Weighted SNR as a quantitative guide tool in rating perceived recording sound quality A-E


October 22, 2024

Audacity plugin that assesses sound quality A-E by calculating SNR in dB(ISO/ITU)

An Audacity plugin called wSNR is available for download by here. It assesses the sound quality value A-E of a sound file by calculating its SNR. After downloading and unzipping, it's installed by Tools/’Nyquist Plugin Installer’.

Done! The plugin wSNR is now found under Analyze in Audacity.

The .zip also contains a version of wSNR intended for batch calculation. It does in one step calculate SNR for each sound file in an entire directory. It generates one .txt file for each sound file, where respective .txt file is named identically to the corresponding sound file, but with the SNR value added to the name.

If the .txt files are moved to the directory where the sound files are stored, SNR data for each sound file will be shown in the file name of a .txt file immediately adjacent respective sound file.

Sound quality rating uploaded recordings

XC urges recordists to attribute an assessed sound quality rating to uploaded recordings and it's indeed important to do so. Doing so makes it easy to quickly find high quality recordings during searches.

At present, a large percentage of recordings are seemingly attributed an arbitrarily selected sound quality value, so during searches you have to go through large numbers of lower quality recordings assigned sound quality A. The present sound quality level definitions presented by XC may be seen as being somewhat subjective, and this may be part of the reason for recordings not being assigned a proper sound quality value.

I'm therefore proposing using weighted signal to noise ratio (SNR) in dB(ISO/ITU) as a supportive tool in assessing recording sound quality. SNR constitutes a quantitative value rather than a subjective description. SNR is easily measured using wSNR in Audacity. For reference, a demonstration of how this can be done manually is also presented below.

Proposing XC presenting recording SNR values in dB(ISO/ITU)

I'm proposing that such an SNR value, here simplistically denoted dB(ISO/ITU), should be calculated by the XC system and provided with each recording. The SNR value would then supplement the sound quality value A-E, not replace it. Searches could then be made for either recordings of a selected SNR interval or a selected sound quality value A-E, and recordings may be ordered in accordance with either SNR interval or sound quality value A-E.

In addition, the XC upload form could present the SNR value to the user during upload, and a proposed corresponding sound quality value A-E check box may also be advance checked by the system in a manner corresponding to the calculated SNR value, as a guide to the user. This may urge a larger percentage of recordists to rate their own recordings in a non-arbitrary manner. The user can of course overrule the proposed quality value, if there is a good reason to do so.

ISO 226 and ITU-R 468 weighting curves

The weight curve that best emulates human hearing is the ISO 226 curve, and this is proposed for assessing signal strength. Human hearing responds differently to wide-band stochastic noise than to single tone signals, so the weight curve that best emulates human perception of noise is the ITU-R 468 curve. The ISO 226 and ITU-R 468 weighting curves are shown in the graph below. The proposed SNR value in dB(ISO/ITU) simply constutes the difference between the ISO 226 weighted signal strength in dB and the ITU-R 468 weighted noise strength in dB.

To make it clear to the reader that this particular type of weighted SNR is the one used, I'm proposing that the denotation dB(ISO/ITU) is used, in a manner corresponding to denotations such as dB(A), dB(C), dB(FS) etc.

A xeno-canto icon

Sound quality value A-E versus SNR in dB(ISO/ITU)

The plugin presents a proposed sound quality value A-E in accordance with the SNR value it calculates, so there is no need to remember the relation between these. For reference, this constitutes the relation between them:

Sound quality______SNR interval

A: _______________≥50dB(ISO/ITU)

B: ________________35...50dB(ISO/ITU)

C: ________________20...35dB(ISO/ITU)

D: ________________5...20dB(ISO/ITU)

E: _______________≤5dB(ISO/ITU)


SNR is proposed for its simplicity, yet it is reasonably robust. SNR is typically not thrown off target by more than a few dB for sensibly high pass filtered recordings. Handling noise louder than the target sound would generate an SNR reflecting the volume of handling noise, but this is most often edited away by the recordist. The applicability of the SNR method can be divided into three type cases:

(1) Recordings of a single target bird and stochastic noise only. Here SNR would be fully applicable.

(2) Recordings of a target bird, stochastic noise and background birds that don't uninterruptedly overlap the target bird. The SNR based sound quality would here constitute a maximum value.

(3) Recordings where a sound other than stochastic noise occur uninterruptedly throughout the entire recording. Here, SNR cannot be calculated using the same metods as in application cases (1) or (2), or SNR may be altogether impossible to calculate. Applicability case (3) can be subdivided into three subcases, (3a), (3b) and (3c).

(3a) Moderately dense soundscapes. This could for example be numerous birds of different species singing, where at any point in time at least one bird is vocalizing. Here, more specialized metods of assessing SNR are needed.

(3b) Uninterrupted narrow band background sounds. This could for example be the uninterrupted sound of grasshoppers or the like. Here too, yet other more specialized metods of assessing SNR are needed.

(3c) Highly dense soundscapes. This could for example be a flock of birds uninterruptedly singing in a choir from end to end of the recording. For such a case, the SNR method is arguably useless, unless it transcends into an SINR value.

