Screen Quotes

Quotes tagged as "screen" Showing 1-24 of 24
Erik Pevernagie
“When our mental functioning is whittling away and our mind becomes a lame duck, perception does not form the context anymore and all connections on the social chessboard are conked out. Only patience and endurance may draw us out of the quagmire of numbness and allow us to tear open the cloudy screen that is hiding our points of ‘interest’ and ‘attention’, so long as we focus on the ‘singular moments’ and the ‘appealing details’ in our life. Awareness can help us shape a comprehensive picture for a functional future. ("Lost the global story.")”
Erik Pevernagie

Orson Welles
“In my opinion, there are two things that can absolutely not be carried to the screen: the realistic presentation of the sexual act and praying to God.”
Orson Welles

“What’s reality? I don’t know. When my bird was looking at my computer monitor I thought, ‘That bird has no idea what he’s looking at.’ And yet what does the bird do? Does he panic? No, he can’t really panic, he just does the best he can. Is he able to live in a world where he’s so ignorant? Well, he doesn’t really have a choice. The bird is okay even though he doesn’t understand the world. You’re that bird looking at the monitor, and you’re thinking to yourself, ‘I can figure this out.’ Maybe you have some bird ideas. Maybe that’s the best you can do.”
Terry A. Davis

António Damásio
“We use our minds not to discover facts but to hide them. One of things the screen hides most effectively is the body, our own body, by which I mean, the ins and outs of it, its interiors. Like a veil thrown over the skin to secure its modesty, the screen partially removes from the mind the inner states of the body, those that constitute the flow of life as it wanders in the journey of each day. (p.28)”
Antonio R. Damasio, The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness

Roger Ebert
“Gene [Siskel] often mentioned something François Truffaut once told him: the most beautiful sight in a movie theater is to walk down to the front, turn around, and look at the light from the screen reflected on the upturned faces of the members of the audience.”
Roger Ebert

“Parents are told to turn off the TV and restrict video game time, but we hear little about what the kids should do physically during their non-electronic time. The usual suggestion is organized sports. But consider this: The obesity epidemic coincides with the greatest increase in organized children's sports in history.”
Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

Israelmore Ayivor
“If you don’t see the images on a screen because people block your view, it is easier to adjust your sitting position than to call for an adjustment of the screen! You need to change yourself!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Richard L.  Ratliff
“Your words on the screen are my color palette
I dip my brush into your words and paint you
On the sky, on the ceiling, on the snow; on the tablet
Of things eternal : love truth beauty happiness”
Richard L. Ratliff

Steven Magee
“If your face is being illuminated by your television or computer screen, then you should increase the illumination in your environment by moving closer to the window or by using filament light bulbs.”
Steven Magee

“Hmm” is all Margot says, and the skeptical look on her face makes me want to x her right off the screen.”
Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Ammon Shea
“Reading on a computer screen gives you no sense of time or investment. The page always looks the same, and everything is always in the same exact spot. When reading the book, no matter how large or small it is, a tension builds, concurrent with your progress through its pages. I get a nervous excitement as I see the number of pages that remain to be read draining inexorably from the right to the left.”
Ammon Shea, Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 Pages

Israelmore Ayivor
“You control your life by the remotes of your actions. Anytime you take actions the screen of your life changes till you get tuned to the best station or destination of God’s choice for you!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Steven Magee
“If your priority is a cinema experience in your own home then you should buy a large screen television, if it is good sleep and health then you should buy a small screen television.”
Steven Magee

Ben Ditmars
“He thinks of subtle, vast
unbroken things
I can only read about in books
or see on screen.”
Ben Ditmars, People Are Strange

Jean Baudrillard
“The totality constituted by Good and Evil together transcends us, but we should accept it totally. There can be no intelligence of things so long as this fundamental rule is ignored. The illusion that the two can be distinguished in order to promote one or the other is absurd. (This applies to the proponents of evil for evil's sake as much as to anyone else, for they will end up doing good.)
All kinds of events are out there, impossible to predict. They have already occurred, or are just about to heave into view. All we can do is train our searchlight, as it were, and keep our telescopic lens on this virtual world in the hope that some of those events will be obliging enough to allow themselves to be captured. Theory can be no more than this: a trap set in the hope that reality will be naive enough to fall into it.
The essential thing is to point the searchlight the right way. Unfortunately, we don't know which way that is. We can only comb the sky. In most instances the events are so far away, metaphysically speaking, that they merely cause a slight phosphorescence on the screen. They have to be developed and enlarged, like photographs. Not in order to discover their meaning, however: they are not logograms, but holograms. They can no more be explained than the fixed spectrum of a star or the variations of red.
To capture such strange events, theory itself must be remade as something strange: as a perfect crime, or as a strange attractor.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena

“Most often, people look at life through a screen of prejudice. They do not see reality as it is; they see it as they want it to be.”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

“If anything, screens make me feel life too much. Screens bring hilarious highs and crushing lows... What I'm really missing is just the feeling of neutral. Maybe that's the real value of logging off and going outside—to help us remember what neutral feels like.”
Olivia Jaimes, Nancy: A Comic Collection

Steven Magee
“It is reasonable to think that if you spend your days indoors under artificial lights, staring at a screen, sitting in computer electromagnetic interference (EMI) fields and exposed to radio waves, that you may eventually develop a strange form of radiation sickness.”
Steven Magee

“The more of those little light bulbs that can turn on the better. Eventually you’ll have enough to light up a movie screen.”
A.D. Posey

Steven Magee
“The Mauna Kea night shift was an 18 hour night in wintertime at the 13,796 feet summit (before sunset to after sunrise) with insufficient time for adequate sleep before the next night shift. Night shift was between 5 and 8 nights long and we slept at 9,200 feet. We sat at a desk staring at four large computer monitors and a large cathode ray tube television. I would also use my Wi-Fi laptop computer. I would have extreme fatigue by the end of every night shift and have chapped lips which I now associate with exposure to the artificial light from the computer screens. A good day of sleep between shifts was rare and starting the next shift fatigued was normal.”
Steven Magee

Christina Engela
“On screen, sir." Pankow said. That seemed to explain everything. On screen was a distant angular speck that could only be a ship. Marnetti broke a rather tense moment by arriving. Ortez groped for the arm of his command chair and sat down, his eyes fixed on the viewscreen. Marnetti went to his station.”
Christina Engela, Space Sucks!

Sarah Gerdes
“An author is an expert in the written word. The author must make a choice; to either trust and support the filmmaker’s approach, or not have a film made at all.”
Sarah Gerdes, Author Straight Talk

Steven Magee
“I call modern large screen televisions “Insomnia TV’s” because they are known to disrupt sleep.”
Steven Magee

Devika Todi
“Parallel lives in the fabric of time
Muted existence in a pixelated lifestyle.”
Devika Todi, Dreaming in A Fish Bowl