Romeo Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romeo" Showing 1-30 of 44
Deb Caletti
“It starts so young, and I'm angry about that. The garbage we're taught. About love, about what's "romantic." Look at so many of the so-called romantic figures in books and movies. Do we ever stop and think how many of them would cause serious and drastic unhappiness after The End? Why are sick and dangerous personality types so often shown a passionate and tragic and something to be longed for when those are the very ones you should run for your life from? Think about it. Heathcliff. Romeo. Don Juan. Jay Gatsby. Rochester. Mr. Darcy. From the rigid control freak in The Sound of Music to all the bad boys some woman goes running to the airport to catch in the last minute of every romantic comedy. She should let him leave. Your time is so valuable, and look at these guys--depressive and moody and violent and immature and self-centered. And what about the big daddy of them all, Prince Charming? What was his secret life? We dont know anything about him, other then he looks good and comes to the rescue.”
Deb Caletti, The Secret Life of Prince Charming

“Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think.”
Taylor Swift

William Shakespeare
“Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear,
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows
As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
The measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand,
And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand.
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.”
William Shakespeare

Cambria Hebert
“Romeo was late. Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo... I snorted. It was so loud it startled a girl at a nearby table.

- Rimmel”
Cambria Hebert, #Nerd

William Shakespeare
“La vida es mi tortura y la muerte será mi descanso.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Cambria Hebert
“Don’t forget this moment. Don’t forget the absolute truth in the way you feel right now. I love you and I’m not going to stop.”
Cambria Hebert, #Player
tags: romeo

Jean Haus
“That I had loved not as I should. A creature made of clay. When the angel woos the clay, he'll lose his wings at the dawn of day”
Jean Haus, In the Band

William Shakespeare
“In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond...”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Stacey Jay
“She is so beautiful. Perfect. Mine.
No. Not mine. I am hers.”
Stacey Jay, Romeo Redeemed

Stacey Jay
“There is only one thing solid enough to hold on to and it is her. I love her. She is my other half, my second chance, the only way in the world I could have learned to be more than a monster. Her weakness showed me my strength, her faith made me believe, her love made me whole. I will never forget her, and I wont let her go.”
Stacey Jay, Romeo Redeemed

Suzanne Selfors
“He waved to me to be quiet, as if I were annoying background noise. "Look, whatever your name is..."
Benvolio Montague."
Right. Look, Benvolio, why don't we go outside and get a taxi? My label has a New York office. We can go there and get you a money order or something." He smile, thinking himself clever. "Come on, what do you say?"
Benvolio raised an eyebrow. "I am begining to believe that you are insane.”
Suzanne Selfors, Saving Juliet

Annabelle Gurwitch
“When I was twelve, my sixth-grade English class went on a field trip to see Franco Zeffirelli’s film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. From that moment forward I dreamed that someday I’d meet my own Juliet. I’d marry her and I would love her with the same passion and intensity as Romeo. The fact
that their marriage lasted fewer than three days before they both were dead
didn’t seem to affect my fantasy. Even if they had lived, I don’t think their
relationship could have survived. Let’s face it, being that emotionally aflame, sexually charged, and transcendentally eloquent every single second can really start to grate on a person’s nerves. However, if I could find someone to love just a fraction of the way that Montague loved his Capulet, then marrying her would be worth it.”
Annabelle Gurwitch, You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up: A Love Story

Leisa Rayven
“I invented chemistry with you. Everything else is just pretend.”
Leisa Rayven, Broken Juliet

William Shakespeare
“I have more care to stay
than will to go.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Stacey Jay
“Forever," I echo, and for the first time, I know that forever is a promise I can keep. I will love her forever, until the world crumbles and this memory is the only thing keeping me sane.”
Stacey Jay, Romeo Redeemed

Stacey Jay
“And then she turns to look at me with the same look in her eyes, and I melt the way I always do. I am the luckiest man in any world, a soul transformed, pulled back from the abyss and blessed with love more powerful than evil or death or time or space or any of the rules.
"I love you," I whisper.
She smiles. "Two thousand and twenty-four," she says, and then she kisses me. And it is still the best kiss.”
Stacey Jay, Romeo Redeemed

Stacey Jay
“We'll go down to the stream behind the house with a bottle of wine and none of our clothes and remind each other that--even in the midst of so much goodness--there are delightful ways to be wicked. And we'll swim and laugh and kiss, and the stars will shine, beautiful and bright, but Ariel will always shine brighter.
At least for me.”
Stacey Jay, Romeo Redeemed

Agatha Christie
“Why did Juliet fall for Romeo? Well for one thing, with all due deference for Shakespeare, he happened to be the first man she had seen.”
Agatha Christie, Dumb Witness

Cambria Hebert
“Well, since you seem to know everything,” I said, dead calm, “then you must also know that I take care of what’s mine. You might be president of this frat, but I own the campus. Do. Not. Push. Me.”
Cambria Hebert, #Nerd
tags: romeo

Louise Erdrich
“Information, long of reach, devastating, and as a side benefit, a substance with no serious legal repercussions, was superior to any other form of power.”
Louise Erdrich, LaRose

Anne Fortier
“- E quem é o tio dela?
- Como eu disse, não posso vos informar.
Romeo deu um passo em direção ao maestro, retorcendo os dedos:
- Estais me dizendo que terei de fazer serenatas sob todas as sacadas de Siena até que a mulher certa apareça?”
Anne Fortier

Cambria Hebert
“Romeo was tall, well over six feet, with broad shoulders that tapered into narrow waist. He wasn't a bulky guy; he played too many sports for that. But even so, it was obvious his body was all muscle.”
Cambria Hebert, #Nerd
tags: romeo

M.F. Moonzajer
“It only takes a Romeo for every girl to become a Juliet.”
M.F. Moonzajer, A moment with God ; Poetry

Nitya Prakash
“Forever is a lie....even Romeo has to die...”
Nitya Prakash
tags: die, lie, romeo

William Shakespeare
“Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health,
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare
“Tut, I have lost myself, I am not here; this is not Romeo, he's some other where.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
tags: romeo

Gottfried Keller
“Sie ließen sich jetzt die Hände frei, ergriffen sie aber auf der Stelle wieder und beide sagten gleichzeitig: "Und wie geht es dir auch?" Aber statt sich zu antworten, fragten sie das gleiche aufs neue und die Antwort lag nur in den beredten Augen, da sie nach Art der Verliebten die Worte nicht mehr zu lenken wussten und, ohne sich weiter etwas zu sagen, endlich halb selig halb traurig auseinanderhuschten.”
Gottfried Keller, Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe

Lauren Blakely
“He jumps off the bed, scampers to a corner where he herds his dog toys, and grabs a floppy giraffe. He vivisected the giraffe a week ago. Now it’s a damaged stuffy with a neck and one leg. But he loves it, and holy shit, he loves it a lot. So much that he’s jammed it between his legs and he’s humping it.

Yup, that’s my boy. He’s screwing a mutilated giraffe stuffy.

“Get a room,” I shout.

But he keeps going, thrusting and pumping.”
Lauren Blakely

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