[Wi-Fi Attack-Defense] Wi-Fi Network Reconnaissance Ii by Securitytube_Poster, 4 years, 3 months ago 158091 Views [Wi-Fi Attack-Defense] Wi-Fi Network Reconnaissance by Securitytube_Poster, 4 years, 3 months ago 54137 Views [Wi-Fi Attack-Defense] Preferred Network List (Basics) by Securitytube_Poster, 4 years, 3 months ago 50384 Views Xor Ecx 0x00 What The Shellcode (Part 2) - James Haughom Jr. by
Greenbone OpenVAS OpenVAS is a full-featured vulnerability scanner. Its capabilities include unauthenticated and authenticated testing, various high-level and low-level internet and industrial protocols, performance tuning for large-scale scans and a powerful internal programming language to implement any type of vulnerability test. The scanner obtains the tests for detecting vulnerabilities from
SQL injection, Cross-Site scripting and much more Use w3af to identify more than 200 vulnerabilities and reduce your site’s overall risk exposure. Identify vulnerabilities like SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting, Guessable credentials, Unhandled application errors and PHP misconfigurations. For a complete reference for all plugins and vulnerabilities read through the plugin documentation. Easy to
安全ですか? テキスト送信時は、テキスト(blowfishで可逆暗号化)、パスフレーズ(MD5で非可逆暗号化)共にブラウザ上で暗号化され平文はサーバに送信されません。 テキスト表示時もURLのキーと非可逆されたパスフレーズが一致した場合のみ暗号化されたテキストがブラウザに返り、復号はブラウザ上で行われます。 サービス運用者、サーバ管理者もテキストの内容を知りえる事はありません。 また、万が一データ漏えいがあった場合も、パスフレーズがサーバに残っていない為解読は困難です。 どのくらいの期間保存されますか? 生成されたURLにアクセスされてパスフレーズが一致し内容を表示した時点でデータは削除されます。 または、生成された日から1週間以上経過した場合場合データは削除される事があります。 連絡が取りたいのですが? 感想、要望、不具合報告は、ブログにコメントいただくか、twitterにお願いします。
Stunnel is a proxy designed to add TLS encryption functionality to existing clients and servers without any changes in the programs' code. Its architecture is optimized for security, portability, and scalability (including load-balancing), making it suitable for large deployments. Stunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into
What is Kerberos? Announcements Security Advisories Kerberos Releases Current release: krb5-1.21.2 Maintenance release: krb5-1.20.2 Kerberos for Windows: kfw-4.1 Historical releases of MIT krb5 Download Sources and binaries from MIT Releases in testing The krb5-current Snapshots (for developers only) Documentation Documentation for the latest release Documentation for unreleased development code H
e-fense.com expired on 01/07/2024 and is pending renewal or deletion.
PDFCrack - A Password Recovery Tool for PDF-files(Windows version) About PDFCrack PDFCrack is a GNU/Linux (other POSIX-compatible systems should work too) tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files. It is small, command line driven without external dependencies. The application is Open Source (GPL). Features Supports the standard security handler (revision 2, 3 and 4) on all known PD
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) lets administrators scan local and remote systems for missing security updates as well as common security misconfigurations. Download MBSA Current version of MBSA Supported versions of Microsoft Windows Supported versions of Microsoft Office Additional Resources Legacy product support What is the latest version of MBS
Follow @Openwall on Twitter for new release announcements and other news Software you can find here (what's new?): Openwall GNU/*/Linux security-enhanced Linux distribution for servers Linux Kernel Runtime Guard (on its own website) John the Ripper password cracker for Linux, Mac, Windows, ... (and wordlists for use with it and with other tools) passwdqc - password strength checking and enforcemen
Dưới đây là một số bài viết SQL cơ bản chúng tôi đã tổng hợp để bạn đọc.