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rövidítés: FAQ
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:FAQ and the translation is 28% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Azonnali segítség
A támogatási fórumok teljes listájáért lásd: Kommunikáció .
Gyakran ismételt kérdések (GYIK) a MediaWiki használatáról. Ha a kérdésedre sem itt, sem a technikai, sem a szerkesztői MediaWiki-dokumentációban nem találtál választ, azt felteheted egy támogatási lapon.

Az alapok

Mi a különbség a MediaWiki, a Wikimédia, a Wikipédia és a wiki között?

Ez egy sűrűn feltett kérdés; részletes válaszért lásd a Differences between Wikipedia, Wikimedia, MediaWiki, and wiki lapot.

Szeretném a MediaWikit (valamire) használni. Megtehetem?

A MediaWiki szabad szoftver, így bármire használhatod jogi következmények nélkül. Továbbmenve: a licencszerződés kizárólag magára a szoftverre vonatkozik. Tehát annak ellenére, hogy számos wiki nem szabad licencű, a te projektedben ez nem kötelező. A Wikipédiához hasonló lapok támogatására létrejött oldalként természetesen bátorítunk szabad licenc használatára, de röviden: nem kötelező.

Amennyiben a szoftveren kívánsz változtatni, bizonyos korlátozásokkal megteheted; a feltételekhez olvasd el a GNU GPL v2 szövegét. Mivel a MediaWiki ingyenes, a törvényi kötelezettségeken felül nem jár hozzá jótállás.

How do I create a wiki?

Creating a wiki implies installing MediaWiki on a server and having access to manage it. There are different options, depending on your level of expertise:

  • To create a wiki on your own server, follow the Installation guide.
  • Some hosts offer one-click installs, or allow creating a wiki on-request. See Hosting services for different options.

This site (MediaWiki.org) or the Wikimedia Foundation does not allow individuals to create wikis.

Telepítés és beállítás

Honnan tölthetem le a MediaWikit?

Kattints ide a legfrissebb verzió letöltéséhez. A fájlok .tar.gz archívumokban férhetők hozzá. A szoftver Gitről is hozzáférhető.

Hogyan kell telepíteni a MediaWikit?

A MediaWiki telepítése 10–30 percet vesz igénybe, és szükség lesz fájlok feltöltésére és másolására, valamint a beállításhoz a telepítést végző szkript futtatására. Lásd a Kézikönyv:Telepítési útmutató , ahol a minimum rendszer-követelményeket is megtalálod.

How do I install MediaWiki using a package?

Many Linux distributions provide MediaWiki in a packaged format for that distribution. The MediaWiki development team refers you to your Linux distribution for assistance with installing, configuring or using them. The individual communities and companies who maintain such packages should provide installation instructions.

Be warned that third-party distributions may be older versions, so pay close attention to compatibility information for directions and extensions.

See also: Software bundles

Can I install more than one wiki on a server using MediaWiki?

It is possible to install more than one wiki on a server provided that:

  • You install multiple instances of MediaWiki (such as with a software bundle like the Bitnami MediaWiki Stack); in different directories – one for each wiki


  • You use a different database for each wiki


  • You use a different database prefix for each wiki (for Postgres, you can achieve a similar effect by using different schemas and users).

If you want to use the same LocalSettings.php file for both, you must ensure $wgServer is dynamically set to the correct value.

For information on the latter two options, see $wgDBname and $wgDBprefix respectively.

For more information on setting up a wiki family (wikifarm), see Manual:Wiki family .

How do I install an existing wiki, like Wikipedia or Wiktionary?

The main (but not necessarily the easiest) method is to import. See Wiki importing, below.

(Non-MediaWiki methods, such as Xowa and Kiwix can be found at w:Wikipedia:Database download).

Does MediaWiki require shell access?

Shell access (SSH) is not required for installing MediaWiki, but it is highly recommended. Without shell access, it may even be difficult for you to get a backup of your wiki, or to upgrade to a new version. Some maintenance tasks are not possible at all without shell access. Many major extensions work best with shell access.

Hogyan telepíthetek kiterjesztéseket?

See Kézikönyv:Kiterjesztések for information about installing and writing extensions. See Kategória:Kiterjesztések to find existing extensions.

Hogyan hozhatok létre új névtereket?

Olvasd el az itt található útmutatót.

Hogyan engedélyezhetem a feltöltést?

A feltöltés egy gyakran használt funkció, de a jelenlegi verziókban alapértelmezésben le van tiltva. Az engedélyezéshez tedd a feltöltési könyvtárt (alapértelmezésben images) olvashatóvá a webszerver számára (chmod -R 777 ./images vagy engedélyezd az írást az Apache-felhasználónak stb.), majd a LocalSettings.php-ban állítsd a $wgEnableUploads változót true értékre. A failed to mkdir hibaüzenet jogosultsági problémát jelent.

Lásd még: Manual:Configuring file uploads

Hogyan engedélyezhetem más kiterjesztésű állományok feltöltését?

Az engedélyezett kiterjesztéseket a $wgFileExtensions változó tárolja. Ez általában a gyökérkönyvtárban elhelyezkedő LocalSettings.php-ben található.

Például PDF-állományok feltöltésének engedélyezéséhez az alábbi sorokat kell hozzáadnod a LocalSettings.php-hez:

$wgFileExtensions[] = 'pdf';

Egyszerre több fájl feltöltését a következő szintaxis engedélyezi

$wgFileExtensions = array_merge( $wgFileExtensions, [ 'pdf', 'txt', 'mp3' ] );
Lásd még: Manual:Configuring file uploads

Hogyan engedélyezhetem a képletek használatát?

A MediaWiki támogatja a beágyazott matematikai formulák használatát. A beállításhoz lásd a Kiterjesztés:Math kiterjesztés leírását.

