The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Support Django development by donating to the Django Software Foundation.

Support the Django Software Foundation!

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Why give to the Django Software Foundation?

Our main focus is direct support of Django's developers. This means:

Still curious? See our Frequently Asked Questions about donations.

Django Fellowship Program

The biggest expense of the DSF is the Django Fellowship program. It's a project where paid contractors are engaged to manage some of the administrative and community management tasks of the Django project to support rapid development of Django itself.

The Django Fellowship program has a major positive impact on how Django is developed and maintained. The Django Fellows triage 10-15 new tickets each week and review and merge around fifteen non-trivial patches a week from the community. Release blocking and severe bugs aren't postponed indefinitely. Major releases happen according to an 8 month schedule and bug fix releases occur monthly.

For more details, you can read retrospectives for the first three months of the program, 2015, and 2016.

The Django Fellows are a resource to help review patches and contributions from the community, and the community loves that:

Django's fellowship program allowed me to rediscover programming. By contributing to Django, I learned, through Tim's timely and complete reviews of my contributions, that programming is more than just code -- it is the systematic approach to design, code, review, documentation, and testing of software. I am indebted to Tim and the Django Software Foundation's fellowship program for this.

Jorge Cardoso Leitão, Django contributor

If you use Django on a daily basis and care about the development of Django itself, you should donate today (may be tax deductible). Only with your support can we make sure that the web framework you base your work on can grow to be even better in the coming years.

Django Girls Outreach

Supporting Django Girls workshops is a significant priority for the Django Software Foundation. Django Girls workshops are organized by volunteers and are provided as free events for women who want to learn to code. The workshop serves as an introduction to Python and Django, where attendees learn usable skills to build their first web app.

Django Girls workshop attendees go on to organize their own workshops, lead in their community, and secure full-time jobs as developers. Read their stories in the “Your Django Story” series on the Django Girls blog.

In 2015, the Django Software Foundation contributed $5,400 to eighteen Django Girls workshops around the world. Here's what some of the organizers had to say about the impact:

Sponsorship from the DSF allowed us to have on-site child care for our Django Girls Portland workshop. We hosted 2 young children and an infant, and provided them with healthy snacks, games, sidewalk chalk, finger paint, and emoji stickers. Without our nanny, 3 of our attendees wouldn't have been able to come to the workshop. Finger paint photo is on the blog!

Lacey - Portland, Oregon, US

The DSF supported Django Girls Poland four times this year and the impact was enormous! In Poland, diversity awareness is not a very common topic. When we approached different local companies about our workshops they usually didn't get what we were actually doing and why it is important. If not for the DSF, we probably would not have been able to hold our workshops at all. Our first workshops were the only until now workshops that were 100% female - female only coaches and female only attendees. Thanks to you, we were able to focus on gathering female mentors instead of searching for sponsors!

Ania - Wrocław, Poland

Django Girls Seoul had 425 applicants from 11 different countries ages ranging from 16 to 50 years old. After acceptances, we had about 105 people to feed and caffeinate! Thanks to Django's sponsorship we could get all of our participants coffee for the day. It really made a huge difference because we all know how a cup of coffee can change the atmosphere and mood! We were so grateful to the sponsorship we received from abroad. We tried to get sponsorship from a lot of Korean companies but the same generosity doesn't translate well into a Korean Business culture, I guess. This made us even more thankful for our friends at the DSF!

Rachell - Seoul, South Korea

DSF Supporters

Our donors make our work possible! We are incredibly grateful for the financial support from the following individuals and organizations in our community.

Platinum Corporate Members ($30,000+)

Gold Corporate Members ($12,500+)

Silver Corporate Members ($5,000+)

Bronze Corporate Members ($2,000+)

In-kind donors

These donors help with significant non-cash contributions.

Andrew Francis provided the badges for our donors.
Sentry provides error monitoring for our infrastructure.
Fastly provides the content delivery network for
OSUOSL provides additional servers for our infrastructure.
SysEleven provides additional servers for our infrastructure.
Typefully provided the account for social media.

Leaders ($1,000+)

Leadership-level donors contribute $1,000 or more in a calendar year.


Our donor roll for all donations made in the last 365 days.

Keith Bussell
Yaniv Mirel
Ben Spaulding
Jannis Leidel
Simon Brulhart
Alex Evans
Daniel Y.
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What is the Django Software Foundation?

Development of Django is supported by an independent foundation established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Like most open-source foundations, the goal of the Django Software Foundation is to promote, support, and advance the Django web framework. If you're interested in how the Django Software Foundation supports the Django web framework, we published a Summary of 2014.

Who are the Django Fellows?

There are currently two Django Fellows:

Sarah Boyce (2024-present) - an active community member, co-creator of Djangonaut Space and a member of Django's review and triage team since 2023. Sarah began as a full-time Fellow in April 2024.

Natalia Bidart (2023-present) - a seasoned Django user with extensive experience in architecting, building, and maintaining scalable web services, as well as leading new feature design and development. Natalia began as a part-time Fellow in April 2023.

Former Django Fellows:

Mariusz Felisiak (2019-2024) - a member of the Django team since 2017, focusing on the ORM and Oracle back-end, along with triaging tickets, reviewing pull requests, and backporting changes. He has contributed to more than a dozen open-source projects. Mariusz began as a full-time Fellow in April 2019. In 2024 Mariusz retired after five years of service.

Carlton Gibson (2018-2023) - a longtime Django user, core contributor to Django REST Framework, maintainer of Django Filter and Django Crispy Forms, and a contributor to many other packages in the Django ecosystem. Carlton began as a part-time Fellow in January 2018. In 2023 Carlton retired after five years of service.

Tim Graham (2014- 2019) - the inaugural Django Fellow, a member of the Django team since 2010, and a longtime major contributor and reviewer. In 2018 Tim transitioned to part-time and in 2019 retired after four years of service.

Berker Peksağ (2014) - a core developer on CPython and Gunicorn, Berker worked as Fellow during the 3 month pilot, supporting Tim part-time.