Icy, cruel woman is hired to give away puppies for an incompetent CEO
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is just... one of the most puzzling holiday movies I've seen.

The main character is miserably mean. There's no real "in" to feel like she's a good person. She's mean to her fiance, her best friend, her boss - and yet, somehow people want to be part of her life!

There's typically a misunderstanding that drives a wedge between the leads, but that doesn't seem to exist in this one. They start off cold. Then in his second scene, the guy completely changes personality.

They have one mildly personal conversation on a plane, which ends with them leaning in to kiss before being interrupted. This is a romantic moment that has not been earned.

The plot that is used as the premise - needing to have 12 puppies adopted before Christmas - is surprisingly brief. After spending a bit of time with it, the movie loses interest, then brings it back at the very end to tie up the loose end.

This also feels like a bait-and-switch. The movie didn't fulfill the promise of the premise.

Despite being a canine therapist, and carrying a dog around for most of the movie, the lead doesn't seem to care about dogs at all. When the script requires it, she squeals about the puppies, but she never shows affection for her dog, she never talks to it, and she never is shown doing anything to care for any of the dogs in the movie.

Also, the company she's been hired to work for makes GPS collars for dogs. The boss is weird in how bad he is. He doesn't consider the idea of "lets make the collar comfortable" when dogs refuse to wear it.

Strange, strange holiday movie.

Also, I believe that one of the actresses looks at the camera twice, and one of the extras looks once.
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