Hogyan állíthatom be az időzónát?

Lásd: Manual:Timezone

Hogyan frissíthetek egy gyorsítótárazott lapot?

Lapok frissítéséhez, például az oldalsáv változtatásainak megjelenítéséhez írd hozzá az &action=purge paramétert a lap dinamikus URL-jéhez.

Pl.: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&action=purge

Rövid URL-eknél a ?action=purge formát használhatod:

Pl.: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Main_Page?action=purge

Lásd még: Manual:Purge , Manual:Parameters to index.php

Hogy tilthatom le teljesen a gyorsítótárazást?

Add hozzá a LocalSettings.php-hez az alábbi sorokat:

$wgParserCacheType = CACHE_NONE; $wgCachePages = false;

„A fájl sérült vagy kiterjesztése érvénytelen”

Többen is jelezték, hogy a kiterjesztések listájának bővítése után a fenti üzenetet kapták. A hiba szövege az alábbi:

A fájl sérült vagy kiterjesztése érvénytelen. Kérjük, ellenőrizd az állományt majd töltsd fel újra.

Egy lehetséges megoldásként állítsd be a $wgMimeDetectorCommand változó értékét. Unix/Linux alatt például a következőre:

$wgMimeDetectorCommand = "file --brief --mime";
Lásd még: Manual:MIME type detection

A kezdeti felhasználót nem a telepítő hozta létre vagy nem adminisztrátor

Néha a telepítő nem képes létrehozni az alapértelmezett felhasználót, vagy a user tábla elveszik. Ennek több megoldási módja is van:


  • Parancssorból futtasd a maintenance/createAndPromote.php --username <felhasználónév> --password <jelszó> parancsot. Ha bürokratajogokkal is szeretnéd felruházni az új fiókot, add hozzá a --bureaucrat parancsot.

Ezzel létrejön az általad megadott admininsztrátori fiók. Segítséget a --help paraméterrel kaphatsz.

Az adatbázis módosítása

  • Ellenőrizd a felhasználóazonosítót az API-n keresztül.
  • Futtasd le a következő SQL-parancsot:
    • INSERT INTO user_groups ( ug_user, ug_group ) VALUES ( <id>, 'bureaucrat' ), ( <id>, 'sysop' );
a fenti kódban az <id>-t cseréld le a fiók beállításaiban található sorszámára.
Megjegyzés: ha a LocalSettings.php-ben definiáltad a $wgDBprefix változó értékét, azt módosítsd az adatbázis nevére. Például ha a $wgDBprefix értéke „XYZ”, akkor a tábla értéke XYZuser_groups legyen.

Temporarily let everyone assign rights to promote your initial user

Figyelem Figyelem: You should not let outsiders access your wiki while you do this, if you use this method. This method may leave your wiki temporarily vulnerable to attack while you do the procedure.

This method essentially involves letting all users temporarily modify user permissions in order to promote one user

Be logged in using that account.

  • Add the following line to the bottom of LocalSettings.php
    • $wgGroupPermissions['user']['userrights'] = true;
  • Go to special:userrights and add the user you just created to the Administrator and Bureaucrat groups.
  • Remove the $wgGroupPermissions['user']['userrights'] = true; line from your LocalSettings.php.

This step is very important, as until you remove it anyone can alter permissions, which is bad.

Hogyan állíthatom vissza egy felhasználó jelszavát?

See Manual:Resetting passwords

Hogyan hozhatok létre interwiki-linkeket?

See Manual:Interwiki

Hogyan rövidíthetem le az URL-címeket?

(i.e. /wiki/Article_Name as opposed to /w/index.php?title=Article_Name)

See Manual:Short URL

How do I organize pages into subdirectories like /wiki/subdir/PageName?

See Kézikönyv:$wgNamespacesWithSubpages és Help:Subpages

Is downloading and using all of MediaWiki.org free?

Yes, it is free in the sense of Free software. See Projekt:Szerzői jog for licensing issues regarding the written content of this site.

How do I administrate/manage user rights?

See Manual:User rights for general information. See Manual:Preventing access for methods and strategies for restricting access.

How do I stop anonymous users from editing any page?

The recommended method is by changing the value of the $wgGroupPermissions configuration option. Edit LocalSettings.php and add the line:

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;

If you use Kiterjesztés:AbuseFilter , any admin can also disable IP editing temporarily as needed.

See also: Preventing access , Manual:User rights

How do I stop anonymous users from reading any page?

  • Add this to the bottom of LocalSettings.php:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = false;

See also Kézikönyv:$wgWhitelistRead . See Manual:Preventing access#Restrict viewing of all pages for more information.

How do I restrict account creation?

  • Add this to the bottom of LocalSettings.php:
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;

How do I require an email address be specified at registration?

See Kézikönyv:$wgEmailConfirmToEdit

How do I put MediaWiki into Read Only mode?

See Kézikönyv:$wgReadOnly

How do I change default user preferences?


The MediaWiki default user preferences are in MainConfigSchema.php Don't edit that file, just use it for reference.

Say if you want to hide minor edits in recent changes by default. DefaultSettings.php says:

public const DefaultUserOptions = [
	'hideminor' => 0,

To change the preference, put this in your LocalSettings.php:

$wgDefaultUserOptions["hideminor"] = 1;

To change the default namespaces to be searched, in any version of MediaWiki, set $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault in LocalSettings.php to an array mapping namespace indexes to boolean values. For example, to search the main namespace and the category namespace, use:

$wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault = [
    NS_MAIN => true,
    NS_CATEGORY => true,

In some cases, after you change a default user preference, you may also want to change the user preferences of all existing user accounts.

If so, use the userOptions.php script in the maintenance directory. Use the --dry option for the first run, assess the impact and go from there. (--dry does not write the database.)

php userOptions.php --dry --nowarn hideminor --old 0 --new 1

Also, always backup your database before making these kinds of changes (you do not need to if you are just using --dry).

