When we talk about a famous brand, the first thing that comes to mind is its logo. The logo is the most essential component of any personal brand and also the hardest part to execute. A logo must be appropriate, aesthetically pleasing and a reflection of the company’s credibility. Furthermore, a logotype should be synonymous with the company or product it represents and should penetrate people’s m
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These range from galleries of graphic and web design to online magazines and a few unconventional sources of inspiration. Keep reading to see our recommendations and then share your favorite sources of inspiration in the comments. Online Galleries Veer: Ideas - A huge idea gallery from stock photography company Veer formatted as a blog and including news and updates from the company itself. Delici
As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions for lightboxes, form validation, navigation, upload, auto-complete, image cropping, slideshows, tool tips, sliders and tables are being developed that use nifty JavaScript and AJAX scripts. Wh
Collection of the best and most useful design resources of 2008. Typography Resources – 60 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design [Smashing Magazine] – 20 Free Handwritten Fonts And Resources [Fuel Your Creativity] – 50 Incredible Fonts for Professional Web & Print Design [Noupe] – 15 Beautiful High-Quality Free Fonts [Smashing Magazine] – 21 Inspirational Typography Artworks from DeviantArt [De
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9 Top CSS Essential Skills That Every Web designer Should Learn This post is dedicated to elementary & intermediate CSS learners. If you’re going to learn CSS from scratch, you’ve probably seen a lot of techniques, tricks & tutorials so far. In this post I’ve written my own approach to the most essential CSS skills that every web designer should learn. I really love the articles below and liked to
Website Design | Freelancing | Photoshop FreebiesLogo design in today’s world has come to be one of the most important aspects of creating a brand identity and connecting with consumers. Logo’s are everywhere - the web, books, magazines, newspapers, television, movies…you name it, there is some type of logo. Logos have become a symbol of corporations, business, and success. Nothing says “professio
Saving for college is quite a daunting task. We all want to set our kids up for success, right? But, the path to financing their dreams can feel like a maze of decisions and ...
Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned veteran these tools, tutorials, lists and other resources are great sites for any web designer. Organized into helpful categories (design inspiration, CSS resources, web design guides, color tools, free fonts and more) this collection not only has useful resources but also categorized links to other lists with 100s more. If you’re not a designer but
Saving for college is quite a daunting task. We all want to set our kids up for success, right? But, the path to financing their dreams can feel like a maze of decisions and ...