Minimal FIFO queue implementation to be used for simple concurrency limiting scenarios.
published version 0.0.1, 13 years agoConvert a git repo to zipped up html to read anywhere.
Python server and JavaScript client talking via stdin/stdout to highlight code using the pygments highlighter.
Convert a git repo into an Html5 app to read offline in any browser anywhere.
Node friendly version of Alex Gorbachev's great SyntaxHighlighter.
Adds token matching to nodejs readline and visualizes it by jumping the cursor to it à la emacs.
published version 0.1.0, 12 years agoHarness for testing modules that add functionality to the nodejs readline.
published version 0.3.0, 12 years agoStringifies key objects emitted by nodejs readline (
published version 0.1.2, 12 years agoGiven a string and a position, it finds the position of the token matching the one at the given position.
published version 0.1.1, 12 years agoGenerates a source map for files that were packed into a bundle.
published version 0.0.2, 3 years agobrowserify v2 plugin to compile coffee-script automatically using the coffee-script-redux compiler
published version 0.1.0, 12 years agoSplits a given JavaScript file into as many parsable snippets as possible.
published version 0.2.1, 12 years agoGiven JSON returned by a github containing particular gist information it returns its files content.
published version 0.1.1, 12 years agoSplits a url into its parts and adds or replaces items found in the parts of another url.
published version 0.1.0, 12 years agoDumps all values and/or keys of a level db or a sublevel to the console.
published version 1.1.0, 8 years agoParses out base64 VLQ encoded mappings.
published version 0.1.4, 12 years agoReduce an array of values via an asynchronous function.
published version 0.1.4, 12 years agoSet up workflow to load existing or default config, allow user to edit it and then serializes it to disk.
published version 0.1.4, 12 years ago