What is a Worker Screening Check?
State and Territory worker screening units, on behalf of the NDIS Commission, assess whether a person who works, or seeks to work, with people with disability poses a risk to them. A worker will either be cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with people with disability.
If you move into another state or territory, you must not reapply. The Worker Screening Check is nationally applied, and information is shared across jurisdictions to ensure that a worker cannot have more than one clearance or exclusion.
National Worker Screening Database
The NDIS Worker Screening Database is a national register of all NDIS workers who have completed or applied for the NDIS Worker Screening Check. We monitor and update the register regularly. State and Territory worker screening units also access the register and update it with cleared and excluded workers as they are assessed.
As a self-managed participant or unregistered provider, you can search the database to:
- check and monitor the clearance status of workers, and
- confirm that a worker is, or will be, engaged by an unregistered provider.
Getting access to the database
Unregistered providers and self-managed NDIS participants need to apply for access to the Worker screening database.
If you already have access, log in to the Worker Screening Database.
How to apply (workers)
Go to the worker screening unit in your state or territory.
- Australian Capital Territory: Access Canberra
- New South Wales: Service NSW
- Northern Territory: SAFE NT
- Queensland: Disability Worker Screening
- South Australia: Department of Human Services Screening Unit
- Tasmania: Consumer, Building and Occupational Services
- Victoria: Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Western Australia: Department of Communities
Worker screening requirements for registered providers
Registered providers need to make sure people in specific roles in their organisation have a NDIS worker screening clearance. For more information see Worker screening for registered providers.
Read our Quick Reference Guides on how to use the database.
For technical support, email nqsc.ictsupport@ndiscommission.gov.au