


概率粵拼koi3 leot2 | 英文probability),粵語有稱之為 probit(大致粵拼prot6 bit1),又叫機會率機率或然率,係指一件事件有幾可能係真(或者一個結果出現嘅可能程度):概率可以用百分比寫出嚟-介乎 0 同 1 之間,100% 代表件事實會發生,0% 代表件事絕對唔會發生,50% 就表示件事「有 50% 機會發生」;例如家陣掟一個銀仔,假設個銀仔冇出千嘅話,應該會有 50% 機會出公、50% 機會出字,而呢件事嘅結果(公定字)原則上係冇可能預測嘅,反映咗不確定[1][2]



概率可以噉樣想像:家陣有若干件可能嘅事件,而分析者同每一個可能嘅事件都俾一個數值佢;每件事件掕住嗰個數值就係嗰件事件嘅概率 ,用日常用語講表示「件事件有幾大機會發生」,0 表示「實唔會發生」,1 表示「實會發生」[註 1]。响廿一世紀嘅概率論當中,啲人一般會用以下噉嘅數學符號嚟表示所講嘅嘢[3]

  • 啲人一般會用「」或者「」嚟代表「 發生嘅概率」,
  • 而一場實驗嘅結果()可以用噉嘅方式表達[4]
    嘅概率係 」、「 嘅概率係 」... 呀噉; 可以想像成(例如)「擲骰仔得到嘅數」。

概率可以用好似上圖噉嘅方式嚟表達;想像 X 軸,表示「擲一粒六面骰仔得到嘅數」,而 Y 軸表示各件呢啲事件嘅相應 值。假如粒骰仔冇出千,應該每個數出現嘅概率都係一樣嘅。









16世紀,卡丹奴喺佢嘅著作 Liber de Ludo Aleae 中最早推算或然率,而最早有系統研究或然率嘅,就係法國數學家費馬帕斯卡




  1. 嚴格噉講,機率係 0 表示嗰件事件發生嘅機會非常之咁細,好似無窮小量噉,但唔係完全冇可能發生。機率係 1 可以用同樣道理想像。


  1. William Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, (Vol 1), 3rd Ed, (1968), Wiley.
  2. Kallenberg, O. (2006). Foundations of modern probability. Springer Science & Business Media.
  3. Bain, Lee J.; Engelhardt, Max (1992). Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2nd ed.). Belmont, California: Brooks/Cole. p. 53.
  4. Murphy, K. P. (2012). Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective, p. 35. MIT press.
  5. Richard Langdon Franklin (1968). Freewill and determinism: a study of rival conceptions of man. Routledge & K. Paul.
  6. Laplace, Pierre Simon. A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities, translated into English from the original French 6th ed. by Truscott, F.W. and Emory, F.L., Dover Publications (New York, 1951).
  7. Moore, W.J. (1992). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. Cambridge University Press. p. 479.
  8. Stephen Hawking's Grand Design (2010), page 32: "the molecular basis of biology shows that biological processes are governed by the laws of physics and chemistry and therefore are as determined as the orbits of the planets...so it seems that we are no more than biological machines and that free will is just an illusion", and page 72: "Quantum physics might seem to undermine the idea that nature is governed by laws, but that is not the case. Instead it leads us to accept a new form of determinism: Given the state of a system at some time, the laws of nature determine the probabilities of various futures and pasts rather than determining the future and past with certainty." (discussing a Many worlds interpretation).