See also: Kézikönyv:$wgDefaultUserOptions

How can I make MediaWiki run faster?

See: Manual:Performance tuning

How do I enable a drop-down list of search suggestions?

See Manual:Enabling autocomplete in search box

How do MediaWiki and GDPR go together?

See GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and MediaWiki software


Lásd: Kézikönyv:Frissítés


Lehetséges a wiki más számítógépre mozgatása?

Igen, működnie kell. A végrehajtáshoz biztonsági mentést kell készítened, amelyet az új helyen „visszaállítasz”. Végül módosítanod kell az elérési címeket, hogy minden hivatkozás az új helyre mutasson.

Hogyan vihetem át a wikim más szerverre?

Az instrukciókért olvasd el ezt az oldalt.

Az interfész módosítása

Hogyan változtathatom meg a logót?

Vigyázat! Vigyázat: Ne módosítsd az alapértelmezett logó állományát (/resources/assets/wiki.png); az minden frissítéskor felülíródik.
A larger size can be used by modifying the site’s CSS, but MediaWiki will not resize a logo that is too large. Instead, only part of the image (specifically the upper left-hand corner) will be displayed, and if this corner is white, it may seem like the image is not displaying.
A négyzet alakú logók javasolt mérete 135×135 képpont, de nem kell négyzet alakúnak lennie a logónak, főleg ha szöveget is tartalmaz a kép alatt. A Vectorban alkalmazható maximális méret körülbelül 160×160 pixel, míg a MonoBookban körülbelül 155×155 pixel.

A bal felső sarokban látható logót a LocalSettings.php -ben található $wgLogos változó definiálja. MediaWiki installations prior to MediaWiki 1.35.0, used $wgLogo .

A változtatásra két mód van:

  1. Töltsd fel az új logót a wiki saját feltöltési felületén. Így a kép könnyen módosítható, azaz jó ötlet lehet a lap levédése.
    Ezután add hozzá a LocalSettings.php a $wgLogos sort; például:
    $wgLogos = "{$wgUploadPath}/6/62/mylogo.png";
  2. Töltsd fel a képet a szerverre (pl. FTP-vel).
    Add hozzá a LocalSettings.php a $wgLogo sort; például:
    $wgLogos = "{$wgScriptPath}/mylogo.jpg";
    (A példában a LocalSettings.php és a logó egyazon könyvtárban helyezkednek el.)

Ha csak bizonyos lapokon szeretnéd a képet viszontlátni, írd felül a #p-logo background-image CSS-paraméterét, vagy használj harmadik féltől származó kiterjesztéseket (például Extension:LogoFunctions ).

Hogyan szerkeszthetem a wiki CSS-ét?

Nem javasoljuk a CSS-állományok (például common.css) szerkesztését, mivel frissítéskor nehezebb lesz a módosítások kezelése. Ehelyett a szerkesztést az interfészről érdemes végrehajtani; az összes felület megjelenését a MediaWiki:Common.css, míg például a csak a Vectorét a MediaWiki:Vector.css lapon módosíthatod.

A fenti lapok tartalma felülírja az állományokban található információkat.

Hogyan rejthetem el a baloldali oldalsávot?

Más szóval: hogyan növelheted a tartalom befoglaló div-jének méretét a terület 100%-ára, amely így elfedi a logót, az oldalsávot, az eszköztárat és a keresőmezőt is?

Állandó elrejtéshez másold be a következő sorokat a MediaWiki:Common.css lapra:

#column-content { margin: 0 0 .6em 0; }
#content { margin: 2.8em 0 0 0; }
#p-logo, .generated-sidebar, #p-lang, #p-tb, #p-search { display:none; }
#p-cactions { left: .1em; }

Ha azt szeretnéd, hogy csak akkor ne látszódjon, amikor a felhasználó megnyomja az F11 billentyűt, a MediaWiki:Common.js-t kell bővítened:

document.onkeydown = function( e ) {
	if( e == null ) e = event
	if( testKey( e, 122 ) ) { //F11
		appendCSS('#column-content {margin: 0 0 .6em 0;} #content {margin: 2.8em 0 0 0;} #p-logo, .generated-sidebar, #p-lang, #p-tb, #p-search {display:none;} #p-cactions {left: .1em;} #footer {display:none;}');
		return false;

function testKey( e, intKeyCode ) {
	if( window.createPopup )
		return e.keyCode == intKeyCode
		return e.which == intKeyCode

Hogyan rejthetem el a kategóriákat a lapok aljáról?

Ahhoz, hogy letiltsd a kategóriák megjelenítését a lapokon, add hozzá a következőt a MediaWiki:Common.css-hez:

.catlinks { display: none; }

By default, clicking the site-logo takes you to the main site-page. If you want to change which internal site-page is the "main" site-page, edit MediaWiki:Mainpage.

To make the link of the site-logo link externally to any other arbitrary URL, you can use jQuery code within MediaWiki:Common.js:

$("a.mw-wiki-logo").attr("href", "http://www.example.com");
$("a.mw-wiki-logo").attr("title", "Go to example.com website");

How do I change the icon in the browser's address line (favicon)?

  • Simply upload your favicon.ico to the root of your domain/subdomain, make sure file name is in lower case and its name is favicon.ico
  • Alternatively edit the $wgFavicon setting in LocalSettings.php and add

$wgFavicon = "$wgScriptPath/path/to/your/favicon.ico";

See Kézikönyv:$wgFavicon for more details.

Tip: The favicon image should be either 16 x 16 pixels or 32 x 32 pixels.

Rewrite Rule

If you are using a rewrite rule in .htaccess to remove "index.php" from the URL, you will also need to add an exception for .ico files. Simply add the following rule to your .htaccess:

RewriteRule .*\.ico$ - [L]

This rule must appear before the index.php rule.

