Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient spiritual practice rooted in Buddhist tradition which focuses on gentle exercises and the study of teachings based on the characteristics of our universe—Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance—leading one to achieve physical health, inner peace, and harmony.
The falun is the symbol of Falun Dafa and is a representation of our universe. The wan symbols (卍) and the taiji symbols seen inside the falun represent the two major systems of practice that constitute our universe—the Buddhist and Taoist, respectively.
Widely known for thousands of years, the wan symbol (also known as the swastika) signifies a Buddha's status and is often used to symbolize prosperity and good fortune in many cultures, while the taiji symbol reflects the Taoist theory of yin and yang.
The falun is the symbol of Falun Dafa and is a representation of our universe. The wan symbols (卍) and the taiji symbols seen inside the falun represent the two major systems of practice that constitute our universe—the Buddhist and Taoist, respectively.
Widely known for thousands of years, the wan symbol (also known as the swastika) signifies a Buddha's status and is often used to symbolize prosperity and good fortune in many cultures, while the taiji symbol reflects the Taoist theory of yin and yang.
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Falun Pendants
Falun Pins
Falun Pin - Pink
From $7
Falun Pin - Orange
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Falun Pin - Yellow
From $7
Falun Pin - Green
From $7
Falun Pin - Teal
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Falun Pin - Indigo Blue
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Falun Pin - Purple
From $7