Trail Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trail" Showing 1-30 of 35
Stefan Zweig
“Nothing whets the intelligence more than a passionate suspicion, nothing develops all the faculties of an immature mind more than a trail running away into the dark.”
Stefan Zweig, The Burning Secret and other stories

Bill Bryson
“What on earth would I do if four bears came into my camp? Why, I would die of course. Literally shit myself lifeless.”
Bill Bryson, A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail

Katelyn S. Bolds
“There is always an adventure waiting in the woods.”
Katelyn S. Bolds

M.J. Eberhart
“The long distance hiker, a breed set apart,
From the likes of the usual pack.
He’ll shoulder his gear, be hittin’ the trail;
Long gone, long ‘fore he’ll be back.”
M.J. Eberhart

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Akshay Vasu
“The day she realised, it was not about the world but was all about her, she grew the wings. The day she understood she was not answerable to any of them who always blamed and pointed her, she had the fire blazing in her eyes. She raised and soared towards the sky. The whole world looked at her in awe and wished if only they could be her. She was not confined to be on the ground anymore. She had the wings of fire and she left a trail everywhere she went, for other to follow.”
Akshay Vasu

Aspen Matis
“I was no longer following a trail.

I was learning to follow myself.”
Aspen Matis, Girl in the Woods: A Memoir

“The trail of lime trees outside our building is still a public loo. …where else are they supposed to go to the toilet in a city where public toilets are about as common as UFO sightings?” (pp.281-82)”
Sarah Turnbull, Almost French: Love and a New Life in Paris

“another sunset
edges towards the trails end
all brings that opportunity for a rewind ahead
plug for the recharge,
loosen the laces for needed relief
a beverage, a nutritional morsel,
and a soft pillow
life is good, thanks once again”
levi paul taylor

Israelmore Ayivor
“What happens when a leader misses his steps on the ladder is what happens when a train misses the rail. Be on track.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Jazz Feylynn
“Off Spruce, there was a little known trail. A savage gulley wound through acreage of older residential homes that met up with Green Rock Drive. A natural bouquet gust of wind assaulted me. The domestic and native encroached on each other in a battle for dominance at the edges of the cramped path's undergrowth. The tangy scent of wild onion and sagebrush intermingled with the verdant odor of wild geranium, blue flax, columbine and creeping pussytoes. The wild weeds spiced up the encroaching grass turf and the tamed floral honeysuckle vines and lilac bushes.”
Jazz Feylynn, Colorado State of Mind

“If you face the rest of your life with the spirit you show on the trail, it will have no choice but to yield the same kind of memories and dreams.”
Adrienne Hall, A Journey North: One Woman's Story of Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Sometimes discovery means getting lost on a path where you return to a meaningful version of yourself. It gives you the scent of a world smiling still. It becomes the fresh water of your life itself....”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Jazz Feylynn
“His eyes forward didn’t deviate from the off-road trail, his chiseled jaw gripped shut during the ride. He didn’t release any sound of explanation until we arrived.”
Jazz Feylynn, Colorado State of Mind

Sinclair Ross
“It's like being lost, and coming on an old wagon trail. You don't know where it leads, how long or why it's been abandoned, but at least it's a trail.”
Sinclair Ross, As for Me and My House

“There really is no correct way to hike the trail, and anyone who insists that there is ought not to worry so much about other people's experiences. Hikers need to hike the trail that's right for them...”
Adrienne Hall, A Journey North: One Woman's Story of Hiking the Appalachian Trail

“There were times when I cursed the trail and the weather for hours. But after you sulk and consider your options, you eventually realize that you can sit there and cry, or you can walk... It doesn't matter so much if you cry or walk -- I did a lot of both -- but if you turn on your partner, you'll never make it together.”
Adrienne Hall, A Journey North: One Woman's Story of Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Brittany L. Engels
“This trail is never-changing, it won’t lead you astray. It won’t always be easy to follow and at times it will look too narrow for your paws. Follow it anyway, and you’ll overcome every challenge you face.” -Faolan”
Brittany L. Engels, Rompita Kero, Healing for the Broken Heart

“Without adversity, we will fail to exercise our faith.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Phillip Gary Smith
“Failure is a signpost on the trail to success”
Phillip Gary Smith, HARMONIZING: Keys to Living in the Song of Life

“Since to follow a trail is to remember how it goes, making one's way in the present is itself a recollection of the past...onward movement is itself a return.”
Tim Inglod & Jo Lee Vergunst

“Lord, set me a path by the side of the road.
I pray this be a part of your plan,
Then heap on the burden & pile on the load,
And I'll trek it the best that I can.
Please bless me with patience,
Touch strength to my back
Then cut me loose and I'll go
Just like the burro toting his pack,
The oxen ploughing his row
And once on this journey, a witness for You
Toward thy way the Truth and the Light
Shine forth my countenance steady and true
For the pathway to goodness and right
And lest I should falter
And lest I should fail
Let all who know that I tried
For I am a bunglar, feeble & frail
When You, dear Lord, I've denied
So blessed be the day Your judgement comes due
And blessed by thy mercies bestowed
And blessed be this journey, all praises to You
For this path by the side of the road”
Nimblewill Nomad

“Fires will rage in California. And I'll wake from nightmares of lions at my tent. And I'll feel like a crazy person when I talk to people about the trail. And I'll ache to come back.”
Luke Healy, Americana

“Trial is a test.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Maxime Lagacé
“If you never get off-trail you never discover new landscapes.”
Maxime Lagacé

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Those years as they try to speak and their memories part the lips, suddenly there runs a feeling so strange, where resistance and surrender arise, as I walk down the trails.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

“The trailblazer influences while the trail follower is influenced.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

“High and dry above the stupendous detail of our job, we should hold the reason for it all. This is not to cut a path and then say—‘Ain’t it beautiful?" Our job is to open a realm.”
Benton Mackaye

Marion Bekoe
“Others' paths cross ours to love, hate, teach, learn, take, give, encourage, discourage and so forth. I cross paths to positively leave a trail that no one can ever fill.”
Marion Bekoe

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It wasn’t the length of the trail. It was the breadth of the experience.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

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