Case sensitivity

When uploading the favicon file, be sure the filename is in lowercase. (That is, "favicon.ico", not "Favicon.ico".) A lot of servers (e.g., those on UNIX-like operating systems) will not be able to find the file unless its name is in lowercase.

How do I customize the navigation bar?

The contents of the navigation bar which appears to the left of each page using the Vector or the Monobook skin are determined by the MediaWiki:Sidebar page there on your wiki. For information on customising these, please see Manual:Interface/Sidebar .

How do I put a text message (sitenotice) on every page?

Put a text in the MediaWiki:Sitenotice page. It will be displayed on top of every article page.

You can also add text to MediaWiki:Anonnotice to create a message that only displays for logged-out users. It is often a good idea to transclude the site notice on the anon notice to make sure that logged-out users still get the information on the site notice.

How do I change which page is the main page?

By default, MediaWiki looks for a page with the title Main Page and serves this as the default page. This can be changed by altering the contents of MediaWiki:Mainpage to point to a different title. If this does not change the 'Main Page' link included on the sidebar at install time, edit MediaWiki:Sidebar .

Hogyan változtathatom meg a Kezdőlap címét?

Kattints az „átnevezés” fülre, majd add meg a kívánt nevet.

Esetleg meg kívánod változtatni a kezdőlap hivatkozásának címét is.

Hogyan rejthetem el a Kezdőlap címét?

MediaWiki 1.38+

The displayed title of the main page can be changed using the MediaWiki messages MediaWiki:mainpage-title and MediaWiki:mainpage-title-loggedin (for logged-out and logged-in users respectively). The main page title can be hidden by setting both messages to empty (or only either of them if the title should still be displayed to logged-out or logged-in users).

MediaWiki 1.37 and below

Figyelem Figyelem: This is not the recommended way to do this for Wikimedia projects as it may cause integration problems with extensions, gadgets and skins.

A MediaWiki erre nem tartalmaz beépített megoldást (lásd: task T8129), de CSS-sel megoldhatod. Alternatívaként használhatod a NoTitle kiterjesztést.

Add the following to MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki:

body.page-Main_Page.action-view h1.firstHeading, body.page-Main_Page.action-submit h1.firstHeading { display: none; }

If your main page uses a localized name or you have renamed the main page you need to change the page-Main_Page part. You can find a correct parameter by viewing HTML source of the main page and searching for the body tag.

For example, if your language is Lojban, the body tag looks like this:

<body class="mediawiki ltr sitedir-ltr ns-4 ns-subject page-uikipedi_as_ralju skin-vector action-view">

Therefore you should put this line in your MediaWiki:Common.css instead:

body.page-uikipedi_as_ralju.action-view h1.firstHeading, body.page-uikipedi_as_ralju.action-submit h1.firstHeading { display: none; }

If you would like to hide the title of a "Main Page" in a specific namespace like "Help:Main_Page" add the following to MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki:

body.page-Help_Main_Page.action-view h1.firstHeading, body.page-Help_Main_Page.action-submit h1.firstHeading { display: none; }

Note the difference: body.page-Help_Main_Page in comparison to body.page-Help:Main_Page. The latter will not work.

If this doesn't work, you may be using a skin that doesn't support this, or you moved your main page without updating MediaWiki:Mainpage, or you have a really old MediaWiki version.

If the skin uses a different element for the title than a h1 element with class firstHeading, you'll need to find the appropriate CSS selector to apply for that skin.

Hogyan rejthetem el a tartalomjegyzéket?

The table of contents (TOC) is automatically shown once there are four or more headings in the article. There are multiple ways to hide it.

For one page
Place the magic word __NOTOC__ in the page's wikitext.
For all pages
Install Extension:NoTOC
Add the following rule to MediaWiki:Common.css:
.toc, #toc { display: none; }
Per user
Users can add the same CSS rule to their common.css personal stylesheet.

How do I change the interface text?

Interface text is altered using the MediaWiki namespace. For each deviation from the default in the site language there is a page MediaWiki:Englishmessagename, and for each deviation from the default in each other language a page MediaWiki:Englishmessagename/languagecode. (Since release 1.9 there are no pages for messages equal to the default.). On creation of a page the edit box autofills with the default. When creating a page to override the default it is useful to first save the default version, to allow diffs with it. See also Segítség:Rendszerüzenet .

How do I edit error messages?

Special:Allmessages contains a complete list of messages (error or otherwise), that can be edited.

You may also add ?uselang=qqx or &uselang=qqx to a URL which will display the name of each messages in the interface.

How do I change the interface language?

To change the default interface language, alter the value of $wgLanguageCode in LocalSettings.php, for example

$wgLanguageCode = "fr";

You may also need to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

The new default interface language will be applied to all users who haven't ever customised it.

If you want to provide users the possibility to create and choose pages and interface elements in languages other than the default one of the wiki, you need the Translate extension, which can make your wiki multilingual.

If you want to change the language settings for all existing users, use the userOptions.php maintenance script. For instance, to have all users with English set use French instead, run:

php userOptions.php language --old en --new fr

How do I remove the article/edit etc tabs?

For a little more control see: User:Subfader/Hide_page_tabs

Edit MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki, and add this:

li#ca-edit { display: none; }

See the page source for the various #ca-* ids used in the content tabs.

This will only work for Monobook and derived skins such as Modern and Vector (the default skin), and doesn't actually stop people from editing. To do that, see Manual:User rights .

How do I add/remove tabs throughout my wiki?

