Rhyming Verse Quotes
Quotes tagged as "rhyming-verse"
Showing 1-18 of 18
“All shadows of clouds the sun cannot hide
like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;
but a hidden star can still be smiling
at night's black spell on darkness, beguiling”
like the moon cannot stop oceanic tide;
but a hidden star can still be smiling
at night's black spell on darkness, beguiling”
“Did I live the spring I’d sought?
It’s true in joy, I walked along,
took part in dance,
and sang the song.
and never tried to bind an hour
to my borrowed garden bower;
nor did I once entreat
a day to slumber at my feet.
Yet days aren’t lulled by lyric song,
like morning birds they pass along,
o’er crests of trees, to none belong;
o’er crests of trees of drying dew,
their larking flight, my hands, eschew
Thus I’ll say it once and true…
From all that I saw,
and everywhere I wandered,
I learned that time cannot be spent,
It only can be squandered.”
― Rooftop Soliloquy
It’s true in joy, I walked along,
took part in dance,
and sang the song.
and never tried to bind an hour
to my borrowed garden bower;
nor did I once entreat
a day to slumber at my feet.
Yet days aren’t lulled by lyric song,
like morning birds they pass along,
o’er crests of trees, to none belong;
o’er crests of trees of drying dew,
their larking flight, my hands, eschew
Thus I’ll say it once and true…
From all that I saw,
and everywhere I wandered,
I learned that time cannot be spent,
It only can be squandered.”
― Rooftop Soliloquy
“I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles
I can’t be read, can’t be understood,
neither by me nor the greatest of minds
I am too big, I am too small, to be processed or seen by the naked eye
I am too dim, I am too bright, to appear in the shadows or the sunshine.”
I can’t be read, can’t be understood,
neither by me nor the greatest of minds
I am too big, I am too small, to be processed or seen by the naked eye
I am too dim, I am too bright, to appear in the shadows or the sunshine.”
“In the boundaryless forests,
there’re dancers of nude.
Yet in the confines of pasture,
there’s promise of food.
On which is your side?
Ô, but tarry and bide,
ere you decide,
in both do confide.”
there’re dancers of nude.
Yet in the confines of pasture,
there’s promise of food.
On which is your side?
Ô, but tarry and bide,
ere you decide,
in both do confide.”
“Down vith children! Do them in!
Boil their bones and fry their skin!
Bish them, sqvish them, bash them, mash them!
Brrreak them, shake them, slash them, smash them!
Offer chocs vith magic powder!
Say “Eat up!” then say it louder.
Crrram them full of sticky eats,
Send them home still guzzling sveets.
And in the morning little fools
Go marching off to separate schools.
A girl feels sick and goes all pale.
She yells, “Hey look! I've grrrown a tail!”
A boy who's standing next to her
Screams, “Help! I think I'm grrrowing fur!”
Another shouts, “Vee look like frrreaks!
There's viskers growing on our cheeks!”
A boy who vos extremely tall
Cries out, “Vot's wrong? I'm grrrowing small!”
Four tiny legs begin to sprrrout
From everybody rrround about.
And all at vunce, all in a trrrice,
There are no children! Only MICE!”
― The Witches
Boil their bones and fry their skin!
Bish them, sqvish them, bash them, mash them!
Brrreak them, shake them, slash them, smash them!
Offer chocs vith magic powder!
Say “Eat up!” then say it louder.
Crrram them full of sticky eats,
Send them home still guzzling sveets.
And in the morning little fools
Go marching off to separate schools.
A girl feels sick and goes all pale.
She yells, “Hey look! I've grrrown a tail!”
A boy who's standing next to her
Screams, “Help! I think I'm grrrowing fur!”
Another shouts, “Vee look like frrreaks!
There's viskers growing on our cheeks!”
A boy who vos extremely tall
Cries out, “Vot's wrong? I'm grrrowing small!”
Four tiny legs begin to sprrrout
From everybody rrround about.
And all at vunce, all in a trrrice,
There are no children! Only MICE!”