Shifted weighting curves for ultrasonic recordings

Ultrasonic calls cannot at all be directly perceived by the human ear, so recordings of ultrasonic calls are typically played back at one tenth of the original speed. The natural way to assess recording quality of ultrasonic recordings as perceived by the human ear, is to apply the same SNR evaluation in dB(ISO/ITU) to ultrasonic recordings played back at one tenth of the original speed.

A somewhat simpler way of acheiving the same SNR estimate in dB(ISO/ITU) for ultrasonic recordings, is to instead use ISO 226 and ITU-R 468 weighting curves shifted up in frequency by a factor of ten. These factor of ten shifted weighting curves are applied to the original ultrasonic recordings as is, so no change in playback speed is needed for the SNR @ t/10 estimation in dB(ISO/ITU).

Such factor of ten frequency shifted weighting curves are shown as solid lines in the graph below, here denoted 'ISO 226 @ t/10' and 'ITU-R 468 @ t/10', respectively. The regular ISO 226 and ITU-R 468 weighting curves are illustrated in dashed lines for comparison.

An Audacity macro that calculates SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) @t/10 for ultrasonic recordings can be downloaded by selecting the left bold text. The macro SNRisoITUmacroULv1 uses a plugin NotSNRcalcPluginV2, both found in the .zip. Do note that it is the macro SNRisoITUmacroULv1 that calculates SNR in dB(ISO/ITU), the plugin NotSNRcalcPluginV2 does not. The macro SNRisoITUmacroULv1 utilizes 'TruncateSilence', which must be present under 'Effect'. It also needs to be Activated under Effect/'Plugin manager'.

Installation is obviously done only once, and encompasses two easy steps. Installation on Windows and Mac is described in Readme.txt found in the downloaded .zip file.

Done! By selecting the macro SNRisoITUmacroULv1, an SNR value in dB(ISO/ITU) for ultrasonic recordings and a corresponding sound quality value A-E is presented for the sound file.

A xeno-canto icon

How to do it manually

Users can also manually calculate the same SNR value in dB(ISO/ITU), using for example Audacity. This requires the six step process outlined below, contrary to the single step required when using wSNR presented above. The signal and noise values are most easily found by using the ACX check function, found under 'Analyze'. Note that the 'ACX check' function must be used twice, once for the recording being ISO 226 filtered, generating a signal value, and a second time for ITU-R 468 filtered recording, generating a noise value. The two different filters are avaliable here, so after downloading and importing these, filterings are performed using 'Effect/'Filter curve EQ'. As an example, the process is performed on XC 748713 below.

1. Apply ISO 226 weighting curve found at Effect/'Filter curve EQ

A xeno-canto icon

2. Assess peak value using ACX found at Analyze/ACX check

Make a note on the assessed peak value (+3dB in this example).

A xeno-canto icon

3. Remove the ISO 226 weighting using CTRL Z

4. Apply ITU-R 468 weighting curve found at Effect/Filter curve EQ

A xeno-canto icon

5. Assess noise level using ACX found at Analyze/ACX check

Make a note on the assessed noise floor value (-63dB in this example).

A xeno-canto icon

6. Calculate the difference between signal and noise

The ISO 226 weighted peak value received in step 2 above is +3dB. The ITU-R 468 weighted noise value received in step 5 above is -63dB. The SNR value in dB(ISO/ITU) is the difference between these values, so 66dB.

ACX check presents an instantaneous peak value, so to get an RMS value, the assessed value should be reduced by 3dB, generating a final SNR value in dB(ISO/ITU) of 63dB.



This is a list of the contributors and the number of records that they 250302 had provided with SNR values expressed in dB(ISO/ITU). The list is manually updated with some regularity, but each contributor post is clickable, so the latest results can be retrived.

Total ___________________________ 8501 records

Johannes Worona ______________ 2580 records

Ulf Elman ______________________ 1814 records

Lars Edenius ___________________ 1611 records

Mark Plummer __________________ 578 records

Ray Cooke ______________________ 307 records

Johannes Dag Mayer ____________ 246 records

Thomas Bergman _______________ 197 records

Jacobo Ramil Millarengo ________ 197 records

Lennart Jeppsson ______________ 153 records

Fabien H _______________________ 128 records

Georg Amann ___________________ 93 records

Dag Österlund __________________ 91 records

Dimitri _________________________ 86 records

Christian Vemmelund Helligsø __ 53 records

Camille Vacher _________________ 51 records

Jonas Baumgärtner _____________ 45 records

Catalin Ionescu _________________ 40 records

Andrea Moneti __________________ 31 records

Magnus Wadstein _______________ 31 records

Alain Malengreau _______________ 30 records

Niels Kristian Bech Jensen ______ 29 records

Mikhail Velikanov _______________ 25 records

Olga Sandberg __________________ 24 records

Mathias Bergström ______________ 19 records

András Schmidt _________________ 17 records

Gautier Laurent _________________ 14 records

Anders Westman ________________ 10 records

Stein Ø. Nilsen __________________ 7 records

Meinolf Ottensmann ____________ 6 records

Karsten Kathol __________________ 6 records

Lars-Ove Jönsson _______________ 4 records

Test Person _____________________ 3 records

Paul Archer_____________________ 2 records


wSNR has been translated into number of languages, and I would like to express my gratitude for the efforts made by these kind supporters:

Fabien Hanocq (Français), Jacobo Ramil Millarengo (Español), Karsten Kathol (Deutsch), Mikhail Velikanov (Русский), Niels Krabbe, Christian Vemmelund Helligsø (Dansk), Stein Ørjan Nilsen (Norsk), Hans Matheve (Nederlands).