For example, to remove the talk tab and then add a tab that always goes to the main page you would save this code in


if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ){
	die( "This is not a valid access point.\n" );

$wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][] = 'replaceTabs';
function replaceTabs( &$skin, &$links) {  
	// Remove the talk action
	unset( $links['namespaces']['talk'] );
	$maintitle = Title::newFromText( wfMessage( 'mainpage' )->inContentLanguage()->text() );
	// Add an additional link
	$links['namespaces']['main'] = array(
		'class' => false, // false or 'selected', defines whether the tab should be highlighted
		'text' => wfMessage( 'sitetitle' )->text(), // what the tab says
		'href' => $maintitle->getFullURL(), // where it links to
		'context' => 'main',
	return true;

and then add


to the bottom of LocalSettings.php

How do I remove a tab on only one page?


For example, to remove the Discussion (talk) page tab from the Main Page, on the MediaWiki:Common.css page add:

body.page-Main_Page li#ca-talk { display: none !important; }

To modify MediaWiki:Common.css you must be an Interface administrator .

See also: Manual:Hide page tabs

How do I remove a tab on all pages


For example, to remove the Discussion (talk) page tab on all wikipages, on the MediaWiki:Common.css page add:

#ca-talk { display:none!important; }

Other tabs to remove are #ca-history, #ca-viewsource, #ca-view (Read tab), #ca-nstab-main (Page tab).

Other drop down menu items you can remove are #ca-watch, #ca-move, #ca-delete.

One option is to hide the link using the following CSS in the wiki page MediaWiki:Common.css in your wiki:

#p-personal #pt-anonuserpage {
    display: none;

Another option is, inside your LocalSettings.php file, to use the PersonalUrls hook to remove the link to the talk page of anonymous users:

$wgHooks['PersonalUrls'][] = 'lfRemoveAnonUserpageLink';
function lfRemoveAnonUserpageLink( &$personal_urls, $title ) {
	unset( $personal_urls['anonuserpage'] );
	return true;

To remove the login / create account links from the personal_urls you can use this code in your LocalSettings.php to hook in and remove them:

$wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation::Universal'][] = function ( $skinTemplate, &$links ) {
	unset( $links['user-menu']['login'] );
	unset( $links['user-menu']['login-private'] );
	unset( $links['user-menu']['createaccount'] );

How can I suppress actions and special pages?

There are two different ways:

Using .htaccess file

MediaWiki is not designed for this kind of usage! Not all servers support .htaccess file. Note also that this system is not foolproof, it's just one step further than hiding the links (see above).

Suppressing actions and special pages can be useful when you want to create the illusion of a static website via a particular URL or VirtualHost, but also have an 'internal' view that is a true wiki. i.e. if you have an inward facing 'view' of your wiki that users can edit, and an outward facing 'view' that should appear like a static website (no history, no discussion, etc., etc.).

After hiding all the appropriate links (see above), if you are using the Apache web server, you can disable actions and special pages using the following rewrite rules:

# Lock down the site (disable MediaWiki commands)

RewriteEngine On

#RewriteLog /tmp/rewrite.log

#RewriteLogLevel 9

## See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Parameters_to_index.php#Actions

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*action=.*)
RewriteRule .* http://www.my.domain.com?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php/Special:Search
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}  ^(.*Special:.*)
RewriteRule .* http://www.my.domain.com?

## Catch a trick...
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*Special:.*)
RewriteRule .* http://www.my.domain.com?

Above, a request for 'http://www.my.domain.com/wiki/Page_name?action=edit', for example, will be simply rewritten to 'http://www.my.domain.com'. Similarly any page in the Special namespace (except for Special:Search) will be rewritten to 'http://www.my.domain.com'.

Alternatively, you may also serve a "403 Forbidden" for all such requests using: RewriteRule .* - [F]. Remember, this is only a hack, and isn't intended as a solution for a secure CMS.

Note that you will need to adjust the above rules to match your specific URL naming schema.

Other issues to consider when trying to lock down a site like this is the API and POST requests for the wiki content (rather than GET).

Using LocalSettings.php

To disable a specific special page (such as Special:SpecialPages), you may use:

$wgSpecialPages['Name'] = DisabledSpecialPage::getCallback( 'Name', 'message' );

where Name is the canonical (English) name of the special page to disable, and message is the message to be shown to users when they try to access the special page.

To disable an action (such as edit), you may use:

$wgActions['edit'] = false;

See API:Restricting API usage to disable an API module.

This is only the basic usages. Usually you may want to disable special pages, actions or API modules conditionally.

How do I change the footer?

See: Manual:Footer , Manual:Configuration settings#Copyright

How can I edit / remove the Powered by MediaWiki image (and possible other images) from the footer?

You can hide the Powered by MediaWiki image by adding the following to your wiki's MediaWiki:Common.css:

#footer-poweredbyico { display: none; }

If you want to remove it completely, you can use $wgFooterIcons to remove it using this in your LocalSettings.php:

unset( $wgFooterIcons['poweredby'] );

Note that this will also remove other powered-by icons, e.g. also the one coming from BlueSpice.

If you wish to change the icon images, urls, alt text, or add new icons please see $wgFooterIcons ' documentation.

You can customize signatures in MediaWiki:Signature / MediaWiki:Signature-anon.

For example, changing the entries to [[{{ns:user}}:$1|$2]] ([[{{ns:user_talk}}:$1|talk]]) will put a link to users' talk pages and [[{{ns:user}}:$1|$2]] ([{{fullurl:{{ns:user_talk}}:$1|action=edit&section=new}} Reply]) would give a more direct link.

Users can change their signature in their preferences.

How can I change what the ‎<title> of each page is? Where do I make changes?

Most of the text that you want to change can be found in the namespace of MediaWiki.

In order to change titles, texts, announcements, etc., go to Special:AllMessages, where you will see the text associated with the pages you wish to change. You need to log in as an administrator to edit the protected entries in the MediaWiki namespace.

If you want to change the title in your browser, you need to edit MediaWiki:Pagetitle. Go there and edit it just like you would any other page in your wiki.

