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Description SiteSucker is a Macintosh application that automatically downloads websites from the Internet. It does this by asynchronously copying the site's webpages, images, PDFs, style sheets, and other files to your local hard drive, duplicating the site's directory structure. Just enter a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), press return, and SiteSucker can download an entire website. SiteSucker ca
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LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every session, surfacing impactful user struggle and key behavior patterns. ECMAScript 2015, also known as ES6, was a major release that took six years to finalize. Since then, Technical Committee 39 (TC39), the body in charge of developing the ECMAScript standard, has been releasing a new edition of the standard every year. This annual release cycle has streamlined
In the web development family, JavaScript has developed a bit of a reputation as the angry, rebellious teenager going through a new phase every year and telling you you're just too old to understand. CSS on the other hand has always been the studious, well-behaved kid who always stays polite and never makes a rash decision. But don't take things for granted: despite being over 20 years old, there'
1700 days since last revision. Details are possibly out of date. TL;DR solution for 2020/iOS 13+ Thanks to the comments below (and that’s why I love comments so much), we can put a few things together to have a working CSS only solution for iOS 13+: .bg-scrolling-element-when-modal-active { /* when modal active */ touch-action: none; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: none; overflow: hidden; /* Other bro
Firefox 67 is available today, bringing a faster and better JavaScript debugger, support for CSS prefers-color-scheme media queries, and the initial debut of WebRender in stable Firefox. These are just the highlights. For complete information, see: Firefox 67 Release Notes Firefox 67 for Developers Firefox 67 Site Compatibility CSS Color Scheme Queries New in Firefox 67, the prefers-color-scheme m
Written by Cody Lindley Sponsored by Frontend Masters, advancing your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering courses Download: PDF | epub Overview: This is a guide that everyone can use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing it in 2019. It is s
前書き 結論から。 オブジェクト指向とは、現実世界を正しく捉えることです。 オブジェクト指向、全然むずかしくないんですけど、悩んでる人多いですね。この記事を読めば絶対に分かるようになるので、ゆっくり読んでみてください。 想定読者は今まさにオブジェクト指向に苦戦している人たちです。 オブジェクト指向ができた背景とかオブジェクト指向のメリットとかそういうのはググればいくらでも出てくるので、この記事ではオブジェクト指向の本質的なコンセプトにのみ焦点を当てています。 あたまでっかちな説明ばかりで分かりにくかったオブジェクト指向が、5分でサクッと理解できる内容になっています。お楽しみに! 目次 理論編 オブジェクト クラス プロパティ メソッド メッセージング 実践編 まとめ おまけ 継承 ポリモフィズム コンストラクタ カプセル化 理論編 オブジェクト むずかしく考えないでくださいね。オブジェクト
はじめに 私はVue.js with Vuexを使った業務で1画面30APIを叩く必要のある画面から、たったの数APIしか叩かないけれど、代わりにUIがとても機能的で複雑な画面まで設計し、構築しました。 現在は構築したシステムを保守・運用しており、その際に得られたノウハウを言語化し、共有出来たらと思います。 ※ 記事の内容に意見がありましたら直接編集リクエストをください。 ※ パフォーマンスの話はしません。 ゴール 役立つTipsを身につけコード品質を向上させる コンポーネントのバグを減らせるTips ほとんどのバグは変数から来ます。 もし全ての値が定数なら状態から来るバグはほとんど無くなるでしょう。 ここではこの変数や式を極力減らせるTipsを紹介したいと思います。 1. dataを極力定義しない Vue.jsでコンポーネントを定義する際ついdata()に沢山変数を定義しちゃいますよね。
AVAILABLE NOW: Front-End Developer Handbook 2019 Front-End Developer Handbook 2018 Written by Cody Lindley Sponsored by Frontend Masters, advancing your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering courses This is a guide that anyone could use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and wha
There’s plenty of buzz around the web 3.0 and the sweeping changes it will bring to the industry, but few people actually know why it spawned and what it will bring. To understand this, it’s necessary to travel back in time and examine it predecessors, Web 1.0 & 2.0. Just like the Middle Ages, the Web 1.0 wasn’t given its name until it bit the dust. The ‘World Wide Web’ as it was known, was just a
The WebAssembly Working Group has published three First Public Working Drafts: WebAssembly Core Specification describes version 1.0 of the core WebAssembly standard, a safe, portable, low-level code format designed for efficient execution and compact representation. WebAssembly JavaScript Interface provides an explicit JavaScript API for interacting with WebAssembly. WebAssembly Web API describes