How to Get Started: Viewing and Borrowing Items at the National Library

The National Library of Israel houses over 4 million items, including books, newspapers, archives, music recordings, maps, and other rare materials. While many of these items are stored in our automated robotic storeroom, some are available on the open shelves in the reading halls.

Numerous items have digital versions accessible remotely; however, to view books and other materials under copyright, visiting our spacious and comfortable reading halls is often necessary.

To preserve this important collection for future generations, most items are not available for home lending. Below, we explain when and how borrowing is possible.

Where to Begin?

Here's a detailed, step-by-step guide.

How to Access the Item You're Looking For



You can search the National Library's online catalog from anywhere, at any time.

Access the Online Catalog

Catalog Search Guide

If you can't find the item or need assistance, our librarians are happy to help via chat, WhatsApp, Telephone or email.

Digital Item Accessible from Home

If the item you found is labeled "Available online," it means there's an online version available outside the library. Clicking on the underlined title will lead you to the digital item and its full details.

Digital Item Accessible Only Within Library Premises

Sometimes, access to the digital item is restricted to within the library building due to copyright and legal limitations.

What to Do? Visit the National Library, connect to our network (using your personal computer or library computers), and view the item freely. We offer excellent coffee, pleasant study areas, and plenty of inspiration. We look forward to seeing you!

You can also order a digital copy to be sent to your email (for a fee. See below). 

If the item you're seeking isn't available online, you'll need to register on the library's website to view it in person, borrow it for home use, or request a scan.

How to Register

All you need is your name, email address, and a password of your choice.

Registration Allows You To:

1. Access the reading halls using a library card issued upon registration completion.

2. Order items from the automated storeroom for viewing in the reading halls.

3. Reserve study rooms.

Learn More About the Benefits of Registration

Viewing in the Reading Halls

The National Library's reading halls offer comfortable and quiet study stations, group study rooms, research computers, and a team of professional librarians ready to advise and assist.

How to Find the Physical Item You're Looking For

  1. After locating the item in the catalog, click on the "Show location" button.
  2. The options for viewing the item depend on its location and status.

The book is available for open-shelf access in the main reading hall. You can approach and view it anytime during library hours without prior arrangement or reservation. Simply come in!

Please note that books in the reading hall collections are not available for borrowing.

Tip: It's advisable to note the item's call number to locate it easily on the shelf (the number appears in the order window, next to the name of the reading hall or collection). Of course, you can always ask the librarians for assistance.

  1. Order the item for viewing in the reading hall by selecting it, choosing the service desk where it will be delivered, and clicking "Order."
  2. Items ordered by 5:30 PM will arrive at the service desks within about an hour; items ordered after that will arrive the next day. We'll notify you by email when it arrives.
  3. You can collect the item from the desk within 7 days and view it in the reading hall.
  4. After viewing, you can return it to the desk, where it will be held for you for an additional week. Through the "personal zone" on the website, you can continue to extend the hold on the item for up to four months, as long as another reader hasn't requested it.

Tip: To save time, consider ordering the item from home before collecting it upon arrival.

More About Ordering Items

The National Library houses rare and valuable items, as well as archives of great importance to our heritage and culture.

How to View a Rare or Archival Item

  1. Register on the library website. 
  2. Complete a special authorization form: Form for Rare Items | Form for Archival Items
  3. After receiving authorization via email (usually within a few hours), return to the item's page, click on "Show location," select the copy with the status "Rare," and then click "Order."
  4. The library staff will check the item's condition and availability and inform you via email if and when it can be viewed.
  5. When the item is ready, you must visit the Special Collections Reading Hall and present the authorization email you received at the entrance.

Learn More About Viewing Rare Items

Learn More About Viewing Archival Items

If the book you searched for has a copy with "Loan Copy" status, and you already have a borrowing membership, you can order and borrow it for home use. More details below.

Borrowing Books Home

Most books in the National Library of Israel cannot be borrowed for home use, as our mission is to preserve them for future generations.

However, some books may be borrowed under specific conditions.

Important! Simply registering on the Library website is not enough to borrow books home. A Loan Home Membership is required.

  1. Locate the book in the online catalog and click "Show location".
  2. Check the status of the copies.
  3. If a copy is listed as "Loan Copy", and you already have a borrowing membership, you will be able to check it out.

Anyone registered on the Library website with a valid ID or passport.

  1. Register on the Library website. Register here
  2. Fill out the loan home membership form. Complete the form

If you have not yet purchased a Loan Home Membership, now is the time. (Refer to the previous section for details.)
Already have a membership? Follow these steps:

  1. Find the book in the online catalog.
  2. Select the copy listed as "Loan Copy."
  3. Click "Order."
  4. Important: When selecting the pickup location, choose the Circulation Desk (this option will appear only if you have an active Home Loan Membership).
  5. The item will be available for pickup at the Circulation Desk within about an hour, and you will receive an email notification.
  6. You can pick up the item within 14 days of placing the order.
  7. The loan period and the number of books you can borrow at once depend on your membership type. More information here

If you have a loan home membership, you can request home delivery for eligible books.

  • Delivery is a paid service and does not include return shipping, which is your responsibility.
  • Click here for details and to request delivery.

Ordering a Digital Scan or File by Email

We are happy to scan Library materials and send digital files by email for your convenience. This is a paid service. View pricing for scans and copies


Scanning availability depends on copyright restrictions and other limitations.

Fill out the scan request form, and we will check for you.

Tip: You can also request scans and files from other libraries in Israel and worldwide.

  • Express Service: Scan delivered within 3 business days from the date of payment.
  • Standard Service: Scan delivered within 14 business days from the date of payment.

  1. Find the item in the online catalog.
  2. Click the title to open the full item details and scan request options.
  3. Fill out the scan request form. Complete the form

Note: To request multiple items, please complete a separate form for each.

How to Search for and Find Articles

  1. Find the article in the online catalog under "Article Search."
  2. If the article has online access, you can view it from the Library building or remotely, depending on its access restrictions. Click "Online Access" for details.
  3. If no online access is available, write down the journal volume number and year, then return to the catalog to locate the journal.
  4. Within the journal entry, find the issue that contains the article and request it for viewing in the reading halls.

  • If no digital access or physical location is available, the item may not be held in the National Library’s collection.
  • If the catalog states that the item belongs to another archive or institution, it is stored there, and you should contact them directly.

Our librarians are happy to assist you in locating alternative copies.

You can reach us chat, WhatsApp, Telephone or email.