In recent versions of MediaWiki, MediaWiki:Pagetitle is $1 - {{SITENAME}} by default. If {{SITENAME}} is producing the wrong text for you, you need to set $wgSitename in your LocalSettings.php.

Don't forget to clear your browser cache after you change your settings.

Does MediaWiki automatically capitalize the first letter of $wgSitename?

Yes. This can be changed using the $wgCapitalLinks configuration setting.

See Kézikönyv:$wgExternalLinkTarget

How can I suppress MediaWiki from formatting URLs, tags, etc?

Put "‎<nowiki>‎</nowiki>" tags around the URL or tag.


svn co <nowiki>http://svn.example.com/myproject/</nowiki>

svn co http://svn.example.com/myproject/

How can I force users to preview before they save?

See: Manual:Force preview , Extension:ForcePreview

How do I add more buttons on the edit page?

See: Manual:Custom edit buttons

How can I get more special characters or tags clickable on the edit page?

For adding more selectable special characters, etc., below the edit field, see Extension:CharInsert .

How can I use a different skin on my wiki?

See Kézikönyv:$wgDefaultSkin for more information on configuring your default skin.

Edit the page MediaWiki:Print.css on your wiki and add the following code there:

#content a.external.text:after,
#content a.external.autonumber:after {
	content: none;

This will override the styles defined in the CSS files coming with the MediaWiki source code. For more information, see Kézikönyv:CSS .

If instead you want to have the external links underlined in the printable version, then also add the following code:

#content a.external {
    text-decoration: underline !important;

How do I print footnotes at the bottom of each printed page?

Try this StackOverflow solution: Printed HTML per-page footnotes

How do I change the text of the article (page name) tab of my wiki's main page?

To change the text of the tab, as one example used in Wikipedia, you first open the page "MediaWiki:Mainpage-nstab".

After you've done that, click Edit and type in the edit box the text you want to be seen later on the main page - that's it. Don't forget to save the page as well.

How do I change the background color?

To change the background color of the MediaWiki interface outside of the page content and tabs, add the following CSS to the MediaWiki page [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]:

/* Changes the background color of the bottom and left of each page, up to behind half of the logo: */
body {
  background: red;

/* Changes the background color behind the top half of the logo and at top of each page: */
#mw-page-base {
  background: red;

This will change the background color outside of the tabs, search, and page content to red. See Kézikönyv:CSS for more information.

How do I load external fonts?

This example refers to Google Fonts, a repository of free open-source fonts that you can use with MediaWiki. Go to https://fonts.google.com/, find fonts that you like, and select them by clicking the "plus" (+) icon. Select one or more fonts to be added. Click the tab for the pop-up notification, and then select "@IMPORT". Copy and paste the resulting CSS into [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]. The examples below use Noto Sans and Noto Serif. They are default fonts for Android operating system and have good support for Unicode text.

@import url( 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans|Noto+Serif ');

/* Changes the default font used for MediaWiki to Noto Sans (does not include headings or monospaced text): */
body {
  font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif;

/* Changes the default font used for MediaWiki headings to Noto Serif: */
#content h1, 
#content h2 {
  font-family: "Noto Serif", serif;

How to hide the "Your edit was saved" notification?

Edit the wiki page MediaWiki:Common.css on your wiki to include the line .postedit {display: none;}. See Manual:Interface/Stylesheets for more information.

Basic usage

How do I edit a page?

To edit a page, simply click the edit link that appears on each page. Using the default Vector skin, this is in the form of a tab at the top of the page. A form will appear, containing the existing markup. When you have finished making modifications, click the Save button to commit your changes.

See also: Help:Lapok szerkesztése

How do I create a new page?

There are several ways to create a new page:

  • Create a link to the page on another page, then click on the red link which appears
  • Browse to the intended location of the page, e.g. http://www.example.com/index.php?title=New_page and click on the "Edit", "Create" or "Create source" link.

On some wikis, a failed search for a page will contain a link which allows you to edit that page.

See also: Help:Starting a new page

How do I delete an old version of a page?

Old versions of page data are retained in the database and can be accessed via the page history features. This is useful for reviewing changes and correcting or reverting undesirable ones, but in some cases, administrators might want to make this information unavailable, for legal reasons, or to reduce the size of the database.

  • Administrators can delete an old revision of a page by deleting the page, and then selectively undeleting revisions to be kept
  • For newer MediaWikis (1.14+), you can enable the core RevisionDelete feature that allows privileged users to remove single revisions from page histories.
See also: Manual:Removing embarrassment

How do I use oversight/delete revisions in the page history?

See: RevisionDelete

You can also delete a page, and then restore only the revisions you want.

Are there any editing tutorials available?

There are several editing tutorials available, mostly on Wikimedia sister projects, such as Wikipedia. There are also markup references, etc. available on Meta.

How do I view the printable form of a page?

MediaWiki includes stylesheets which automatically style a page appropriately when it is printed; using the print or print preview function within your browser ought to render the page in a printable form.

You can also view this printable form using the printable version link in the sidebar under Toolbox or Print/export if using the Collection extension.

How do I use templates?

See Segítség:Sablonok

Can I use media (images, video, audio, etc.) from Wikimedia Commons in my installed version of MediaWiki?

Yes, this is encouraged through the use of Kézikönyv:$wgUseInstantCommons .

See also: InstantCommons

How do I use a template as a signature?

When you look at your preferences, you see a check box for "raw signature." But the field will only take a certain number of characters. What if you want more?

You will need to create two pages, possibly in your userspace.

  1. Create the first page (FIRST PAGE)
  2. Go to your preferences, check "raw signature" and put {{FIRST PAGE}} in the signature. Mentés
  3. Create a second page (SECOND PAGE) (possibly a sub-page of the first)
  4. Go back to the first page (FIRST PAGE) and do {{SECOND PAGE}}
  5. Go to the second page (SECOND PAGE) and place the code you wish to have for your signature.