This article was last updated on March 2, 2025 at 20:19

How was this made? View the text

hi Ulf, I am all for appropriate weights for spectral regions. How do you feel about SNR in a band relevant to the animal that produces the sound, and that particular sound?

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on December 1, 2022 at 23:11

I'm sure you've already understood this, but to clarify for other readers:

The SNR(226/468) assessment leaves the recording completely unchanged. The filterings are used only internally, during the SNR(226/468) calculation step, while the recording itself is unaffected.

The ISO 226 and ITU-R 468 weighting curves reflects how the human ear perceive a sound. These filterings occur naturally in our own ears.

Any other filtering would not reflect how the human ear perceive a sound, and they would all be in some sense 'unnatural' and constitute a first step towards noise reduction. Recordings should be uploaded unchanged, or as near original as possible, avoiding all forms of noise reduction (in my opinion).

Bob Planqué XC administrator

  • 740
  • 814
posted on December 2, 2022 at 11:10

I guess the main problem will be to automatically find the signal and the noise in recordings on upload. The rest should be easy to make. Good suggestions, Ulf!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on December 2, 2022 at 12:51

Thank you, Bob!

Do note that the SNR(226/468) quality assessment is completely dumb, it contains no intelligence at all. It simply makes a comparison beween the loudest part of the recording and the quietest part of the recording.

The loudest part is presumed to be generated by the target, but the the algorithm doesn't know this to be the case, and it makes no attempt at identifying a target as such. The quietest part is in a corresponding manner passively presumed to be noise, and this presumption is based on no knowledge about the character of the quietest signal.

The method is fully passive and can easlity be thrown off taraget, but it is on the other hand simple and easily implemented. It does almost precisely what the 'ACX check' function does, but preceded by filtering steps.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on December 18, 2022 at 19:29

I've added to the Article the paragraph 'Shifted weighting curves for ultrasonic recordings' that might be of interest mainly for the XC admins, and a more in detail description of how to do it manually.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 16, 2023 at 02:54

I've added a paragraph to the Article about a downloadable Audacity macro that calculates SNR(ISO/ITU) in a single step.

If you download and use the macro, do drop me a line. Bugs and flaws may be corrected if users point them out, and if the macro is useful, it would be nice to hear!

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 18, 2023 at 15:44


XC775941: original recording ... quality C ... okay

XC775946: moderatly modified recording ... quality A ... did I make a mistake?

Cheers, Georg

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 18, 2023 at 16:34

Alright! A first user of SNRisoITUmacroV1, excellent!

In XC775941, SNRisoITUmacroV1 assesses SNR (ISO/ITU) to 23.07dB, making it a Quality C recording, which sounds about right to me.

XC775941 has fade in at the beginning, and fade out at the end. SNRisoITUmacroV1 can't handle that, so during the SNR measurement, the fade in and fade out portions need to be deleted. Try this and you'll the correct value!

The fade in and fade out portions need to be removed during the SNR measurement only, it's fine to leave them in in the uploaded recording.

Hi Ulf, and other folks that are interrested by this topic,

I actually managed to test the macro today. Here are a few feedbacks.


No problem installing the Analyze plugin NotSNRcalcPluginV1 following the given instructions. However, for the macro SNRisoITUmacroV1 I couldn't find any import button in my macro manager at Tools/Macros... It just that I had an outdated version of Audacity (2 point someting). I installed the latest stable version (3.2.3), and then I had the import and export buttons, and was able to add the macro.


With only one manipulation, you got your SNR(ISO/ITU) and the corresponding suggested Xeno-Canto rating. It's great ! Since it is not detailed on the article, I explain below how to apply it for people who, like me, are not familiar with Audacity's macros.

To apply the macro, you have to click on the Tools menu, go on the Apply Macro sublist and select the SNRisoITUmacroV1 macro. It's the default macro's name but you can change it in the macro manager. Beware not to confuse it with the NotSNRcalcPluginV1 plugin in the Analyze menu, which have a similar behavior but does not compute the correct SNR(ISO/ITU) value.


I wanted to make sure that the given SNR(ISO/ITU) values were coherents, and that the one computed by the macro were the same that I could compute "manually" following the instructions of the last paragraph. So I did both methods for a few recordings I had, and good news, the results are always the same (with a difference of 3 dB as explained at the end of the article). For examples, if you want to check I obtained a SNR(ISO/ITU) of -34.91 for XC733051and of -34.09 for XC733052.

Two comments on how to compute "manually" those values as explained in the article. First, I did not have ISO 226 nor ITU-R 468 curbs in the factory presets of the Filter Curv EQ. But I extracted them from the macro. In the macro manager, I clicked on the SNRisoITUmacroV1 macro, then on the 4th step (which is a Filter Curv EQ step). I clicked on the edit button, which shows the Filter Curv, and saved it as a user preset that I named ISO 226. I did the same with the other Filter Curv at 8th step (not the 7th which apparently just cancel the ISO 226) and saved it as ITU-R 468. Second, I did not have either the ACX Check in the Analyze menu ! But you can find it here and install it the same way as the NotSNRcalcPluginV1.

