amazon SageMaker Debugger. In this post, we expand on the importance of profiling deep neural network (DNN) training, review some of the common performance bottlenecks you might encounter, and demonstrate

                                            Identifying training bottlenecks and system resource under-utilization with Amazon SageMaker Debugger | Amazon Web Services
                                          • A Sneak Peek of Ruby's New Debugger!

                                            debug is Ruby's new debugger and will be included in Ruby 3.1. Since I've been both contributing to and using it for a while, I feel it's time to give you guys a sneak peek before its 1.0 release 🙂 (Since it's not officially released yet, any feature mentioned in this article could still be modified/removed in the released version) (Update: The project's lead developer @ko1 has started a blog ser

                                              A Sneak Peek of Ruby's New Debugger!
                                            • 新機能 – Amazon SageMaker Debugger を使用した機械学習トレーニングジョブのプロファイリング | Amazon Web Services

                                              Amazon Web Services ブログ 新機能 – Amazon SageMaker Debugger を使用した機械学習トレーニングジョブのプロファイリング 今日は、皆さんに Amazon SageMaker Debugger が機械学習モデルのプロファイリングを実行できるようになったことをお知らせしたいと思います。これにより、ハードウェアリソースの使用率が原因で生じるトレーニング問題の特定と修正が極めて容易になります。 幅広いビジネス問題に対応する目覚ましいパフォーマンスにもかかわらず、機械学習 (ML) は今も謎めいたところがあるトピックです。物事の的確な実行は、サイエンス、職人技 (魔法と言う人もいます)、そして時には運を組み合わせた錬金術です。特に、モデルトレーニングは、結果がデータセット、アルゴリズムとそのパラメータ、そしてトレーニングを実行するインフラストラクチャの品

                                              • Looking for debugger

                                                I'm trying to find a better debugging experience for my current projects (zig/c, nixos). Usually I just use vanilla gdb. Here is a debugging session I ran recently on this linux x64 binary. 1. Open and run until crash. [nix-shell:~/focus]$ gdb ./test ... (gdb) run ... Test [1/1] test "search forwards"... reached unreachable code /nix/store/5g4w66g606d46w8pmzwzq7flrlk3k7cs-zig/lib/zig/std/debug.zig

                                                • GitHub - cilium/pwru: Packet, where are you? -- eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger

                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                    GitHub - cilium/pwru: Packet, where are you? -- eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger
                                                  • Introducing FireDBG for Rust | FireDBG - 🔥 Time Travel Visual Debugger for Rust

                                                    Debugging programs is hard​Debugging programs is hard. It is extremely mind boggling when something does not work as expected. More often than not 90% of the work is on tracking down where the bug is, and 10% is actually solving it! But why don't programmers use debuggers more often these days? Instead, we all enjoy adding println all over the place, running the program, adding more prints, rinse

                                                      Introducing FireDBG for Rust | FireDBG - 🔥 Time Travel Visual Debugger for Rust
                                                    • Writing a Debugger From Scratch - DbgRs Part 1 - Attaching to a Process

                                                      The art and science of debugging. And other stuff like that. From a former developer on WinDbg and the VMware hypervisor. I’ve left the Microsoft Debugger Platform team twice, and each time I’ve started writing my own debugger. I must really like debuggers or something. This time, I have two reasons for writing a new debugger. The first is because I want to learn Rust better, and writing something

                                                      • GitHub - kateinoigakukun/wasminspect: An interactive debugger for WebAssembly

                                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                          GitHub - kateinoigakukun/wasminspect: An interactive debugger for WebAssembly
                                                        • Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger (DevTools Extension)

                                                          I’m extremely pleased to announce the release of Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger, a DevTools extension to visualize and debug Scroll-Driven Animations. ~ Table of Contents Demo Get the extension Backstory Known Issues and Limitations Future Plans Spread the word ~ # Demo To jump right in here’s a video of the extension in action, tested on scroll-driven-animations.style: The extension adds a new

                                                            Scroll-Driven Animations Debugger (DevTools Extension)
                                                          • GitHub - sidkshatriya/rd: rd is a record/replay debugger written in rust

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                                                              GitHub - sidkshatriya/rd: rd is a record/replay debugger written in rust
                                                            • Chrome DevTools の便利な機能を何もわかっていなかった(Debugger編) - Qiita

                                                              Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? はじめに 以前の記事でDevToolsのドキュメントを読んで学びがあったため続編。 日々フロントエンドで戦っているエンジニアには当然の知識かもしれませんが バックエンドからたまに出てくるくらいの方には発見があるかもしれません。 「Javascript」の項目あたりからいくつかピックアップします。 https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/javascript/ ※上記リファレンスのデモページが使いやすいためサンプルとして利用します 活用できていなかった機能 ブレークポ

                                                                Chrome DevTools の便利な機能を何もわかっていなかった(Debugger編) - Qiita
                                                              • VSCodeのDebugger for ChromeにおけるsourceMapPathOverrides設定メモ - Qiita