If you don't have this structure, you will still be inserting all your signature code into the raw code wherever your signature is used, because the software will insert "SUBST" in your preferences. You may not mind this, in which case you only need one page. If you want the raw code to only display {{FIRST PAGE}}, which looks a lot cleaner, then you need to use the two-page structure.

How do I add the sandbox functionality to my installation of the wiki?

In wiki terms, a sandbox is simply a "play pen"; a page which users can mess about in. This is an ordinary page created in the normal manner, and can be located wherever you like. There is no special sandbox functionality built into MediaWiki.

Users often inquire about the Wikipedia sandboxes, which seem to be self-emptying. This is not quite correct; there are a number of volunteers who run bots to clean these up and return them to a certain state at regular time intervals.

See also Extension:SandboxLink which will add a link to user's personal sandbox (i.e. a subpage of personal user page) to personal tools menu.

You need to install the SandboxLink extension.

How do I make my wiki serve all languages?

Wiki importing

Importing from MediaWiki XML dumps

See: Manual:Importing XML dumps

Importing from other types of wiki software

This section lacks information - please feel free to add it.

Importing from other types of files

There are a variety of tools available to help convert content from HTML (and other formats) to MediaWiki markup.

Developer and SysAdmin tools
End-user tools
  • wikEd - a text editor for MediaWiki that can import HTML (including Microsoft Word-generated HTML.)

Templates imported from other wikis (such as Wikipedia) don't work for me

You probably need to install some extensions used on the source wiki, such as Scribunto , TemplateStyles , ParserFunctions or sometimes Cite . Also, make sure that you copied all site CSS and JavaScript required by the template.

Customising further

I want to have multiple wikis, but only require registration once

  • If you're starting from scratch or you're switching from one wiki to multiple, you can use $wgSharedDB and $wgSharedTables to have all wikis share the user table of the "main" wiki.

You can share other tables as well, as long as they don't contain any data dependent on non-shared tables or data specific to one wiki. See Manual:Shared database for examples and more information.

  • If your wikis are already established and you want to switch to a single sign-on, you can use the CentralAuth extension.

It has a few more features than a shared user table, but it's more difficult to configure and it's tailored toward a Wikimedia-style setup. However, it is easier than attempting to completely merge multiple user tables into one.

How can I allow use of HTML tags?

Vigyázat! Vigyázat: This can be easily abused to attack users

See Extension:Secure HTML and Extension:HTMLets for ways to make this safer.

How do I fix problems or add features to MediaWiki?

The basic steps to improving MediaWiki (that is, becoming a MediaWiki developer) are:

  • Download the Git "clone" of the MediaWiki source code
  • Get a server, a database, and PHP running on your computer (this can be annoying, so please ask for help if something isn't working)
  • Get MediaWiki running on your computer off that Git checkout (can be annoying as well, so, ditto)
  • Fix the problem or add the feature you were thinking of
  • Edit the source code of the relevant file(s) to fix the problem

How do I run a bot?

See: Manual:Bots

You might want to use the Pywikibot framework.

How do I change noindex nofollow

How do I create a small wiki farm?

See: Manual:Wiki family

How do I add meta tags?

The OutputPage class includes an addMeta method which can be used to add meta tags. The RequestContext can be used to get the relevant OutputPage object.

$out->addMeta ( 'description', 'This is a meta description.' );


...üres a Segítség-névtér?

A Segítség-névtér alapértelmezésben üres. Rajtad múlik, milyen és mennyi segítséget adsz látogatóidnak az oldalad használatához. Természetesen könnyedén hivatkozhatsz máshol található súgókra.

Jelenleg nincs egységes, lefordított és szabad licenszű súgónk. Ha szeretnéd, a wikik használatáról szóló segítséglapjaink (Help:Tartalomjegyzék ) átmásolhatod saját oldaladra. Ezek erre a célra, wikifüggetlenül és jogi korlátozások nélkül készültek. Lásd: Projekt:Közkincssegítség .

...nem jelennek meg a képeim feltöltés után?

Several users have reported that, following an upgrade or a moving of their wiki, several images fail to be shown inline. The files exist, and the image description pages show a MIME type of unknowncode>/unknown and, in some cases, a warning about potentially dangerous files.

To fix this, run the maintenance/rebuildImages.php script from the command line. This will set MIME information for each file in the database.

MediaWiki 1.21 and newer implements responsive images. Due to a bug, if the server locale is set to one that uses commas instead of dots for representing a decimal point, images may not render on some browsers/devices. This can be confirmed by inspecting a thumbnail of a medium or big image on a page with the browser tools, looking at the HTML code, and see if the srcset attribute contains commas instead of dots when representing the 1.5x value.

…are all PNG files not being turned into thumbnails?

After upgrading to a more recent version of PHP, it is possible a different MimeMagic.php function is being used to detect file MIME types, particularly the built-in PHP function mime_content_type, which fails to detect PNG files. Search the web for mime_content_type png for information on fixing this bug at the PHP level, possibly by editing your magic.mime file.

…nem tudom letölteni a MediaWiki 1.43 verzióját?

A MediaWiki 1.43 jelenleg fejlesztés alatt áll, nincs belőle kiadott csomag. Ha szeretnéd, Gitről töltheted le. Ha a legújabb csomagot szeretnéd letölteni, a mediawiki-master.tar.gz linkről tudod.

...nem működik? A Wikipédián igen!

A Wikipédia és a többi Wikimédia-oldal a MediaWiki legújabb, fejlesztői kiadását (MediaWiki 1.43.0-wmf.27 (d521558)) használja. A telepített kiterjesztések eltérhetnek a te wikidtől.

