Flash Player’s EOL is coming at the end of 2020. See the roadmap for Flash Player and AIR’s EOL: Adobe Flash Player EOL General Information Page The Future of Adobe AIR You can access the archived documents relevant to Flash Runtime even after the Flash EOL date. We are providing access to the archived documents for all the user/developers community to download. These documents are now no longer u
April 10, 2012 MVVM (Model View ViewModel) is an architectural pattern based on MVC and MVP, which attempts to more clearly separate the development of user-interfaces (UI) from that of the business logic and behaviour in an application. To this end, many implementations of this pattern make use of declarative data bindings to allow a separation of work on Views from other layers. This facilitates
id:Yamashiro0217 ちょうどドローツールっぽいツールを作ろうとしてるところで、「くGUIの編集系のソフトウェアについていろいろ書きたいのでまだまだ続きますよ!」にすごい期待です! ymsr先生からこんなコメントをいただいたので調子に乗って書いてみる。 編集系のソフトウェアはデータモデルが超重要です。どうしてもGUIの見た目や操作性の部分に気持ちが行ってしまいそうですが、データモデルをしっかり固めてしまえば、GUIの見た目や操作というのはいくらでも差し替えが利きます。 使い勝手の部分というのはころころ変わりますが、データモデルがしっかりしていれば、見た目や操作の部分に変更があってもデータモデル自体に手を加える必要はありません。逆にデータモデルの変更はGUIに大きく影響をあたえます。 前回までUndo、Redoの説明をしましたが、ここで出てきたのはデータモデルだけです。これにどん
1 automate anything you see 2 automate using screenshots 3 work on any Java platform What's SIKULI? Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with scree
Welcome to Field Welcome to the documentation website for Field — a live-coding environment for making digital art. Downloading & Installation Instructions and links are here Getting started If you are completely new to Field you’ll want to start with the survival guide. This will go over how to write and execute code, what error messages look like, and how to draw very simple things in 2d just to