― The Witches
“Out with it, Dunciad: let the secret pass -
That secret to each fool - that he's an ass.
The truth once told (and whereby should we lie?),
The queen of Midas slept, and so may I.
You think this cruel? Take it for a rule,
No creature smarts so little as a fool.”
― An epistle from Mr. Pope, to Dr. Arbuthnot.
That secret to each fool - that he's an ass.
The truth once told (and whereby should we lie?),
The queen of Midas slept, and so may I.
You think this cruel? Take it for a rule,
No creature smarts so little as a fool.”
― An epistle from Mr. Pope, to Dr. Arbuthnot.
“A glassy calm replaced the storm surrounding their boat.
The distant thunder struck a note, white-hot and remote.
An invisible magnet seemed to steer their course.
The island pulled them in with its dreamy force.”
― Dreamy Drums: Trouble In Paradise
The distant thunder struck a note, white-hot and remote.
An invisible magnet seemed to steer their course.
The island pulled them in with its dreamy force.”
― Dreamy Drums: Trouble In Paradise
“Before he got too far, he thought he smelled a fire.
No sooner did he blink before he sensed something dire.
He heard a sound and froze, danger tickling his nose.
His ears perked up as tiny cries of capture rose.”
― Isle of Mystery: Eyes of The King
No sooner did he blink before he sensed something dire.
He heard a sound and froze, danger tickling his nose.
His ears perked up as tiny cries of capture rose.”
― Isle of Mystery: Eyes of The King
“Kat held her head high as she met the King's eye.
Her stare was bold, yet sweet, and it would not die.
Gansevort looked down into these dark, green pools.
And soon his tone softened as he bought her ruse.”
― Gansevort: The King and His Court
Her stare was bold, yet sweet, and it would not die.
Gansevort looked down into these dark, green pools.
And soon his tone softened as he bought her ruse.”
― Gansevort: The King and His Court
“Let all the green leaves be mine
as long as the trees define
shades created by their limbs
for the soil made with victims
of atrocity's vileness
to redeem the fragileness”
as long as the trees define
shades created by their limbs
for the soil made with victims
of atrocity's vileness
to redeem the fragileness”
“A rhyme rose within me,
it caused me to smile.
It focused my thoughts,
I escaped for a while.
Timeless Tales”
― Timeless Tales
it caused me to smile.
It focused my thoughts,
I escaped for a while.
Timeless Tales”
― Timeless Tales
“Persistence overshadows even talent as the most valuable resource shaping the quality of life. After all, no one ever achieved a goal by being interested in its achievement; one must be committed.”
― The Flamingo Who Loved Playing Bingo
― The Flamingo Who Loved Playing Bingo
“May your life be full of love, joy and cheer, and may your path in life lift others from despair.”
― Happy Larry and Angry Harry
― Happy Larry and Angry Harry
“Crimson flags borne on horses of white,
see them ride, ye children of light.
—The Ballad of Eldwal”
― The Last Keeper
see them ride, ye children of light.
—The Ballad of Eldwal”
― The Last Keeper
“Our Prophet ﷺ showed KINDNESS while he was treated with hostility,
He showed LOVE and COMPASSION to everyone, even to his enemy.
Sent by the MOST MERCIFUL to the world as a MERCY,
He is the BEST of creation, the most noble man,
Described by his wife as a WALKING QUR’AN.
Follow his SUNNAH as best as you can...”
― Getting to Know Muhammad: a Rhyming Verse Novel, About the Life and Struggles of the Prophet Muhammad, for Teenagers and Young Adults.
He showed LOVE and COMPASSION to everyone, even to his enemy.
Sent by the MOST MERCIFUL to the world as a MERCY,
He is the BEST of creation, the most noble man,
Described by his wife as a WALKING QUR’AN.
Follow his SUNNAH as best as you can...”
― Getting to Know Muhammad: a Rhyming Verse Novel, About the Life and Struggles of the Prophet Muhammad, for Teenagers and Young Adults.
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