…do I get a 403 Forbidden error after setting permissions on my Fedora system?

Fedora enables SELinux by default. Instructions for setting SELinux permissions for MediaWiki are available.

…do I get Installing some external dependencies (e.g. via composer) is required?

Many hosting providers only handle zip archives, and we only provide gz compressed tar archives, thus the archives has to be recompressed before uploading. This should not be a hurdle, but it seems like some archive tools occasionally fail to include all files in large archives. When this happen the vendor folder is left out, leaving the user with the rather non-explanatory error message.

Use a command line tool when recompressing the tar archive into a zip archive.

...jelentkeztet ki folyamatosan a rendszer?

This is probably related to cookies or session data. See Log in problems for information.

If this is happening constantly to all users, it probably means that caching is misconfigured. Setting $wgSessionCacheType = CACHE_DB; can be used to determine if caching is the cause of the problem. If that solves the problem, you should still investigate what is wrong with your caching configuration.

…is it a good idea to keep user accounts?

At many times you just want to remove a user account out of the wiki either because it belonged to a spammer account or you just feel like it. The appropriate choice is to block the account or rename it if needed. Here is why:

Do I just remove this row from the user table?

Rob Church posted the following regarding this issue on the wikitech-l mailing list:

If the user has made edits, then removing rows from the user table cause theoretical loss of referential integrity.

Now, to be honest with you, I can't think of any conditions where this would cause an actual problem; "undefined behaviour" is the phrase we use.

What I'd suggest doing, to be on the safe side, is running a couple of quick updates against the database:

UPDATE revision SET rev_user = 0 WHERE rev_user = <current_user_id>
UPDATE archive SET ar_user = 0 WHERE ar_user = <current_user_id>

What this will do is cause MediaWiki to treat the revisions as having been made anonymously when generating things like page histories, which should eliminate any problems caused by these routines attempting to check user details from other tables.

If the user has caused log entries, i.e. rows in the logging table, or uploaded images, then the situation becomes trickier, as you'll have to start mopping up all the rows everywhere and it could become a bit of a mess, so if the user's done anything other than edit, I would strongly recommend just blocking them indefinitely.

If the username is offensive or undesirable, then you could consider renaming it using the RenameUser extension.

Another option is to give Admins the 'hideuser' right, and indefinitely block the user with the Hide username from edits and lists option selected.

A Extension:UserMerge is hasznos lehet.

…is the number of pages so low on Special:Statistics?

By default, $wgArticleCountMethod is set to link. This means the number of "Content pages" on the Special:Statistics page only counts pages which include at least one internal link. This can be changed by setting $wgArticleCountMethod to any. Afterwards, run updateArticleCount.php and/or initSiteStats.php . (On Wikimedia websites, initSiteStats.php is run on the 1st and 15th of each month.) There might still be wrong behavior, see for example phab:T212706.


How do I use $wgSpamRegex to block more than one string?

$wgSpamRegex is a powerful filter for page content. Adding multiple items to the regex, however, can be awkward. Consider this snippet:

$wgSpamRegexLines[] = 'display\s*:\s*none';
$wgSpamRegexLines[] = 'overflow\s*:\s*auto';
$wgSpamRegex = '/(' . implode( '|', $wgSpamRegexLines ) . ')/i';

This example code allows convenient addition of additional items to the regex without fiddling about each time. It also demonstrates two popular filters, which block some of the most common spam attacks.

See also: Extension:SpamRegex

Hogyan küzdhetek még a spam ellen?

See Manual:Combating spam for an overview of anti-spam measures such as Captcha, content filtering and restricting edition.


Lásd a Manual:Combating vandalism lapot tippekért és javaslatokért.

Hova tovább?

Hibát találtam, vagy szeretnék egy új funkciót. Hova írhatok?

Ezeket a Phabricator on keresztül lehet jelezni. Lásd még: Hibák jelentése.

Furcsa hibát tapasztalok. Mit tegyek?

Kipróbáltam, de nem működött

Problémába ütköztem, elolvastam ezt a lapot és tanácsokat kaptam a megoldáshoz. De nem működött, a hiba továbbra is fennáll!!!!

Tízből kilencszer elfelejtetted kiüríteni a gyorsítótáradat. Ezt legegyszerűbben egy korábban még nem felkeresett lap meglátogatásával próbálhatod ki. Jelöld ki az URL lapcímet tartalmazó részét (például „Valami_lap”). Malmozz ujjaiddal a billentyűkön, majd üss entert. Ellenőrizd, hogy ezen a lapon is fennáll-e a hiba.

A MediaWiki szerveroldali gyorsítótárat is használ, így a böngésződ cache-ének törlése gyakran nem elég. Részletekért lásd a vonatkozó szakaszt.

További ötletek:

  • A jó fájlt szerkesztetted? Ha nem odavaló tartalmat illesztesz be, okoz-e fennakadást?
    • Ez esetben a debughoz jó módszer a phpinfo.php állomány létrehozása, melyben mindössze a <?php phpinfo() ?> szöveg szerepel. Töltsd fel a fájlt, majd hívd meg a böngészőből. Vizsgáld meg a gyökérkönyvtárat és a php.ini helyét.
  • A fájl jó részét szerkesztetted? Létrehoztál duplikált bejegyzést a php.iniben? Az új beállításokat a LocalSettings.php végéhez, ne pedig az elejéhez add hozzá.
  • Ha létrehoztál .htaccess fájlt, az AllowOverrides be van kapcsolva? Fordulj tárhely-szolgáltatódhoz.

A kérdésem nem szerepel itt. Hova fordulhatok?

Ha kimerítetted a fenti útmutatót, kövesd az alábbiakat:

Továbbra sincs szerencsém. Hol kérhetek segítséget?

See the support venues listed on Kommunikáció .

See also