Now that I have this tool on my Audacity, I will use it to rate my future submissions. I will try to put the given SNR(ISO/ITU) in comments for a little while, so if you want to know how it turns out, you can check the sounds I will submit from now on.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 18, 2023 at 18:24

Cool, yet another SNRisoITUmacroV1 user, and with such detailed comments!

I've updated the readme file in the .zip, in accordance with Georg's results and Camille's comments.

Thank you, Georg and Camille!

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 18, 2023 at 19:25

I did a mistake indeed: I used the makro "NotSNRcalcPluginV1" for calculation! Sorry!

Now I installed Audacity version 3.2.3 as Camille sugested, found the import button for makros, but did not find the makro "SNRisoITUmacroV1".

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 18, 2023 at 20:33

Oh mei oh mei!

Now I managed to add the macro "SNRisoITUmacroV1".

XC775941: original recording ... still quality C

XC775946: moderatly modified recording ... (of course) not quality A but quality C!! Obviously it was a mistake!

I hope I used it properly now ...

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 18, 2023 at 21:28

@Georg: It seems you got it perfectly right now!

@Georg: "Peak Level" and "RMS level" are just rubbish data, you don't need to add that information at all. It's just remnants of the old software I've modified.

@Camille, @Georg: I know the macro outputs a negative SNR(ISO/ITU) value. It's also a remnant of the old software I've modified, the real SNR(ISO/ITU) value is of course the same value, but positive.

I'm just not really a software guy...

Anon Torimi

  • 3253
  • 73
posted on January 21, 2023 at 05:59

ERROR: The certificate of 'www.elmanpatent.se' is not trusted.

ERROR: The certificate of 'www.elmanpatent.se' has expired.

Could you put the code here? I'm particularly not a software guy ;-) and there is no guarantee to provide any useful information.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 21, 2023 at 10:55

I've put the files in text form on Forum topic 54006.

If anyone has problems downloading the .zip, just contact me via the Contact Form, and I'll be happy to email you the .zip!

Thanks for a great tool Ulf! It is really helpful and easy to use. I will calculate the SNR value for future recordings and will note it under Remarks of the recordist. I will also go through and measure my already published recordings.

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 22, 2023 at 19:36

Hi everyone!

Obviously my calculation of SNR is basically okay. I checked some of the recordings of Thomas who mentioned SNR values. I found identical SNRs for his recordings after deleting the fade-in and fade out parts. Just for the really nice recording of Long-tailed Ducks (XC776401) I had a different result (44db instead of 39db), don’t know why?

Perhaps there is another pitfall when calculating SNR. Sometimes it happens that a recording starts and/or ends with a very short but intense artificial sound („click“). I don’t know why this happens, but it does sometimes. It is no problem when using fade in and fade out, so you can eliminate it. But when calculating the SNR those (even very short) clicks should not be there, I guess.


Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 22, 2023 at 21:45

Cool, I third user who leaves a comment! And a positive one too, thank you Thomas Bergman!

In reality, there are already more users still, check out Recordings that specify SNR in dB(ISO/ITU).

Oh, yes, clicks and similar can completely offset the measurement results. Don't forget, that the software is completely dumb, it just looks for the loudest sound. It has no idea if that's the target bird or an unfortunate background sound like the click of the switch on the recorder as you start the recording. It's always a good idea to edit that kind or sounds away, and necessary for getting reliable results from SNRisoITUmacroV1.

@Georg: I too get 44dB(ISO/ITU) for XC776401. I've left a comment to that recording, to keep the text amount here down a bit.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 23, 2023 at 00:31

I've now uploaded a new revision, where the pesky minus sign in front of the dB-value has been removed.

Not much of an improvement, but if you find the minus sign misleading, the new revision is found in the downloading link in the Article above. Instructions for how to update are found in the Readme-file in the .zip

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 24, 2023 at 10:18

There is something I do not understand:

Why is the SNR of the original file (not modified) "better" than the modified file (high pass filter 100Hz - 6db, 300Hz - 24db) ? And why are there so different SNR values in the original file depending on the section I choose for measuring? Is the reason the low frequency "bumps" perhaps misinterpreted as "signals"? Is it because it is a "bad quality" - recording?

original: 17db - 24db high pass filtered: 10db

XC775941, XC775946

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 24, 2023 at 16:19

The discrepancies come from an artfact in the old software version.

Download the new one from the link above, and you'll find it gets the same value for both XC775941 and XC775946, no matter where in the recording you pick (don't forget to remove the fade-in and fade-out portions!).

The Readme.txt file in the .zip tells you how to install the new one.

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 24, 2023 at 18:43

I did ... but v8 did not work. So i went back to v4 ... and it worked again ...

So what have I to do? Sorry!!!

Georg Amann

  • 1022
  • 2511
posted on January 24, 2023 at 19:40

Okay ... it works again ... with v8!

But the questions still remain:

1) Why has the original file a higher SNR (14-28db) than the high pass filtered file (10db)?

2) Why is there such a variability in SNR values in the original file depending on the section measured?

original file: SNR 14db up to 28db depending on the section I choosed for measuring

modified file (high pass filter 1000Hz - 6db and 300 Hz - 24db): SNR 10db

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 24, 2023 at 19:46

Instructions for installation on a Mac has been added to the Readme in the .zip, as suggested by Bob Planqué.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 24, 2023 at 19:54

@Georg: I get SNR 8...10dB(ISO/ITU) for both XC775941 and XC775946, no matter where in the recordings I measure.

