If you could see my noisy thoughts as I watched, they were saying "it's not that bad is it?"
26 October 2021
I went in with low expectations. The reviews had me thinking this was going to be a terrible movie, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was honestly quite entertaining. The problems with the film are directly related to casting and story. Now I'm sure the book this film is based on must be quite good, many people have read it and rave about it, the screenplay for this film, on the other hand, felt simplistic and bland - I saw opportunities where there could have been so much more texture and adventure and it was all wasted on ninety minutes of what felt like a Western chase on horseback and with a plot to lynch a couple of innocent kids - but without the Western gravitas. I would have enjoyed more back story and narrative with the indigenous species on the New World and more conflict between the men and their noisy thoughts. Secondly, while I love both Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland; they are both truly A-list talent, the two of them together in this film just didn't work. There was no chemistry, none, and because of the lack of romance - the boy meets girl part of the film falls completely flat. You just end up caring less. Had they paired Daisy with a beefier, more dangerous lead like Dacre Montgomery or Ansel Elgort, or practically any young male who's not Tom Holland, I'm sure there would have been fireworks and the notched up romantic tension would have helped overcome the soft, boring story. I'm giving this a 6.5/10 for very competent acting, great special effects and a passable amount of entertainment from a one trick pony of a story about silly men with noisy thoughts and a girl with yellow hair.
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