Teeth Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teeth" Showing 1-30 of 123
James Dashner
“i felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone”
James Dashner, The Scorch Trials

Terry Pratchett
“Once we were blobs in the sea, and then fishes, and then lizards and rats and then monkeys, and hundreds of things in between. This hand was once a fin, this hand once had claws! In my human mouth I have the pointy teeth of a wolf and the chisel teeth of a rabbit and the grinding teeth of a cow! Our blood is as salty as the sea we used to live in! When we're frightened, the hair on our skin stands up, just like it did when we had fur. We are history! Everything we've ever been on the way to becoming us, we still are. [...]

I'm made up of the memories of my parents and my grandparents, all my ancestors. They're in the way I look, in the colour of my hair. And I'm made up of everyone I've ever met who's changed the way I think.”
Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

Frank Zappa
“I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone's teeth get cleaner?”
Frank Zappa

Melina Marchetta
“I've been waiting for you all night and day,' she said.
Froi shivered. He realised that the words came from Quintana the ice maiden. Realised, as he felt his face heating up, that the idea of this Quintana waiting for him with excitement spoke to parts of him he believed to be dormant. And then she winked.
'Did I do that right?' she asked. Her smile was lopsided and he saw a glimpse of the teeth.
And Froi imagined that he would follow her to the ends of the earth.”
Melina Marchetta, Froi of the Exiles

Patricia C. Wrede
“Then they gave me a loaf of bread and told me to walk through the forest and give some to anyone who asked. I did exactly what they told me, and the second beggar-woman was a fairy in disguise, but instead of saying that whenever I spoke, diamonds and roses would drop from my mouth, she said that since I was so kind, I would never have any problems with my teeth.”
“Really? Did it work?”
“Well, I haven’t had a toothache since I met her.”
“I’d much rather have good teeth than have diamonds and roses drop out of my mouth whenever I said something”
Patricia C. Wrede, Dealing with Dragons

Phil Kaye
“Fear of joy is the darkest of captivities.”
Phil Kaye

Israelmore Ayivor
“Be worried if you always flock in the company of people who peel off other people's skins with their teeth in their absence. A time will come when they'll try to pick a bite on you too!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Mira Grant
“As long as there was life in the sea, there would be teeth.”
Mira Grant, Into the Drowning Deep
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“Life is short.
Smile while you still have teeth.”
Mallory Hopkins

“Do you remember our first kiss? I do. Not a day goes by I don’t think of the feel of that bicuspid against my tongue. It had such a distinctive feel, neither cuspid nor molar…but I’m not sure it knew that – that was what endeared it to me so. It was like the blunted tusk of a wild boar.”
Benson Bruno, A Story that Talks About Talking is Like Chatter to Chattering Teeth, and Every Set of Dentures can Attest to the Fact that No . . .

Nick Harkaway
“Never mind, never mind, let's get to the part where we smite the unrighteous. I've brought my most alarming teeth!”
Nick Harkaway, Angelmaker

Bram Stoker
“I could see it under the heavy moustache, was fixed and rather cruel-looking, with peculiarly sharp white teeth; these protruded over the lips, whose remarkable ruddiness showed astonishing vitality in a man of his years.”
Bram Stoker, Dracula

Anthony Liccione
“Teeth aren't pearly, until you smile.”
Anthony Liccione

Howard Tayler
“Maxim 16:
Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.

-The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries”
Howard Tayler

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Ignorance might be bliss, but it also has teeth.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Profound Living

Ali Wong
“And then I threw up from all the anesthesia and my teeth were still chattering and they were telling me not to vomit so hard, otherwise my stitches would bust open. I said,'I don't know how to vomit softly.' That's like telling someone to shit perfume.”
Ali Wong, Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, & Advice for Living Your Best Life

Gabrielle Zevin
“All of these teeth had once been in real, live people. They had talked and smiled and eaten and sang and cursed and prayed. They had brushed and flossed and died. In English class, we read poems about death, but here, right in front of me was a poem about death too.”
Gabrielle Zevin, All These Things I've Done

Eoin Colfer
“It felt like my teeth were sweating. Eoin Colfer's The Legend of Spud Murphy”
Eoin Colfer

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“And, beginning to grind his teeth again, Pyotr Petrovich admitted that he'd been a fool--but only to himself, of course.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

Robert Kirkman
“You sick fuck. Tear my pants off, prick. See what I got. I'll knock your fucking teeth out with my swinging dick! Last chance... you force yourself into that woman... and I'll force this knife into your dick hole!”
Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead, Vol. 26: Call to Arms

Eddie Lenihan
“And there, on that road, that very minute, he started to play - the most lonesome music that them priests ever in their lives heard. It brought water out o' their teeth, so it did.”
Eddie Lenihan, Meeting the Other Crowd : The Fairy Stories of Hidden Ireland

T. Kingfisher
“Greenteeth did not slap one another—not out of any virtue, but because a slap was such a useless thing underwater. When greenteeth brawled, it was with teeth and strangling fingers, spines and claws.”
T. Kingfisher, Thornhedge

Saul Bellow
“One of the bonds between Lily and me is that we both suffer with our teeth. She is twenty years my junior but we wear bridges, each of us. Mine are at the sides, hers are in front. She has lost the four upper incisors. It happened while she was still in high school, out playing golf with her father, whom she adored. The poor old guy was a lush and far too drunk to be out on a golf course that day. Without looking or given warning, he drove from the first tee and on the backswing struck his daughter. It always kills me to think of that cursed hot July golf course, and this drunk from the plumbing supply business, and the girl of fifteen bleeding. Damn these weak drunks! Damn these unsteady men! I can't stand these clowns who go out in public as soon as they get swacked to show how broken-hearted they are. But Lily would never hear a single word against him and wept for him sooner than for herself. She carries his photo in her wallet.”
Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King

Yevgeny Zamyatin
“She looked and stroked the welt, smiling: a squirrel's teeth, sharp, sweet, dangerous.”
Yevgeny Zamyatin, The Dragon: Fifteen Stories

Steven Magee
“Me no like doggies!”
Steven Magee

Joanne Harris
“Cinnabar smiled. He saw that her teeth had been drilled to take a row of diamond studs that shone like tiny LEDs. Once more, he remembered those flower pictures, taken through filtered reality. Those once-familiar daisies and ferns, roses and lilies and love-in-a-mist, had the same ominous beauty when stripped of the light we see.”
Joanne Harris, The Moonlight Market

Nikolai Gogol
“This doctor was a distinguished-looking man, with splendid coal-black whiskers, and a bonny, fresh-complexioned wife; he ate fresh apples in the morning and kept his mouth remarkably clean, gargling for almost three quarters of an hour every morning and polishing his teeth with five different types of toothbrush.”
Nikolai Gogol, Plays and Petersburg Tales

Julia Armfield
“She can look at him in lean times and see nothing at all but teeth.”
Julia Armfield, Salt Slow
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Alma Delia Murillo
“la dentadura es un gran indicador de pobreza, los dientes son el fósil más revelador de las carencias o las condiciones de una vida humana.”
Alma Delia Murillo, La cabeza de mi padre

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