However, if I skip deleting the fade-in and fade-out portions, I get 22...24dB(ISO/ITU), but that would be wrong.

It's important to delete the entire fade-in and fade-out portions before measuring, otherwise you'd get values somewhere between these extremes, I guess.

Anon Torimi

  • 3253
  • 73
posted on January 25, 2023 at 04:17

I obtained using my AA3.ny (see the code forum) 52.66 dB for XC776401, 18.12 dB for XC775941 and 20.78 dB for XC775946 (all after removing fade-in and fade-out portions).

Anon Torimi

  • 3253
  • 73
posted on January 25, 2023 at 07:03

The improvement from XC775941 to XC775946 is not apparent due to the sensitivity curve Ulf used. ISO 226 has low sensitivity to the low sounds removed and the resultant SNR is not much affected by this high-pass filtering. Also ISO 226 has a high sensitivity for 0.5-1 kHz and the background in XC775946 (not annoying for the bird's vocalization) is evaluated too high. I feel from these examples that the weighting function should be variable depending on the focal vocalization.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 25, 2023 at 11:56

@Anon, and anyone else interested in signal processing (most recordists, just neglect this post):

SNRisoITUmacroV1 gives 45dB(ISO/ITU) [AA3.ny 52.66 dB] for XC776401, 8dB(ISO/ITU) [AA3.ny 18.12 dB] for XC775941 and 9dB(ISO/ITU) [AA3.ny 20.78 dB] for XC775946. I see a correlation between the results of SNRisoITUmacroV1 and AA3.ny, but not a one-to-one correspondence. No idea which is the best assessment, but I'll stick to My Good Friend SNRisoITUmacroV1 until there's no doubt alternatives are superior. ...and I'm all for superior alternatives, as SNRisoITUmacroV1 is a home-made amateur hack.

SNRisoITUmacroV1 uses the approximation:

Maxsignal[RMS] = Maxsignal[peak] - 3dB

which is a fair approximation for SNR >> 20dB, but as we approach SNR = 0dB, this approximation gets worse and worse. Optimally, the assessment should use Maxsignal[RMS] per se, but I've no idea how to acheive that.

In addition, the following assumption is made, which messes the results up for SNR << 20dB and makes the algorithm completely unable to result in a negative SNR value (which does occur):

max(signal) ≈ max(signal + noise)

Again, there is room for improvement here too. For my personal enjoyment, or something, I've bandpass filtered out the signal, and I've also tried noise reduction for the same purpose, for my very worst recordings indeed (q≤D), just to see SNR attain negative values. And it does (yes, I'm nerd), see for example XC766586.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 26, 2023 at 12:44

@Anon, and anyone else interested in signal processing (most recordists, just neglect this post):

The basis for SNRisoITUmacroV1 is the presumption that:


(1). signal-to-noise of the recording

____(2). as perceived by the human ear

________(3). without any aids.

In other words, 'q' represents the sound quality you as a human listener perceive when you listen to the recording as is, which would closely represent what you would have heard yourself, had you been on site when the recording was made. This presumption constitutes as sort of equivalent to Apple's WISWYG, but here it's "what was heard is what you hear".

For the purpouse of SNR assessment, you can most definitely band pass filter the recording, with the band pass centred on the target bird and with a band pass filter width sufficient to encompass the entire bandwidth of the target bird. This would indeed increase the SNR.

But that's not what you hear when you listen directly to the recording as is on XC! The band pass filter centred on the target bird is one type of aid I'm referring to under (3).

I have myself played around with similar ideas, although I denoted it in-band SNR, but I've since abandoned the idea. Remove frequencies above and below the target bird, then remove what's proceeding and preceding it, and only then assess SNR? Well, yeah, but these are the inital steps towards a full noise reduction, and if we go all the way here, the result is SNR=∞ for all recordings!

Anon Torimi

  • 3253
  • 73
posted on January 27, 2023 at 02:20

Remove frequencies above and below the target bird

This is sufficient. I usually don't touch the frequencies above, since information for potential higher harmonics will be lost.

For two recording giving the same SNR by your method, one having a low ground noise while others having noise with frequencies overlapping the bird's vocalization. Which one is better or pleasant? This example is sufficient to tell that your SNR is not a unique number to represent the sound quality even for a human listener.

In any case, 8-9 dB sounds to me almost nothing. There appears to be a problem with your assumption or definition.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 27, 2023 at 13:56

You're absolutely right, SNRisoITUmacroV1’s assessment is for this case not a proper assessment of the true SNR in dB(ISO/ITU).

For SNR < +20dB(ISO/ITU) the reliability of SNRisoITUmacroV1 isn't what it should and as we nears SNR = +/-0dB(ISO/ITU) the reliability of the SNRisoITUmacroV1 algorithm gets progressively worse.

Measuring SNR manually gets me an actual SNR which so happens to be +9dB(ISO/ITU), but that’s more of a fluke than thanx to SNRisoITUmacroV1.

I tried removing everything in the frequency intervals 1.5 - 2.0kHz and 2.8 - 4.0kHz, and SNRisoITUmacroV1 here got me +11dB(ISO/ITU), but that's just a nonsense value. All SNRisoITUmacroV1 can say is SNR < +20dB(ISO/ITU), so a C, D or E recording.

