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Trello Integrations

Project Management

Do more with Trello integrations

Zapier lets you connect Trello with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

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Google Logo Start free with Google
  • No credit card required
  • Free forever for core features
  • 14-day trial for premium features and apps
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Or pick an app to pair with
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Integrate Google Sheets with TrelloIntegrate Google Sheets with Trello
Google Sheets
Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Gmail with TrelloIntegrate Gmail with Trello
Email, Google
Integrate Google Forms with TrelloIntegrate Google Forms with Trello
Google Forms
Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Slack with TrelloIntegrate Slack with Trello
Team Chat
Integrate Typeform with TrelloIntegrate Typeform with Trello
Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Calendar with TrelloIntegrate Google Calendar with Trello
Google Calendar
Calendar, Google
Integrate Discord with TrelloIntegrate Discord with Trello
Team Chat
Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with TrelloIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with Trello
Facebook Lead Ads
Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate Airtable with TrelloIntegrate Airtable with Trello
Integrate Google Sheets with TrelloIntegrate Google Sheets with Trello
Google Sheets
Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Gmail with TrelloIntegrate Gmail with Trello
Email, Google
Integrate Google Forms with TrelloIntegrate Google Forms with Trello
Google Forms
Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Slack with TrelloIntegrate Slack with Trello
Team Chat
Integrate Typeform with TrelloIntegrate Typeform with Trello
Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Calendar with TrelloIntegrate Google Calendar with Trello
Google Calendar
Calendar, Google
Integrate Google Sheets with TrelloIntegrate Google Sheets with Trello
Google Sheets
Google, Spreadsheets
Integrate Gmail with TrelloIntegrate Gmail with Trello
Email, Google
Integrate Google Forms with TrelloIntegrate Google Forms with Trello
Google Forms
Forms & Surveys, Google
Integrate Slack with TrelloIntegrate Slack with Trello
Team Chat
Integrate Typeform with TrelloIntegrate Typeform with Trello
Forms & Surveys
Integrate Google Calendar with TrelloIntegrate Google Calendar with Trello
Google Calendar
Calendar, Google
Integrate Discord with TrelloIntegrate Discord with Trello
Team Chat
Integrate Facebook Lead Ads with TrelloIntegrate Facebook Lead Ads with Trello
Facebook Lead Ads
Ads & Conversion, Facebook
Integrate Airtable with TrelloIntegrate Airtable with Trello

Top companies trust Zapier to automate work and free up time

Join millions worldwide who automate their work using Zapier

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Quickly automate Trello integrations with Zapier's templates

  • Create new Trello cards from new Google Calendar events

    • Google Calendar logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Calendar + Trello
  • Create Trello cards weekly at scheduled times

    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • Trello logo
    Schedule by Zapier + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses

    • Google Forms logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Forms + Trello
  • Create Trello cards for upcoming Google Calendar events

    • Google Calendar logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Calendar + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new rows on Google Sheets

    • Google Sheets logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Sheets + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new starred Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

    • Gmail logo
    • Trello logo
    Gmail + Trello
  • Create new Trello cards from new Google Calendar events

    Try it
    • Google Calendar logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Calendar + Trello
  • Create Trello cards weekly at scheduled times

    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • Trello logo
    Schedule by Zapier + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses

    • Google Forms logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Forms + Trello
  • Create Trello cards for upcoming Google Calendar events

    • Google Calendar logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Calendar + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new rows on Google Sheets

    • Google Sheets logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Sheets + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new starred Gmail emails [Business Gmail Accounts Only]

    • Gmail logo
    • Trello logo
    Gmail + Trello
  • Create Trello card monthly at scheduled time

    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • Trello logo
    Schedule by Zapier + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new saved Slack messages

    • Slack logo
    • Trello logo
    Slack + Trello
  • Create Trello card daily at scheduled time

    • Schedule by Zapier logo
    • Trello logo
    Schedule by Zapier + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new Google Tasks tasks

    • Google Tasks logo
    • Trello logo
    Google Tasks + Trello
  • Create Trello cards from new Microsoft Outlook events

    • Trello logo
  • Create Trello cards from new Gmail threads

    • Gmail logo
    • Trello logo
    Gmail + Trello
    • Create Trello card monthly at scheduled time

      • Schedule by Zapier logo
      • Trello logo
      Schedule by Zapier + Trello
    • Create Trello cards from new saved Slack messages

      • Slack logo
      • Trello logo
      Slack + Trello
    • Create Trello card daily at scheduled time

      • Schedule by Zapier logo
      • Trello logo
      Schedule by Zapier + Trello
    • Create Trello cards from new Google Tasks tasks

      • Google Tasks logo
      • Trello logo
      Google Tasks + Trello
    • Create Trello cards from new Microsoft Outlook events

      • Trello logo
    • Create Trello cards from new Gmail threads

      • Gmail logo
      • Trello logo
      Gmail + Trello

    Trello integration details

    Whether you use Trello as your team's to-do list, editorial calendar, or event planner, Zapier helps you save time by automatically updating your Trello cards with info from your other apps. You can use Zapier to create cards whenever there are new event sign-ups or move cards to lists when there are new deals in your CRM. The magic doesn't stop there. You can send emails, update your CRM, or run almost any tasks in the 1,000+ apps supported on Zapier right from your Trello board.

    Supported triggers and actions

    Zapier helps you create workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks. A trigger is an event that starts a workflow, and an action is an event a Zap performs.

    • Trello triggers, actions, and search
      New Board

      Triggers when a new board is added.

      Try It
      • Board
      • List
      • Card
      Try It
      • Activity
      • Board
      • List
      • Card
      Try It
      • Info
      • Board
      • Time Before
      • Time Before (Unit)
      • Status
      • Only cards where you're a member?
      Try It
      • Board
      • List
      • Card
      Try It
      • Board
      • List
      • Card
      Try It
      • Board
      • Card
      Try It

    Trello Help & Support

    Common issues

    Trello Tutorials

    trello logo
    About Trello
    Trello is a team collaboration tool that lets you organize anything and everything to keep your projects on task.
    Learn moreLearn moreHelpHelp
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    Popular Trello Integrations

    • Google Sheets
    • Formatter by Zapier
    • Paths by Zapier
    • Gmail
    • Google Forms