Virtual Quotes
Quotes tagged as "virtual"
Showing 1-25 of 25
“In this twenty-first century, reality is virtual and truth is broader.”
― The Gods Are Not Dead
― The Gods Are Not Dead
“The problem with making a virtual world of oneself is akin to the problem with projecting ourselves onto a cyberworld: there’s no end of virtual spaces in which to seek stimulation, but their very endlessness, the perpetual stimulation without satisfaction, becomes imprisoning.”
― Farther Away
― Farther Away
“Virtual In the age of social media, friends are like snow flakes.
They descend in their thousands. They disappear in seconds.”
They descend in their thousands. They disappear in seconds.”
“Nadie me había mirado así jamás, Leo. Así, tan, tan, tan... Sí, tan así. Queria que lo supieras. Por cierto es un cumplido, un pequeño cumplido, amor. ¿Lo has notado?”
― Alle sieben Wellen
― Alle sieben Wellen
“Sitting in a corner, I live like a toad
Oh! How I love my room: my tiny abode!
Here I wake up; and I sleep in here
The world far away; yet virtually near
Not that I'm jailed in this place of grace
Just don't want to face another face”
Oh! How I love my room: my tiny abode!
Here I wake up; and I sleep in here
The world far away; yet virtually near
Not that I'm jailed in this place of grace
Just don't want to face another face”
“I consider myself a synthetic thinker in a virtual domain therefore if I’m way off there is no solid foundation or reference for authentic stupidity.”
― Darkness Left Undone
― Darkness Left Undone
“If you have half a nothing - sell it for a double something, resell half at double-price, and buy another something and a half - how much nothing will you have two days from then? Like three. Because three is the short version of π, and π is involved in virtually anything, in some form, if you believe what the internet tells you.”
― Nothing is here...
― Nothing is here...
“All we need to release our inner God is a pulpit and an audience, both of which the Internet supplies in great abundance. Too bad that the corollaly to being in God mode in cyberspace is an explosion of narcissism and self-centeredness.”
“If there can be a better way for the real world to include the one of images, it will require an ecology not only of real things but of images as well.”
― On Photography
― On Photography
“To master the virtual equation and make all the elements work together, you have to become the connector. In fact, your greatest role as a virtual manager is to link the various parts of his/her team to accomplish the goals that lead to its formation in the first place. You may need to shift gears, perform ream tune-ups, realign, and refuel your team's energy along the way.”
― A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams
― A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams
“We can change an ugly reality in a real way or in a virtual way! And because it is much easier, people prefer the virtual path and thus the real ugliness continues to remain real!”
“To speak evil' is to speak this fateful, paradoxical situation that is the reversible concatenation of good and evil.
That is to say that the irresistible pursuit of good, the movement of Integral Reality - for this is what good is: it is the movement towards integrality, towards an integral order of the world - is immoral. The eschatological perspective of a better world is in itself immoral. For the reason that our technical mastery of the world, our technical approach to good, having become an automatic and irresistible mechanism, none of this is any longer of the order of morality or of any kind of finality. Nor is to speak and read evil the same thing as vulgar nihilism, the nihilism of a denunciation of all values, that of the
prophets of doom.
To denounce the reality contract or the reality 'conspiracy' is not at all nihilistic. It is not in any sense to deny an obvious fact, in the style of 'All is sign, nothing is real - nothing is true, everything is simulacrum' - an absurd proposition since it is also a realist one!
It is one thing to note the vanishing of the real into the Virtual, another to deny it so as to pass beyond the real and the Virtual.
It is one thing to reject morality in the name of a vulgar immoralism, another to do so, like Nietzsche so as to pass beyond good and evil.
To be 'nihilistic' is to deny things at their greatest degree of intensity, not in their lowest versions. Now, existence and self-evidence have always been the lowest forms.
If there is nihilism, then, it is not a nihilism of value, but a nihilism of form. It is to speak the world in its radicality, in its dual, reversible form, and this has never meant banking on catastrophe, any more than on violence.
No finality, either positive or negative, is ever the last word in the story.
And the Apocalypse itself is a facile solution.”