I'm sure someone could develop the algorithm furter, making it able to reliably assess SNR all the way down to -10dB(ISO/ITU) or less, but that's beyond my programming skills.

Anyway, SNR = +9dB(ISO/ITU) isn't a horribly bad recording. I've myself uploaded the really bad XC766586 at SNR = -8dB(ISO/ITU), and I'm sure if someone bothered to look, you'd find XC recordings with SNR = -10dB(ISO/ITU), SNR = -15dB(ISO/ITU) or possibly even as low as SNR = -20dB(ISO/ITU), and these would indeed be low sound quality recordings!

Anon Torimi

  • 3253
  • 73
posted on January 28, 2023 at 02:14

My experiment was to see what SNR were given for recordings with only noise. This algorithm gave more than +10 dB, so it looks like this SNR method cannot distinguish voice recordings and noise recordings!

Instead of removing signals in certain frequency intervals, I removed voice part and left the noise part only.

I'm sure someone could develop the algorithm furter, making it able to reliably assess SNR all the way down to -10dB(ISO/ITU) or less, but that's beyond my programming skills.

One of the problems is that audacity function is a black box (at least to me) and the lack of experience in Lisp makes the code difficult to understand or modify. If you use R (as I showed an example), the problem would become easier to handle (at least to me). Your "present" programming skills, but this does not mean your "future" programming skills :-)

Oh, I found a tutorial written in Chinese R语言---Seewave包和tuneR在声音分析中的应用①关于声音及简单分析. You can probably understand what is done (from equations etc).

Japanese tutorial 鳥の鳴き声を分析しよう 実習編.

There certainly will be a tutorial written in your familiar language.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on January 29, 2023 at 18:02

As SNRisoITUmacroV1 cannot assess SNR < +20dB(ISO/ITU) with an acceptable degree of precision, I will update the code for such cases to simply say SNR < +20dB(ISO/ITU), so quality C, D or E.

I've manually tested preceding the signal peak strength measurement with a noise reduction step. That way I seem to be able to go down to SNR > +/-0dB(ISO/ITU) with an acceptable degree of precision.

Below that, I need to use (manual) bandpass filtering to get the signal peak strength , and that way I seem to be able to go down to SNR > -10dB(ISO/ITU) with an acceptable degree of precision.

Below that, the approximation 'Maxsignal[RMS] = Maxsignal[peak] - 3dB' seems to break down, but perhaps I could go further down still using true RMS estimation.

I won't attempt to implement any of the suggested improvements other that the first, though. If any software experts are interested, they could perhaps go for it.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on February 10, 2023 at 18:32

Yet another recordist, Magnus Wadstein, has begun specifying SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) for some of his recordings, making us six.

Welcome Magnus!

Hi Ulf:

Nice macro. I've been playing with it for a few days now. Most of my recordings go to eBird/Macauley, where there is a 1-5 star rating system -- this is obviously amenable to that as well. My rankings there have been historically a subjective impression of overall SNR, as well as general sense of quality, length, and isolation relative to other birds. So for example, I might rate a long capture awith a worse SNR to be better than a snippet of a vocalization with better SNR. In any case this tool is a helpful in making more objective assessments.

I verified that if gives identical results independent of the overall volume level -- even when amplified to levels appear to be clipped, there is no change, which makes sense in light of the 32-bit format that Audacity uses. The only way I can get into trouble is with short recordings in which I was too aggressive with trimming the silence before and after the call. Obviously this tool can only work with what you give it, so all the more reason to remind myself to leave some airtime, at least at the end.

You can add me to club. :)

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
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posted on February 11, 2023 at 23:43

A seventh user, cool, welcome to the club Michael!

I make a particular point of not only using the SNR values for quality assessment myself, but to actually write 'SNR ...dB(ISO/ITU)' in the comments to respective recording. The idea is of course to sort of spread the word.

If you'd like to do the same, it would be great.

The macro looks for the most silent 0.5s long segment of the recording, so if only very short periods of noise is present, it won't find them. I can't really program Nyquist, but might have a go at it later, and could then possibly improve upon this limitation and other things.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 8, 2023 at 11:47

While the macro can only calculate positive SNR values, SNR can actually attain negative values even though this may seem counter intuitive. Using manual calculation methods these negative SNR values can be measured.

After using the SNR method for a while, when necessary calculating SNR manually, I've now realized that it's near impossible to measure SNR values < -10dB(ISO/ITU), making sound quality E 'unattainable'.

I'm therefore proposing shifting the relation between SNR and sound quality values A-E, see the Article above. The shift leaves the limit for sound quality value A unchanged. The proposed change is in that effectively uses 15dB intervals for sound quality values B-E, instead of 20dB intervals.

Making such a shift at this early stage, when the method hasn't yet gain more widespread use, would mean that it affects only us seven test users. I would still very much like the input from you 'club members'.

If it is agreed that such a shift is a good idea, I would obviously implement this in the macro itself. No one will have to remember these less easily remembered interval limits, the macro would automagically present a suggested sound quality value A-E in accordance with these.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 12, 2023 at 19:30

The macro has now been updated in accordance with the new SNR value intervals. The new version is downloadable from the links in the article above.

