
24 Reviews
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Mean Girls (2024)
It was just OK to me.
17 January 2024
Definitely not the original but hell, it's better than Mean Girls 2. I KNEW what I was already getting into with this movie, so I wasn't surprised. I can get through musicals, but some of the songs in this was just cringe cringe cringe!! Acting wasn't the best, and they tried to reenact some scenes from the original, but it just didn't work. The WORST one for me was " what is fetch?" And " you can't sit with us" those two quotes in this movie just felt rushed and so bland. I did have some last laughs here and there, but mostly this movie felt bland to me. I do feel like this movie will be forgettable in the next 10 years.. at least I didn't pay for this, I had a free movie ticket. Overall, 5/10 for me. Wasn't the worst movie, but again, it's just forgettable. Although, the actress who played Janis was my favorite!
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What happened to AHS?
25 October 2022
What happened, seriously? Seasons 1-5 had that different atmosphere, if you guys know what I mean. This show just felt so different after season 5. Although, I do enjoy 1984 and Apocalypse (but they both felt rushed) but other than that, this show has gone down hill.. you don't even see the OG characters anymore.. the writing also feels different. Freak Show will forever be in my heart, because I got introduced to the show with that season during my high school days, and it's also a very emotional season, that really got to me. But shortly after, I started it from season 1. I still rewatch the earlier seasons, as they are worth watching. Newer ones, not so much..
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Cậu Bé Mất Tích (2016–2025)
I enjoyed... most of it. Season 3 is my favorite!
27 August 2022
Overall, a good solid series that I enjoyed watching. Definitely not rewatchable for me though. Most of the characters are SO annoying (Dustin being the worse one) the hippie in season 4 who I forgot his name because he wasn't even important is annoying too. But I do enjoy Nancy, Steve, Max, and oh course Eleven!

Season 3 is my favorite! The ending finale for that season had me CRYINGGGG! Loved Eleven and Max's relationship at the mall. Also, this season is when finally the characters begin to grow on me, well some, not all. But the one's who did, I enjoyed! The music, the clothes, the MALL.. like everything in that season was perfect.
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Not as bad as I thought!
19 February 2022
I went in this movie with low expectations, and throughout the movie I was surprisingly entertained. I knew it wasn't going to be a masterpiece, but it's enjoyable. Story is a bit meh, but the kills are gory! Don't expect too much, and don't compare it with the others. Just shut off your brain for 80 some mins. It's definitely better than the Texas Chainsaw 2013 for sure.
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Tiếng Thét 5 (I) (2022)
Always follow the rules!
14 January 2022
This film was so much fun from beginning to end. So much nostalgia and MANY OG characters that came back and one you probably forgot about! I'll leave it at that. But this definitely lives up to the original.. brutal kills in this one too!! But if you enjoy the previous ones, you'll love this one! I think Wes would be proud! Can't wait to bring it home with me in a few months!
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You're either going to love it or hate it
16 October 2021
I enjoyed it. Sure, it's not perfect by all means and the storyline is definitely all over the place, and most of the characters were stupid and could've made better decisions, but the kills makes it up for it. I enjoyed the gory kills. If you're a die hard Michael Myers fan, then you'll love this movie. The flashback scenes, the soundtrack, and the mob scene was great. My theater was packed on Friday night, and people gasped everytime there was a kill. It was such a great time! Definitely deserves a higher score. So I'm giving it a 9/10.
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Great horror movie
29 July 2021
I don't care what anyone says, I freakin' love this movie! I first saw this movie on MTV like 10 years ago, and I loved it ever since. Sure, obviously it's not a perfect film, but the acting is okay, had a good plot, good kills (Paris Hilton being my favorite) and overall it's a great movie to just sit back and relax and have a few beers and popcorn to watch on a Friday night! Give it a try!
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It's very enjoyable
25 July 2021
This movie is HIGHLY entertaining! Sure, some parts can be cheesy, but overall this movie has some good actors, an interesting plot, good kills (Paris Hilton being my favorite) and really, it's just a whole lot of fun to just sit back and watch on a Friday night with a few beers and some popcorn. Give it a try! I recently picked up the Scream Factory copy of this movie, and let me just tell you... it made me love this movie even MOREEEE! Beautiful pictures, colors are better and nighttime shots look brighter!
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Hmm wonder why my review disappeared?
2 July 2021
Says it all in the title.. my review COMPLETELY disappeared. Stick to the original, or even the 2006 version. "I owe the 2006 version an apology". That was my review before, and it got deleted. So, here it is again.
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Why so much hate? I enjoyed it.
5 June 2021
Sure, this movie isn't a masterpiece but it's very entertaining! I really enjoyed it. Why so much negative reviews? If you're a fan of "As Above, So Below" or even "The Descent" then you'll enjoy this too! Gives you the same vibe where people get trapped underground. Very claustrophobic and intense. A solid 7/10. I'm proud to say, as a horror movie collector. I'm glad I have this in my collection!
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A great sequel. Love everything about this film.