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
That is to say that the irresistible pursuit of good, the movement of Integral Reality - for this is what good is: it is the movement towards integrality, towards an integral order of the world - is immoral. The eschatological perspective of a better world is in itself immoral. For the reason that our technical mastery of the world, our technical approach to good, having become an automatic and irresistible mechanism, none of this is any longer of the order of morality or of any kind of finality. Nor is to speak and read evil the same thing as vulgar nihilism, the nihilism of a denunciation of all values, that of the
prophets of doom.
To denounce the reality contract or the reality 'conspiracy' is not at all nihilistic. It is not in any sense to deny an obvious fact, in the style of 'All is sign, nothing is real - nothing is true, everything is simulacrum' - an absurd proposition since it is also a realist one!
It is one thing to note the vanishing of the real into the Virtual, another to deny it so as to pass beyond the real and the Virtual.
It is one thing to reject morality in the name of a vulgar immoralism, another to do so, like Nietzsche so as to pass beyond good and evil.
To be 'nihilistic' is to deny things at their greatest degree of intensity, not in their lowest versions. Now, existence and self-evidence have always been the lowest forms.
If there is nihilism, then, it is not a nihilism of value, but a nihilism of form. It is to speak the world in its radicality, in its dual, reversible form, and this has never meant banking on catastrophe, any more than on violence.
No finality, either positive or negative, is ever the last word in the story.
And the Apocalypse itself is a facile solution.”
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
“L'immaginazione immersiva genera nel cervello le stesse reazioni dell'esperienza sensibile. È reale, cioè produce effetti di realtà, qualunque esperienza che attiva un mutamento nella persona che la vive.”
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
“Our contempt for any particular poem must be perfect, be total, because only a ruthless reading that allows us to measure the gap between the actual and the virtual will enable to to experience, if not a genuine poem—no such thing—a place for the genuine, whatever that might mean.”
― The Hatred of Poetry
― The Hatred of Poetry
“Fue tal la chispa que inició el incendio creativo: El ver que lejos de ser una excepción , la relación conflictiva con los videojuegos era mucho más normal de lo que suponemos.”
― Videojuego y Adicción: Game Over
― Videojuego y Adicción: Game Over
“Conclusion: from the moment the economic is there for something else, there is no point making endless critiques of it or analysing its transformations.
As soon as the Virtual is there for something else, there is no point enquiring into its principles or purposes, no point being for it or against it.
For the destiny of these things lies elsewhere. And the destiny of the analysis too: everything changes depending on whether you analyse a system by its own logic or in terms of the idea that it is there for something else.”
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
As soon as the Virtual is there for something else, there is no point enquiring into its principles or purposes, no point being for it or against it.
For the destiny of these things lies elsewhere. And the destiny of the analysis too: everything changes depending on whether you analyse a system by its own logic or in terms of the idea that it is there for something else.”
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
“Possibilities are only copies of actual things which are retroactively given a priproty they do not have. They are infertile copies and resemble the actual thing perfectly. By contrast, the virtual is the productive pole of the process that goes from the virtual to the actual; it is not determined by resemblance with the actual thing. Bodies implicate the virtual and when they are separated from it, they retain 'only the disincarnated appearance of a pure actuality (representation)”
“En este mundo tan codificado con internet y otras navegaciones, yo sigo prefiriendo el viejo beso artesanal que desde siempre comunica tanto.”
“A scaled-down version of the clash between the real and the virtual and its fantastic consequences at the planetary level: the dissociation between a very high-frequency virtual space and a zero-frequency real space. The two no longer have anything in common, nor is there any communication between them: the unconditional extension of the virtual (which includes not just the new images or remote simulation, but the whole cyberspace of geo-finance, the space of multimedia and the information superhighways) brings with it an unprecedented desertification of real space and of all that surrounds us. The information superhighways will have the same effect as our present superhighways or motorways. They will cancel out the landscape, lay waste to the territory and abolish real distances.