I think the strongest merit of the proposed SNR-weighted system is that it provides an objective measure for assignment of the quality of a recording. The losely defined criteria in the present system are open for interpretation and may lead to inflated ratings if recordists aim for coming out on top in search queries. I am not suggesting abandonment of the present system, but I would like to see an inclusion of sortable SNR-values to make it easier to find high quality recordings. I have joined the club and applied SNR-values to all my uploads as from 1 Jan this year. Kudos to Ulf Elman for developing the tool.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
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posted on March 15, 2023 at 11:27

Thank you Lars for your encouraging words!

I agree that XC should calculate and present SNR values for all recordings. These SNR values should be a searchable parametre, such that in lists of recordings, these may be ordered in accordance with SNR.

Also, thank you Lars and Thomas Bergman for supporting the SNR vs. sound quality intervals shift!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 21, 2023 at 12:46

At this very moment, the list of XC recordings that specify SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) in the comments to the recordings contain 500 recordings, and the number keeps growing!

Perhaps this could convince the XC admins to start considering including SNR as part of the XC system iself? :)

The actual number of recordings where SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) has been used for assessing sound quality may be higher. Michael Hurben's eBird/Macauley recordings are not in the list and any recordings where SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) isn't specified in the comments to the recordings would not be found by the search engine either.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on April 25, 2023 at 09:02

The SNR club now has an eighth member, Ray Cooke. Welcome, Ray!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on May 6, 2023 at 14:03

The number of XC recordings that explicitly specify SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) just exceeded 1000 recordings!

This is thanks to the efforts of our active 'club members' Camille Vacher, Georg Amann, Lars Edenius, Magnus Wadstein and Thomas Bergman. Well done, everyone!

In addition, I'm so glad that the 'club' has attracted positive interest - or more - from Bob Planqué, Ray Cooke, Michael Hurben and William Whitehead. We might perhaps see some of the recordings of these recordists too specifying SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) soon.

The end goal here is of course SNR being automagically calculated for all XC recordings. This is intended as an aid for recordists when manually assessing sound quality A-E and it would also make SNR a searchable parametre. There obviously remains quite a bit of convincing and coding to do, so please spread the word.

Ulf, I have version 2.4.2 there is a way to update without remove and installe a new version?

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on May 21, 2023 at 18:50

@Manuel Grosselet: If you download the .zip, you'll find a .txt file in it that among other things tell you which Audacity versions work with SNRisoITUmacroV1.

I suspect that your Audacity version 2.4.2 may be too old for SNRisoITUmacroV1, but I haven't tested it. If you try installing SNRisoITUmacroV1 in Audacity 2.4.2 I'd be interested in finding out if it worked.

If not, you should probably best update Audacity 2.4.2 to a more recent one, at present Audacity 3.3.2. Through updating, I suspect you might loose old settings, filter curves and other things, so I might be a good idea to back those up before updating.

In my version of Audacity, I have /help/'look for updates', and then it just happens automagically, but I'm no expert at updating Audacity. I don't think you have to manually remove the old version, though.

Please do tell me how it all worked out for you with SNRisoITUmacroV1!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on May 28, 2023 at 19:13

I would like to welcome Johannes Worona as the ninth member of our club. Welcome, Johannes!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on June 14, 2023 at 16:29

J'accueille tambien Fabien H, le dixième membre de "la société SNR".

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on June 18, 2023 at 12:51

With the introduction of Chiroptera to XC, the need for an SNR tool for the ultrasonic range has increased.

Just such an ultrasonic SNR tool has for a while been available, and it's found under the heading "Shifted weighting curves for ultrasonic recordings" above.

The tool, SNRisoITUmacroULv1, is installed and used in the same manner the SNR tool for the audible range is.

It's only been tested by a limited number of users, so if you find any problems with it, please add a comment about that here.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on June 18, 2023 at 13:00

Our club has now been joined by an eleventh member, Olga Sandberg, welcome!

Olga has so far only uploaded recordings of bats, and she has been using the new ultrasonic SNR tool, SNRisoITUmacroULv1, cool!

Thank you!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on July 3, 2023 at 16:19

The 'SNR club' welcomes its twelfth member, Anders Westman!

Thank you for inventation.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on July 23, 2023 at 19:10

Recordings no 1999 and 2000 specifying SNR in dB(ISO/ITU) were just uploaded by Lars Edenius and Thomas Bergman, respectively!

Kudos to Lars and Thomas, both prolific recordists uploading recordings with an impressively high average sound quality level!

Hi Ulf,

I'm joining the "club" from now ; ) just a bit sad to see that my best recordings hardly reach the B-level...


Using your macro or not, it could be interesting to "clean up" the old recordings, still rated on A or B (and so appearing within the first recordings when using a research), whereas the quality is quite bad, comparing to what some recorders can do today with better skills et better hardware.

By the way, thanks for your work and explanations about it !

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on August 14, 2023 at 17:07

Welcome to the club, Gautier!

Hi Ulf, Is there a reason why the evaluation has to be done on the basis of the whole recording? Or can I remove SelStart, SelEnd from the macro?

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on August 22, 2023 at 18:34

Evaluating SNR from end to end of the recording is an arbitrary choise (you can always delete portions of the recording prior to using the macro).

I myself have versions of the macro (audible frequency range and ultrasonic, respectively), where SNR is evaluated across a selected portion of a selected track, I just haven't uploaded these.

I also have yet further versions (audible frequency range and ultrasonic, respectively), where signal strength in a final step has to be measured manually. I use it for calculating SNR ≤ 10dB, or even negative SNR.

