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Home/Categories/Backbone/Testing Backbone + RequireJS Applications with Jasmine/ In my previous post, I covered the structure of a Backbone.js application using RequireJS. The next thing (or if you are a TDD fan, the first thing) we do is to run some tests on it. According to Coda Hale: Writing tests for your code may not reduce the number of bugs, but it will make fixing the bugs you inevitably f
Post.has().many('comments', { collection: Comments, inverse: 'post' }); Comment.has().one('post', { model: Post, inverse: 'comments' }); var post = Post.create({ id: 1, comments: [{id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}] }); post.comments().length; // 3 var comment = Comment.create({id: 5, post_id: 1}); post.comments().length; // 4 === post; // true :D Source The source for Supermodel is hosted o
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When you’re styling parts of a web page that will look and work differently depending on whether JavaScript is available or not, it can be very useful to use JavaScript to change or add a class name to the html element. By doing this you can create CSS rules that will only be applied when JS is available and vice versa. The trick is to make sure the class names are switched as early as possible du
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 iOS 6, Mobile Safari & Web Applications As many of you begin upgrading your iPhones, iPads and iPods to iOS 6 over the next couple of days, you may find that a lot of AJAX web apps (not just ours, but also others created with other tools that output HTML, CSS and Javascript) no longer run very well. Symptoms include: missing images, unresponsive interfaces, random dis