28 December 2020
Out of the four, TS2 will forever be my favorite. Very surprised it didn't win an Oscar.. but the other three did? Either way, Toy Story 1-3 are the best. Wasn't a huge fan of TS4.. the story of TS2 was powerful, yet almost dark. I just loved everything about this film!
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Animation is beautiful in this film, but that's about it.
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this film, you're gonna WISH Andy left his toys in the attic instead of giving the toys to Bonnie. Don't get me wrong, the animation in this film was beautiful! Had a good few laughs, but in my opinion, it's the weakest out of the 4. And Toy Story 3 ended so perfect, that this one shouldn't exist. But of course, it's all about money. I'm glad Woody became a lost toy though because Bonnie didn't even pay attention to him throughout the movie! Seriously.. what a spoiled brat. This film will make you dislike Bonnie. But I'm glad Woody got his happy ending. But I'm very disappointed that Bonnie promised to take good care of his toys, only for her to forget about Woody and care about a stupid spork she made from the trash. Kids will like this movie, but for adults you'll forget that this movie ever existed. TS2 will forever be my favorite. And TS3 ended perfect.
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Great haunted house horror slasher!
13 October 2020
This movie was SOO much fun to watch! Had me at the edge of my seat the entire time. I also love how this movie went straight to the point from the beginning. Very creepy and entertaining!
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Average slasher movie!
19 August 2020
I liked it.. very good slasher movie. The soundtrack is amazing! The original and this one is very good in their OWN way, I'll just say that. Give it a watch!
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Green Room (2015)
It was just OK
5 April 2020
Not a bad film, but not great either.. has it's slow moments. Kills are kinda cool. It's one of those movies where I would probably just see it once.
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After the 2019 "Black Christmas", I appreciate this version.
14 December 2019
Ok, so I came to review this version of Black Christmas, since the 2019 version was complete trash. This movie is such an underrated film, and definitely deserves more stars!! I've always enjoyed this version. If you want gore and violence, then this movie is for you! It's a good slasher film!
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Great film!
2 December 2019
I really liked it. Has you at the edge of your seat the whole time.. VERY suspenseful and terrifying! Hurricanes are the worst, and being trapped in a house with crocs with NO WAY OUT is really terrifying! Give this movie a try.. you'll like it if you're into shark movies. This one will give you the same attention!
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I actually really enjoyed it!
2 December 2019
First of all, if you compare this movie to the original Child's Play (1988) then you're probably not gonna like this movie. Just think of it as a different, more advance Chucky movie. Then you'll end up liking it. I actually really enjoyed this movie.. Aubrey Plaza did an amazing job! The acting was great, and overall GREAT KILLS. What an a enjoyable slasher movie! I bought this movie for $9 during Black Friday (when stores had the new movies on sale) and I don't regret it!! I love this movie!
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Joker (I) (2019)
13 November 2019
MASTERPIECE! Such a great movie, and well preformed from start to finish. Joaquin Phoenix does an outstanding job on his performance. Not gonna lie, some scenes gave me chills. Overall, great film!! 10/10.
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THIS one is my favorite out of all the films!
26 September 2019
Final Destination 3 is no different than the first two.. same story, but just more creative ways to die. But I gotta say, this one happened to be my favorite one. I just LOVED the roller coaster scene, the gore, the ending! I can watch this movie over and over again and never get tired of it!! A+ for me.
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Good, but not amazing..
14 September 2019
I really enjoyed IT so I was pretty excited about seeing IT Chapter Two... I loved the adult actors, and the acting. For the most part, they chose the right actors to play the adults. I loved how they played flashback scenes from where they little. some emotional scenes really got to me throughout the movie, too. Very dark, and much more disturbing than the first one, but for some reason, Chapter Two didn't quite live up to the first one. Something was missing, and I can't put my finger on it. I enjoyed it though, kinda.. But the ending could of been better.. 6/10 for me.
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Better than the first..
21 August 2019
Wow this movie made me jump, and far better than the first movie. Loved all the slow motion scenes, lol. Very cool movie. Perfect movie to end my summer. 10/10!
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Thị Trấn Riverdale (2017–2023)
Waste of time
20 August 2019
Someone told me to watch this show and I regret it. Season 1 was ok... and that's the only season I've watched. Didn't go past that because I knew it would be a waste of time, and I knew it would be VERY cheesy and cringy. I just watched little clips on youtube of season 2 and 3, and even that I was like "...umm?". This show is just unrealistic and bad acting. Don't waste your time watching this. If you want to know what goes on throughout the series, just youtube it. You'll find answers. But overall, 1/10.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Very good thriller!!
19 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
MA is something different than any other psychological thriller movie out there. Ever since I saw the trailer to this movie, I've been wanting to see it. It's different, and that is why I liked it. It's fun, has some jump scares and overall, one psycho that we all know and love, Octavia Spencer! She killed her role, once again..Loved her acting! My biggest issue though on this movie is that I wish it had MORE kills, and would of had a LONGER runtime. That's why I give it a 8/10. But other than that, it's fine. I'm still gonna buy it on Blu-ray.
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