About World Vision

Our Vision for every child,  life in all its fullness.Our prayer for every heart,  the will to make it so.

About World Vision

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, we are dedicated to working with the world's most vulnerable people. We serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

World Vision began with the vision of one man-the Reverend Bob Pierce. During his trip to China in 1947, Rev. Pierce met a girl in extreme poverty. He decided to give his last five dollars to her, and promised sending the same amount each month after he goes back home. This encounter was a turning point for Rev. Pierce. He began building an organization dedicated to helping the world's children, and in 1950 World Vision was born. The first child sponsorship programme began three years later in response to the needs of hundreds of thousands of orphans at the end of the Korean War.

After a half century since its foundation, World Vision has become a leading humanitarian organization. Some 34,000 staff members implement programmes of community development, emergency relief and promotion of justice in nearly 100 countries.

A boy blowing bubbles (Philippines)

Word Vision Japan

In the 1960s, World Vision was active in Japan to support children through orphanages. Following the successfully achieved reconstruction after World War II, and calls for action to help developing countries, World Vision Japan (WVJ) was founded in 1987 as one of the support offices in the WV Partnership, with the independent board of directors. In 1999, WVJ obtained the corporate status and was certified as a Specified Non-Profit Corporation. WVJ was acknowledged by the National Tax Agency as a "Certified Specified Nonprofit Corporation" first in 2002, and consequently by Tokyo Metropolitan Government since 2014, which allows donations to the organization to be exempted from tax.

Core Values

  • We are Christian
  • We are committed to the poor
  • We value people
  • We are stewards
  • We are partners
  • We are responsive

Our Work

1.Development -Transforming Communities

Transformational development is the process through which children, families and communities identify and overcome the obstacles that prevent them from living life in all its fullness. World Vision partners with communities to improve lives. Through these partnerships, communities access the knowledge and resources needed to improve the well-being of children and overcome poverty. World Vision provides a range of interventions tailored to the context, including programmes in education, health, economic development, microfinance, agriculture, water and sanitation. By helping community members help each other, World Vision ensures that the process of positive change continues long after WVstaff have left.

joyful children for water system (Kenya)
Joyful children for water system (Kenya)

Child Sponsorship Programme - Promoting the well-being of children

Child Sponsorship Programme is a core programme for World Vision to pursue transformational development with children, families, communities and sponsors all over the world to improve the well-being of children. We believe that the best way to help children is to work with them, together with their families and communities, to make changes that last.

Child sponsorship builds relationships between children, their families, sponsors and World Vision staff. These relationships enable mutual transformation by sharing resources, hope and experiences in overcoming poverty through child-focused development programmes. In Japan, 50,000 sponsors support children across the ocean through the child sponsorship programme.

a boy participated in global hands washing day activity conductrd by WV (Myammer)
a boy participated in global hands washing day activity conductrd by WV (Myammar)

2.Relief -Responding to Disasters

World Vision responds to major disasters and humanitarian crisis all over the world, quickly providing food, water, shelter and other essentials to the people affected. World Vision works to identify at-risk locations, pre-positioned resources and personnel in high-risk zones, and build capacity and resilience among communities to help and protect themselves.

Operation for the East Japan Earthquake and tsunami
Operation for the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

3.Advocacy - Seeking Global Change

Every day, all over the world, unjust and unfair policies, systems, practices and attitudes force millions to live in poverty. Young girls are pulled from school and forced into early marriages; children are forced to work in dangerous conditions; unfair trade rules leave farmers unable to export their goods. The only solution to such wrongs is for people to demand an end to such injustice and inequality. World Vision works to empower communities to know and to speak up for their rights at local, national and international levels. In situations where such community-led advocacy is not possible, World Vision takes the voices of those living in poverty to those decision-makers with the power to change unjust policies and practices.

Kevin Jenkins, WVI President, addresses the UN General Assembly on behalf civil socity
Kevin Jenkins, WVI President, addresses the UN General Assembly on behalf civil socity

The Word Vision Partnership

World Vision consists of numerous national entities around the world, grouped in what is informally referred to as the World Vision "partnership." World Vision International (WVI), established as the international coordinating body in 1977, provides global coordination for the partnership, and ensures that global standards and policies are pursued. Offices in London, Geneva, Bangkok, Nairobi, Lusaka, Dakar, Cyprus, New York, Los Angeles, and San Jose, Costa Rica co-ordinate the strategic operations of the organization and represent World Vision in international forums. Its board of directors ("the International Board") oversees the partnership, and its body of members (the "Council") is the highest governing authority for certain fundamental decisions.

Board Members

Chairman Mr. Nobuhiko Katayama Former National Director, World Vision Japan
Vice Chairman Dr. Nobuhiro Iijima President, Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd.
Director Rev. Dr. Tatsuhiro Mineno Senior Pastor, Yodobashi Church
Director Rev. Dr. Akiko Minato Advisor, Hiroshima Jogakuin
Director Mr. Masaru Anzai Lawyer
Director Rev. Rieko Ando

Headmaster, Tamagawa Seigakuin Girls' Junior & Senior High School

Director Ms. Mariko Kinai

National Director, World Vision Japan

Director Mr. Tetsuro Tomioka


Director Mr. Charles Badenoch

Partnership Leader, World Vision International

Director Dr. Kiyoshi Mori

Director, Social Medical Corporation, the Yamatokai Foundation

Inspector Mr. Kozo Konishi Former Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Norinchukin Bank
Inspector Rev. Yoriko Arakawa Professor, Wesleyan Holiness Theological Seminary

World Vision Japan

Harmony Tower 3F, 1-32-2 Honcho Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0012 Japan
Tel +81-(0)3-5334-5356 Fax +81-(0)3-5334-5359

World Vision Intemational

Waterview House
1 Roundwood Avenue, Stockley Park
Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1FG, UK