About Us

About NTD Television Network:

NTD is a New York-based, global television network founded in 2001 by Chinese-Americans who fled communism. Our founders understood that independent media is crucial to a free society, so they created NTD Television Network to bring the world uncensored and truthful information—no matter the cost. NTD Television Network strives to remain free from external influence—whether from political, financial, or special interests. We have rapidly emerged as a leading independent news broadcaster, delivering uncensored and unbiased news, analysis, original documentaries, and cultural programs worldwide. As part of NTD’s mission, we deliver arts and lifestyle programs that embody universal values and celebrate the best of humanity’s culture and traditions. With over 200 journalists across 19 global bureaus, NTD provides multilingual content in English, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Hebrew. We reach tens of millions of viewers through satellite, cable, over-the-air, and online streaming services. Additionally, our active engagement with over 50 million followers across social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook amplifies our presence. English-language NTD can be viewed across the United States and the UK. Visit NTD.com/tv-providers.htm to find a station in your area. NTD is one of the leading authorities on China in the news industry. In collaboration with its sister media The Epoch Times, NTD has broken numerous stories relating to China and the Chinese Communist Party—including the Chinese regime’s atrocity of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience and the true scope of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. NTD and The Epoch Times began collaborating in 2013, drawn together by shared values and their unmatched China coverage. Building on each other’s strengths—compelling, award-winning television production and award-winning print journalism—the outlets formed a partnership to share content and resources to shine greater light on the human rights abuses being committed by the Chinese regime. NTD Television Network is headquartered in Manhattan under interim CEO Janice Trey, effective July 1, 2024. As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, we rely on donations, sponsorships, grants, and advertisements to power our mission.  

What Does ‘NTD’ Stand For?

NTD stands for New Tang Dynasty. The name is inspired by the noble legacy of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 C.E.), which is considered the golden age of Chinese spirituality and civilization. It was a time of peace, freedom, and openness. Admired the world over, the Tang Dynasty was known for its high moral standards and unparalleled cultural achievements. The English-language network is known just as “NTD Television” or “NTD” for short.