Visage Quotes
Quotes tagged as "visage"
Showing 1-14 of 14
“Le sourire ajoute de la valeur à ton visage, l'amour ajoute de la valeur à ton cœur, le respect ajoute de la valeur à ton attitude et les amis ajoutent de la valeur à ta vie.”
“Elle se lève. Elle se regarde dans un miroir et ne voit que des cercles : son visage en forme de cercle, sa tête en cercle, la Lune, la Terre et le Soleil en cercle. Elle est un cercle dans un cercle dans un cercle, et tout tourne. Elle se recouche et elle s'endort.”
― Elle joue
― Elle joue
“The purity of emotions rarefies one’s soul to surface onto the face to enable the fusion of the inner beauty with the outer grace to get imprinted in the minds of those who espy that visage.”
― Benign Flame: Saga of Love
― Benign Flame: Saga of Love
“Her face was like a clear pool reflecting every change in a shifting sky.”
― Hudson River Bracketed
― Hudson River Bracketed
“Si je perdais ma bibliothèque, j'aurais toujours le métro et l'autobus. Un billet le matin, un billet le soir et je lirais les visages. [in Citations de Marcel Jouhandeau]”
“Nous fuyons son Visage d'autant plus que nous l'apprécions
De peur que l'ineffable disgrâce de la vision
Entache Notre Adoration”
― The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
De peur que l'ineffable disgrâce de la vision
Entache Notre Adoration”
― The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
“Certains visages vous subjuguent, on s'en détourne avec le sentiment de renoncer même à respirer. Demain, j'aurai oublié tout ça, se dit-il. Le matin, tout est différent, les choses deviennent réelles.”
― Light Years
― Light Years
“Our true appearance is our mind’s appearance; whatever our mind’s visage is, that is our real visage! Thus, whenever you meet a person, concentrate on his mind to see his real look, try to understand his mind because his mind is his real face!”
“La vie est le visage de lumière de l'amour, la mort est à face ténébreuse de la haine.”
― Mon testament spirituel
― Mon testament spirituel
“The Misses Braby were twins who had shapeless faces on which the features seemed to have been placed fortuitously without any attempt at assembling them in such a way as to convey a significance.”
― From a View to a Death
― From a View to a Death
“Viewed as a barometer of inner being, the face is seen to produce certain effects in both self and other. By one set of criteria or another, whether ugly or beautiful, the face is seen as both natural and cultivated - and these terms are polyvalent, signifying, respectively, degradation or purity, artifice or grace. To cultivate a beautiful visage is to cultivate sound morals, and thus to be dutiful - which is why Dorian Gray is such [a] powerfully contradictory character. And the face is also and always seen as a barometer of the characteristics of a people, not just of a person - of the lower or higher development of the race.”
“A closed book makes a page; Open heart makes a thousand faces. (Un livre fermé fait une page; Coeur ouvert, mille visages)”
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