These are all sort of extracurricular, but if you wan't them I'll be happy to email these to you.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on August 22, 2023 at 18:35

Evaluating SNR from end to end of the recording is an arbitrary choise (you can always delete portions of the recording prior to using the macro).

I myself have versions of the macro (audible frequency range and ultrasonic, respectively), where SNR is evaluated across a selected portion of a selected track, I just haven't uploaded these.

I also have yet further versions (audible frequency range and ultrasonic, respectively), where signal strength in a final step has to be measured manually. I use it for calculating SNR ≤ 10dB, or even negative SNR.

These are all sort of extracurricular, but if you wan't them I'll be happy to email these to you.

Yes please, I would love to try it thank you very much

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on October 7, 2023 at 23:42

During the past three weeks alone, 75 old recordings that were originally uploaded without an SNR value, have been provided with an SNR assessment in dB(ISO/ITU). Kudos to all the club members that have made such efforts!

In addition, even though we are well past the peak recording season in the northern hemisphere, brand new recordings provided with SNR values still keep being uploaded.

At present, there 2400 recordings specify SNR in dB(ISO/ITU).

The SNR value provides me with a good orientation when selecting the quality level. I suspect that the SNR value can be integrated into the upload process without any additional effort for the user. This would even make the upload process easier for everyone who wants to see an SNR value. What do the XC admins think about this?

.... we are all for objective measures of sound quality :-) So something will appear at some point :-) Most likely we will go for an industry standard that is included in a package we are already using. I bet there is one that is pretty similar to what Ulf is doing here. We might also try to spot if a noise filter has been applied. We will not ditch the subjective measure, but give a bit more prominence to the score by the recordist and the set of scores by the community. Needs some thinking through. Other things always seem more pressing :-)

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on December 27, 2023 at 00:49

The 'SNR club' welcomes its fourteenth member, Mikhail Velikanov!

@W-P: Learning what that industry standard you are referring to is would be most interesting!

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 21, 2024 at 10:28

The brand new plugin wSNR is now available for download from a link found in the first paragraph in the Article above.

wSNR differs from the previous solutions in that it automatically finds, assesses the lengths of and removes fade in and fade out portions, if present in the recording, prior to calculation. This facilitates for the user when using the tool, as you no longer have to handle this manually. It also constitutes one further step towards a solution that is suited for batch calculation and for implementation on XC itself.

In addition, wSNR is constituted by a single plugin, which facilitates its installation as compared to previous solutions. As it's a single component, the risk that the user selects the wrong component of two has been eliminated.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 21, 2024 at 10:29

The new wSNR plugin and the old SNRisoITUmacroV1 macro should generate the same or nearly the same SNR values, if fade in and fade out portions are manually removed prior to use of SNRisoITUmacroV1.

If you find significant discrepancies between the resulting SNR assessments of wSNR and SNRisoITUmacroV1, please contact me via the contact form, and tell me which XC catalogue number causes the discrepancy.

Also, if you find any other errors in wSNR, please contact me via the contact form, and tell me what the error is.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 21, 2024 at 10:30

wSNR presents the results in the language set in Edit/Preferences/Interface/Language in Audacity.

If you would like the informational text phrases in wSNR to be available in a language other than the ones already provided, and you are willing to provide translations of these phrases into that language, please contact me via the contact form, so I can update the code in accordance.

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 21, 2024 at 10:30

wSNR uses ISO 226 data at 80 phon, whereas SNRisoITUmacroV1 used imprecise ISO 226 data with an unclear phon value of approximately 40 phon. This change makes no difference for vocalizations in the mid frequency range, where most passerines, waders and the like sits, so for the vast majority of recordings already calculated SNR values should remain unchanged.

ISO 226 at 80 phon is however a bit more generous for the lowest pitched vocalizations. The difference is marginal at 800Hz (Strix aluco, Cuculus canorus) and significant only for the very lowest pitched vocalizations ≤200Hz (Botaurus stellaris, Strix nebulosa, Struthio camelus).

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938
posted on March 22, 2024 at 13:02

I've started a new Forum Topic on the very same topic as this Article, and I suggest comments to the Article are posted there instead.

The Forum Topic in question is Audacity plugin that assesses sound quality A-E by calculating SNR.

It seems no emails are generated to those that have posted comments on this Article, when a new comment on this Article is posted.

This makes attempts at discussions in the Comments to the Article unidirectional or open-ended, so not very practical.

Hello Ulf,

Your proposal to assess sound quality is a good improvement to help he selection not arbitrary. Even I will not use SNR for all my recording, for exemple ones from dense biophony sonuds, I will calculate a much as possible the SNR value for future recordings.



Hello Ulf,

Just installed this plug-in, great work and a fantastic idea! I look forward to using it going forward.



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About the author

Ulf Elman

  • 9228
  • 1938

I've been an ornithologist since my early teens and I've always focussed more on bird sounds than bird watching, but started recording only in 2014. I've spent a lot of time studying mimicking birds, but I've now changed focus towards owls and bats.

I've developed a weighted SNR based tool for assessing sound quality A-E, which I use whenever I myself am in doubt about which sound quality value I should assign a XC record to. The tool can be downloaded from a link found in the first paragraph in Article 275, where the method and the tool is being presented.