The Great Perhaps Quotes

Quotes tagged as "the-great-perhaps" Showing 1-10 of 10
Charlotte Eriksson
“It doesn’t matter how many times you leave, it will always hurt to come back and remember what you once had and who you once were. Then it will hurt just as much to leave again, and so it goes over and over again.
Once you’ve started to leave, you will run your whole life.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Charlotte Eriksson
“But I was young
and didn’t know better
and someone should have told me to capture every second
every kiss & every night
Because now I’m sitting here alone and it’s getting really hard to breath because tears are growing in my throat and they want to break out, but there are people
and I just want to be somewhere silent
somewhere still
But still I don’t want to be alone because I’m scared and lonely
and I don’t understand
Because I was alone my whole life
My whole life
I was so damn lonely and I was content with that
because I liked myself and my own company
and I didn’t need anyone
I thought
But then there was you .. ...

So, someone should have told me that love is for those few brave who can handle the unbearable emptiness,
the unbearable guilt and lack of oneself,
Because I lost myself to someone I love
and I might get myself back one day
but it will take time, it will take time.

This is gonna take some time.

I wish someone would have told me this.
Someone should have told me this.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps

Charlotte Eriksson
“You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Charlotte Eriksson
“I just want to be someone, to mean something to anyone…”
Charlotte Eriksson

John Green
“Before I got here, I thought that the way out of the labyrinth was to pretend that it didn't exist, to build a small, self-sufficient world in the back corner of the endless maze and to pretend that I was not lost, but home. But that only led to a lonely life accompanied by the last words of the already dead, so I came here looking for a Great Perhaps, for real friends and a more-than-minor life.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

Charlotte Eriksson
“I want my life to be the greatest story.
My very existence will be the greatest poem.
Watch me burn.
Love always, Charlotte”
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps

John Green
“In the dark beside me, she smelled of sweat and sunshine and vanilla,”
John Green

Charlotte Eriksson
“And this is what being an artist means, being a poet? To sacrifice yourself for your art, sacrifice your heart for your art, because it’s only through something broken that something beautiful can grow.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps

John Green
“She didn't leave me enough to discover her, but she left me enough to rediscover the Great Perhaps.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

Charlotte Eriksson
“I feel ugly” I said and you looked at me as if I spoke a different language. There are things you will never understand and if there were words to describe the rapture that takes place in my head from time to time I would put my hand in front of your eyes to protect you from all the ugliness in the world.
I kept my eyes on the streetlights outside the window and you kissed every inch of my body as if you could kiss the pain away.”
Charlotte Eriksson, Empty Roads & Broken Bottles: in search for The Great Perhaps