What is merely physical and geographical in the case of our motorways will assume its full dimensions in the electronic field with the abolition of mental distances and the absolute shrinkage of time. All short circuits (and the establishment of this planetary hyperspace is tantamount to one immense short circuit) produce electric shocks. What we see emerging here is no longer merely territorial desert, but social desert, employment desert, the body itself being laid waste by the very concentration of information. A kind of Big Crunch, contemporaneous with the Big Bang of the financial markets and the information networks. We are merely at the dawning of the process, but the waste and the wastelands are already growing much faster than the computerization process itself. The two worlds, though literally cut off from each other, are equally exponential. But the discrepancy between them does not create any new political situation or genuine crisis, for memory fades at the same time as does the real. The discrepancy is only virtually catastrophic.”
― Screened Out
What is merely physical and geographical in the case of our motorways will assume its full dimensions in the electronic field with the abolition of mental distances and the absolute shrinkage of time. All short circuits (and the establishment of this planetary hyperspace is tantamount to one immense short circuit) produce electric shocks. What we see emerging here is no longer merely territorial desert, but social desert, employment desert, the body itself being laid waste by the very concentration of information. A kind of Big Crunch, contemporaneous with the Big Bang of the financial markets and the information networks. We are merely at the dawning of the process, but the waste and the wastelands are already growing much faster than the computerization process itself. The two worlds, though literally cut off from each other, are equally exponential. But the discrepancy between them does not create any new political situation or genuine crisis, for memory fades at the same time as does the real. The discrepancy is only virtually catastrophic.”
― Screened Out
“Ogni distinzione tra reale e virtuale, quando si tratta dell'interiorità delle persone, è quindi prima di tutto inutile, perché impedisce di capire l'altrə e non genera alcun incontro, ed è in seconda istanza dannosa, perché stabilisce una gerarchia di valore tra le esperienze, distinguendole in vere e false anche a prescindere da cosa ne pensi chi le ha vissute.”
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
“Trovo sempre sconcertante quando qualcuno mi dice: «Non bisogna credere a tutto ciò che si vede sui social network, perché spesso non corrispondono alla realtà». Il problema dell'autenticità non è capire quanto il mio profilo corrisponda alla realtà, ma quanto la presunta realtà corrisponda davvero a me, a quello che sono.
Se una persona con un handicap crea un'identità digitale che l'handicap non lo ha e stabilisce relazioni, sta producendo una realtà falsata o ne sta ipotizzando una piú autentica rispetto a sé? Se una persona che appartiene a un'etnia razzializzata si inventa un'identità digitale grazie alla quale le diventano possibili legami con persone che altrimenti non si relazionerebbero mai a lei, sta mentendo o sta producendo una distorsione creativa nella società razzista in cui vive? Se una donna nata in un corpo maschile aggira la disforia di genere attraverso un'identità digitale che corrisponde al genere in cui si riconosce, possiamo parlare di inganno oppure siamo davanti a una realtà piú sincera? Dalla risposta a queste domande dipende molta della nostra capacità di restare uman3 negli ambiti sempre piú postumani del tempo che le nostre vite stanno già attraversando.”
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
Se una persona con un handicap crea un'identità digitale che l'handicap non lo ha e stabilisce relazioni, sta producendo una realtà falsata o ne sta ipotizzando una piú autentica rispetto a sé? Se una persona che appartiene a un'etnia razzializzata si inventa un'identità digitale grazie alla quale le diventano possibili legami con persone che altrimenti non si relazionerebbero mai a lei, sta mentendo o sta producendo una distorsione creativa nella società razzista in cui vive? Se una donna nata in un corpo maschile aggira la disforia di genere attraverso un'identità digitale che corrisponde al genere in cui si riconosce, possiamo parlare di inganno oppure siamo davanti a una realtà piú sincera? Dalla risposta a queste domande dipende molta della nostra capacità di restare uman3 negli ambiti sempre piú postumani del tempo che le nostre vite stanno già attraversando.”
― God Save the Queer: Catechismo femminista
“You slept and went to the dream world, it was wonderful and then you woke up and found yourself in the nightmare world! If you ask which world to stay in, of course it is the nightmare world! Why? Because the dream world is fake and you always need to be in a real world because the real can be changed and fixed; you should prefer a real hell to a virtual heaven because only when you live the real you are really living!”
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