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Your trouser fly just influenced my friend Ji. Quit smirking, coz his YI earphones concept will take care of a lot of wire-tangle-hassles in the future, if it ever gets to production. Simple thought process and application! If pants can have a zipper to hold in the essentials then why the idea can’t be used on earphones to manage them when not in use! Zip then open when you want to use them; zip t
Good bye Flash! Thanks for 10 years of tinkering, fiddling, bothering and lots of fun. For sentimental purpose you can watch some of my old Flash experiments here.
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Personas for Firefox is a extension that adds lightweight theming to your browser. Personas is a prototype that builds upon the ideas that: themes today are too hard to find, install and use graphic designers should be able to style the browser without having to code browsers can be more than just desktop software, they can include online components people just want their computer to be a little
Every time there is a new iOS release, I look for a new Apple wallpaper to go with the updated features. Or sometimes my inner Apple aficionado awakens, and I go on a hunt for a nice Apple wallpaper to show my fondness. Whichever the case is, I have managed to collect some really beautiful apple wallpapers, which I am going to share with you in this post. All of these wallpapers are high quality a
「ハイボール」とはつまり、ウイスキーのソーダ割のこと。 最近、個人的にもウイスキーのソーダ割にハマッているので、これは嬉しいテクニックです。 (1)グラスに氷を一杯に入れ冷やす グラスから少し氷が溢れるくらいたっぷりと。 (2)ウイスキーを注ぎ10回転 量はウイスキー1:ソーダ3くらい。ウイスキーを注いだ後、マドラーでグルグルと10回転させるのがポイントです。 これでグラス共々キンキンに冷えます。 (3)冷えたソーダを加え炭酸が逃げないようマドラーで1回転 さらにもう一度、口まで氷を足します。 実飲! これが実に「うま〜い」のです。 会場からも「えっ!?」という驚きの声とともに「美味しい〜」の声が。 これからウイスキーを飲んでみようかしら、という人にもぜひお勧めの飲み方です。レモンスライスを添えてみるのも良さげ。 たいていのウイスキーで美味しく飲めると思いますが、個人的には「白州12年」と
Not found the font you like? Well - we have 10.000 more fonts to look at... Have a look before you purchase fonts. Maybe you don't need to buy fonts. What else to see? A small blog about fonts, design and art is all ... Typeface: Fonts fall into few typeface categories which is either serif or sans-serif. Serif typefaces which have curly bits at the top and bottom ends on the letters are usually e
When my daughter Alison was born, in the tradition of a new parent, I began to photograph her, initially in a separate and private body of work. However, in the process of documenting Alison's growth, I developed a passionate interest in human relationships and capturing intimate moments in the lives of family and friends. This affected my photography in a profound way. Rather than the isolated su