                                                                タイトル若干迷走してます。 私と同じようにハマった人がいきついてくれたら、、と思っています。 注意 以下の内容Angularのプロジェクトでしかうまくいっていないです。 「同じノリでReact + Dockerの構成でもできるだろう!」と思ったらできませんでした。 (不確かな情報) Angular2のようにWebpackがデフォルトで導入されている + source-mapの表示ができていることが条件なのかもしれません。。(私が試そうとしたReactのプロジェクトはWebpackでsource-mapの表示はしていませんでした) 公式の(「Sourcemaps」の章を「そもそもWebpackでsource-mapなかったらどうなるんだ」って思って読んだら、そう読めなくもない気がする) React or Vue + Dockerの環境でこの記事にたどりついてしまった方は、Remote Dev

                                                                  VSCodeのDebugger for ChromeにおけるsourceMapPathOverrides設定メモ - Qiita
                                                                • DBGpを使って
PHPのデバッガーをつくろう / DGBp PHP Debugger

                                                                  PHPerKaigi 2022の発表資料です。 https://fortee.jp/phperkaigi-2022/proposal/abd569aa-17fd-4d52-a736-2b6ea438c32c

PHPのデバッガーをつくろう / DGBp PHP Debugger
                                                                  • Autodesk が、Amazon SageMaker Debugger で Fusion 360 の視覚的類似性検索モデルを最適化 | Amazon Web Services

                                                                    Amazon Web Services ブログ Autodesk が、Amazon SageMaker Debugger で Fusion 360 の視覚的類似性検索モデルを最適化  この記事は、Autodesk の機械学習エンジニアである Alexander Carlson が共同執筆したものです。 Autodesk は、数年前にプライベートデータセンターから AWS のサービスにワークロードを移動したことからデジタルトランスフォーメーションの旅を始めました。デジタルトランスフォーメーションの利点は、ジェネレーティブデザインで明らかになります。これは、クラウドコンピューティングを使用して、人間が行える範囲を超えてデザインの探索を推し進める新しいテクノロジーです。ジェネレーティブデザインを使用すると、特定の制約 (材料、重量、コスト、製造方法など) に基づいて一連の高性能デザインオプショ

                                                                      Autodesk が、Amazon SageMaker Debugger で Fusion 360 の視覚的類似性検索モデルを最適化 | Amazon Web Services
                                                                    • GitHub - mohsen1/llm-debugger-vscode-extension: VSCode extension that demonstrates the use of large language models (LLMs) for active debugging of programs

                                                                      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                        GitHub - mohsen1/llm-debugger-vscode-extension: VSCode extension that demonstrates the use of large language models (LLMs) for active debugging of programs
                                                                      • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Debugger

                                                                        About the Cumulative Layout Shift DebuggerThe purpose of the Cumulative Layout Shift Debugger is to visualize the cumulative layout shifts of any webpage so it becomes easier to identify what needs improving on mobile and/or desktop in the initial load of a website. The Cumulative Layout Shift Debugger uses the Layout Instability API in Chromium to detect and measure the layout shifts in the viewp

                                                                        • Writing a Linux Debugger Part 1: Setup

                                                                          This series has been expanded into a book! It covers many more topics in much greater detail. You can now pre-order Building a Debugger. Debuggers are one of the most valuable tools in any developer’s kit. However, although these tools are in such widespread use, there aren’t a lot of resources which tell you how they work and how to write one1, especially when compared to other toolchain technolo

                                                                          • Rust should own its debugger experience

                                                                            Rust should own its debugger experience — 2023-01-12 introduction integration done right debuggers today towards a coherent experience conclusion Introduction 40% of Rust Developers believe Rust's debugging experience could use improvement. And that's not surprising: when we write code we make assumptions, and sometimes we assume wrong. This leads to bugs, which we then track down and fix. This is

                                                                              Rust should own its debugger experience
                                                                            • mruby-rr: Time Traveling Debugger For mruby Using rr

                                                                              Debugging bugs that don't happen every time is painful. It needs both technique and luck. When dealing with these, a mistyped continue command is irreversible and will take us a whole afternoon just to reproduce the issue again. mruby-rr comes to rescue! It's a Time Traveling Debugger for mruby that based on Mozilla's rr. mruby-rr supports record and replay of mruby program execution. We can recor

                                                                                mruby-rr: Time Traveling Debugger For mruby Using rr
                                                                              • Sidekick | Open Source Live Application Debugger

                                                                                Unfortunately, Thundra Inc, is ceasing operations. We appreciate your support of Thundra over the last few years. You can contact us at support@thundra.io will do our best effort to monitor this email until May 12th.

                                                                                  Sidekick | Open Source Live Application Debugger
                                                                                • Identify bottlenecks, improve resource utilization, and reduce ML training costs with the deep profiling feature in Amazon SageMaker Debugger | Amazon Web Services

                                                                                  AWS Machine Learning Blog Identify bottlenecks, improve resource utilization, and reduce ML training costs with the deep profiling feature in Amazon SageMaker Debugger Machine learning (ML) has shown great promise across domains such as predictive analysis, speech processing, image recognition, recommendation systems, bioinformatics, and more. Training ML models is a time- and compute-intensive pr

                                                                                    Identify bottlenecks, improve resource utilization, and reduce ML training costs with the deep profiling feature in Amazon SageMaker Debugger | Amazon Web Services
