Mom working from home.

Password Manager

Forgetting your passwords?

You need a unique, complex password to help keep each of your online accounts secure, but who can remember all those passwords?


Using a password manager allows you to use complex passwords that are difficult to hack, and store them securely in an encrypted online vault.


One master password unlocks your vault so you can log into your accounts easily, without having to remember every single password.

Image cloud data.

What is a password manager?

A password manager can enable you to store your online account usernames and passwords in one secure place.

By using a password manager, you can use a unique and complex password for each of your online accounts without having to remember all of them.

How secure are password managers?

In contrast to the alternatives, a good password manager from a reputable provider should be secure.

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How to select the best password manager

When selecting the best password manager for your needs, you want to find a quality product from a trusted provider that enables you to sync passwords across your computer and mobile devices.

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What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?

Two-factor authentication is a way to confirm a user’s identity when they log in to an account by using both a password and an additional step.

Learn more

Father and son using technologies.

Storing your passwords in plain text or on paper?


You have a lot of passwords for all your online accounts, so you write them down or store them in plain text on your computer.


Use a password manager to store all your login credentials in a secure online vault that you access with a master password.

orange shirt woman lying-in bed.

You're not the only person using 123456 as a password


You use bad passwords, like:

  • 123456
  • Password
  • qwerty
  • Abc123
  • login

Rather than good passwords, like:

  • j6FuC8@fimLC
  • G8pRU8rUs6u*
  • Dr57eSof9izLw#
  • fR16hobec&n&&e
  • 5r&7REtLruCriz?D

But how can you remember passwords like that?


Help protect your important online accounts by using strong, unique passwords and managing them in a password manager app.

Man at home using laptop drinking coffee.

Someone knows my password. I use it for everything!


You use the same password for multiple accounts like your:

  • Email
  • Bank
  • Social Media
  • Online shopping
  • Healthcare management
  • Investment accounts

If one of those accounts gets compromised through phishing or a data breach, it could mean access to all the other accounts that use the same password.


Use a password manager that stores your passwords in an encrypted online vault and enables you to generate new passwords and update your accounts, all in one place.

Weak Passwords

Young man working at home.

Why do you need a password manager?

Your email, bank, investment, tax preparation, online shopping, healthcare, social media and work accounts—do you use the same password for all of them?

The risk is obvious. If a cybercriminal gets one password, they could get into all your accounts.


A cybercriminal who gets into your email can quickly reset passwords to the accounts you have tied to it, like the accounts you use to manage your finances.

Remembering many passwords is difficult, but not as difficult as cleaning up the mess of a cybercriminal who gains access to online accounts you want to keep secure.

Rules for good password management

Follow these rules for good password management to help keep your passwords secure.

Do this:

  • Use complex passwords
  • Use unique passwords for each account
  • Use combinations of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, not dictionary words
  • Keep your passwords private
  • Use a password manager to store your passwords securely

Don’t do that:

  • Use easy-to-guess passwords
  • Use the same password for multiple accounts
  • Use child or pet names, or words that can be found in the dictionary
  • Share your passwords with others
  • Keep passwords in a plain text file on your computer or written down on a sticky note
Smiling woman in cafeteria.

Reasons to use a password manager

  • You use the same password for many accounts, and one gets compromised. Cybercriminals then get into your email, bank, online shopping, healthcare management, and other accounts that you don’t want them in.
  • You use the same password for your personal and work accounts. When one of those gets compromised, cybercriminals get into your work email and work systems, and now they have access to confidential or proprietary company data.
  • Your teenagers are always downloading the latest app or signing up for the newest website, and despite you telling them to vary their passwords, they keep using the same log-in information for all of them. One account gets compromised, and the cybercriminal can access your teen’s accounts with their photos they uploaded, messages with friends, and other personal information, and you don’t know what the cybercriminal will do with that information.
Image macbook password manager.

Screen is simulated and subject to change.

Norton Password Manager

Weak and re-used passwords are one element that stand between cybercriminals and your personal and financial information. Norton Password Manager provides the tools you need to create, store, and manage all your passwords, credit card information and other credentials online – safely and securely in your very own encrypted, cloud-based vault.


Automatically creates complex and unique passwords to help protect all your online accounts.


Allows you to quickly determine if any of your passwords are weak and then automatically updates them with more complex and secure ones.


Enables you to sync logins and other information across your devices, fill in forms with one click and securely share vault access with trusted individuals.

Password Manager

Protect your passwords and accounts with Norton Password Manager

Get Norton Password Manager as part of Norton 360 

60 Day Money Back Guarantee with annual membership. Terms apply. 

Frequently asked questions

What is a password manager and how does it work?

A password manager saves and stores your username, passwords and other credentials, such as your credit card information and address, for online accounts. With Norton Password Manager, you only have to remember one master password, and all your other passwords are stored in a secure, encrypted, online vault that you access with that master password. For added security, Norton Password Manager enables you to automatically create and use complex, unique passwords for all your different account login credentials without the difficulty of remembering all of them. And it syncs passwords across devices, between your iOS and Android mobile devices and your PC. So whenever you transact online, simply select the account you want to log into and Norton Password Manager will auto-fill your login information with one click, safely and securely.

No one can prevent all cybercrime or identity theft.

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