
Safari Extensions

@safariextensions / safariextensions.tumblr.com

A more complete list of available Safari Extensions than Apple's gallery. If you like this blog, you may want to recommend it or follow it on Twitter. Safari Extensions is maintained by Jonas Wisser and is not associated with Apple.
So there you are, trolling through the listings atย fanfiction.net. Everything would be just fine, some nice new stories, but there's this obnoxius character you just can't stand paired with your personal favourite character. It burns your eyes, yes it does!
Fear not. This extension for Safari will hide any and every story from your eyes, if the hated character shows up in the pairing.
Download and installย Block Fanfic Charactersย to avoid brain bleach and eye-gouging.

If you put your mental health at risk by reading fanfic, I imagine this will come in handy.

Notifier was broken for a bit after Tumblr changed they way they handle new post notifications. Iโ€™m happy to report itโ€™s now back up and running. If you have Safari and love getting notified when new content appears in your Dashboard,ย grab it! You donโ€™t even need to enter your credentials anymore.
Source code is availableย as always.

I don't usually repost the same extension, but it was a shame when this one stopped working. Good to have it back.

  1. Make "Navigation Bar" static: Option to make the Tagged menu bar fixed at top.
  2. Use "Browse Bar" as a dock: If you use "Browse" to search, this option moves the browser at bottom-right, it's also auto hidding like a dock.
  3. Move "Footer" to bottom in Home: Moves the page footer to the bottom only on Home page.
  4. Use arrows as navigation keys: Option to browse photos using the arrow keys: left arrow and right arrow. Works on the old "Photo gallery" and "Browser", not needed in the new "Preview photos".
  5. Skins: There are times when the background color and text doesn't contrast, the extension offers an option to change "Skins" globally, the choices are: default skin, 4 skin designs, and of course the option to not replace it.
  6. Boxes: Option to hide/show several boxes on profiles.
It also fixes the "Change Skin" module in Safari if you use AdBlock.
Submitted by anonymous
Snipe is a Safari and Chrome extension that allows you to quickly sift through the sea of open tabs you accumulate throughout the day. Simply invoke the keyboard shortcut and up pops a Quicksilver-like input field allowing you to search through your open tabs and select one, without ever leaving your keyboard.

This is extremely clever. The search is fuzzy, too, so you don't have to get the title or subject exactly right. If you wind up with lots of tabs, you want this.

Does the vulgar "Oops! You haven't given 37 Signals quite enough money yet!!!" yellow sticky on your Basecamp dashboard annoy you as much as it annoys me? I've created a little Safari extension that removes their vulgarity and restores some semblance of order to your dashboard. It loads a little bit of CSS that makes their used car salesman nonsense invisible, so you can concentrate on your work.

Safari Extensions recommends Basecamp and also encourages users to stay current on their payments so they don't need this extension. The views expressed in the above description are not those of Safari Extensions.

Submitted by anonymous
Restore the soothing green color of Slashdot.org.
Many of us love Slashdot.org and its soothing green color. Tragically, a recent redesign has left the amount of green at crisis levels. Fear not, geeks: Soothing Green Light, a free Safari extension, restores the green color to a degree beyond what we've ever seen! The Slashdot homepage and story pages are stylishly recolored to give you more of your favorite green.
Enjoy Slashdot in all its green glory without sacrificing legibility or function.
Submitted by anonymous
Provides the ability to lock tabs in Safari.
If you have ever accidentally closed a tab containing form information, or loading a video, this is the extension for you! Discretely distinguishing locked from unlocked tabs, TabLock notifies you if you try to close a locked tab, giving you the option to keep it open.
TabLock gives you peace of mind.
Submitted by anonymous
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