I’m currently developing a game engine in OCaml called camlcade. Before I dive into how I designed camlcade’s Entity-Component-System (ECS), here are a couple of short video demos showing what the engine can currently do: The engine is still very much in progress, and I plan to continue working on it when I have the time. It’s also a small, pet project of mine that I focused on during winter break
The first feature-complete release of Wasm_of_OCaml (also known as WSOO) is out! A low-level virtual machine and portable compilation target, Wasm is popular with many developers thanks to its flexibility and wide compatibility. We introduced you to Wasm and the benefits of bringing support for it to OCaml in our blog post on it in 2023. Since then, Wasm_of_ocaml has undergone new developments, so
A “build system” is one of the most important tools in a developer’s toolbox. Roughly, it figures out how to create runnable programs from a bunch of different source files by calling out to the compiler, setting up and executing test suites, and so on. Because you interact with it daily, above all it has to be fast – but it also has to be flexible. Around 2012 we were growing dissatisfied with OM
MoonBit is an end-to-end programming language toolchain for cloud and edge computing using WebAssembly. The IDE environment is available at https://try.moonbitlang.com without any installation; it does not rely on any server either. Status and aimed timeline MoonBit is currently in beta-preview. We expect to reach beta in 2024/11/22, and 1.0 in 2025. When MoonBit reaches beta, it means any backwa
> moon new hello> cd hello> cat src/main/main.mbtfn main { println(@lib.hello()) }> moon run src/mainHello, world! The Full-Product Collaborative DesignThe collaborative design of programming language, compiler, build system, and IDE ensures the integrity of the system, reduces component friction, and improves overall efficiencyGenerate significantly smaller WASM output than any existing solutions
How OCaml type checker works -- or what polymorphism and garbage collection have in common There is more to Hindley-Milner type inference than the Algorithm W. In 1988, Didier Rémy was looking to speed up the type inference in Caml and discovered an elegant method of type generalization. Not only it is fast, avoiding scanning the type environment. It smoothly extends to catching of locally-declare
Hello! Today I'm releasing a project on which I've been working, that is in an early stage of development, into the open source world. It is integration and bindings to Godot (currently just 4.2) from a new language: OCaml. It is called Godotcaml. Details below! Why Godot? There are many reasons to choose Godot, but the reason I'll focus on is that it provides a full game-development IDE from whic