Rugged Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rugged" Showing 1-14 of 14
Patrick Ness
“It'll make you look rugged,' Mel says.
'Because I woke up this morning,' I say, 'and the one thing I realized I lacked was ruggedness.”
Patrick Ness, The Rest of Us Just Live Here

Malak El Halabi
“He wasn't like those handsome men you see on the fashion billboards. He was handsome in a rugged way like a wood cutter with an unkept beard or a man who just finished fixing the engine of his car, wiping his oily hands over his white flannel shirt. Like a man who knows that he has starry eyes that can bring stars closer but doesn't even bother to look.”
Malak El Halabi

Paul Bamikole
“Destiny helpers often appear disguised as dreadful beggars. May God give you wisdom to discern and honor them.”
Paul Bamikole

Malak El Halabi
“He wasn't like those handsome men you see on the fashion billboards. He was handsome in a rugged way like a wood cutter with an unkempt beard or a man who just finished fixing the engine of his car, wiping his oily hands over his white flannel shirt. Like a man who knows that he has starry eyes that can bring stars closer but doesn't even bother to look.”
Malak El Halabi

Brenda Sutton Rose
“I seek him in the landscape of home, in the breeze brushing over rows of crops. I seek him in the seasons of planting and harvesting. A rugged man of the earth, he breathed life into this farm.”
Brenda Sutton Rose

“He really was handsome. Not in some metrosexual, slick, pampered way that many of her male acquaintances were back home. He looked like . . . a man. Broad, rugged, imperfect.”
Lana DeAngeli, Mr. Big Wrench & the Heiress

“Ryker grunted, rolling his shoulders with a creaking sound just as the wings came back out. His silver eyes shone brighter than before, and the clawed fingertips I saw on my first day here emerged. He was gorgeous, brutal, otherworldly. Scars and all, he could be the subject of a sculpture in any museum and captivate the observer. What had I been bantering with all this time? Sharing meals, sharing the loft. Shit.
"Hello, Danica. You're looking at a dragon.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

Brian S. Woods
“Among the rugged terrain, there is no need to question, for faith is found in silence and answers lay in places that do not speak back.”
Brian S Woods, The Codex Bellum III: The Observer Effect

Harper St. George
“A growth of beard darkened the lower half of his face. His valet would not be pleased if he saw him, but Violet was beyond pleased at the sight. She had never seen a man thus. They were either clean-shaven, or had fully developed beards. There must be some in-between phase, but she had never seen it. In the evenings on their trip, he would sometimes have a light growth that he must have shaved off by himself, because he appeared clean-shaven in the mornings. But this was probably a couple of days' worth. Her fingertips itched to rake over it and feel if it would scrape her skin or be soft to the touch. It made him appear rugged in a way that she found extremely appealing, as if the proper English gentleman had been undone to give way to this man who was far more carnal and raw.”
Harper St. George, The Devil and the Heiress

Harper St. George
“She could only admire the breadth of his chest, each pectoral muscle clearly defined. Her palms itched to explore them, and she wanted to curl her fingers in the sprinkling of dark hair that narrowed over the flat plains of his belly. There was an indentation bisecting them that she ached to trace. The hair grew denser just below his navel, arrowing toward his low-slung drawers, half-opened now. She gasped when she saw it. The tip of him rose up, thick and pink, protruding over the top of the linen. The ache between her thighs increased, as if knowing he was meant to be inside her to assuage it.
He saw her take notice and kept his arms up, fingers laced behind his head, as if basking in her study of him.”
Harper St. George, The Devil and the Heiress

Kati Wilde
“You like me needing you, girl? You like knowing you’re the only woman in the whole fucking world I can imagine ever touching again?”
Kati Wilde, Losing It All

“He. Is. Exquisite.
If there ever was a perfect male form, I'm certain it's him. It's clear he works out, given the cut of his body and the hard lines that drag across his light-tan skin. But it's more than that. It's the ruggedness that his body exudes. The gold-brown hair that runs along the center of his chest and down his stomach, the curly hair dotting his tree-trunk thighs and calves, the spicy smell of his cologne.”
Sarah Echavarre Smith, The Boy With the Bookstore

“Being attracted to Ryker was understandable, considering he was definitely my type. Tall, rough around the edges with that stubble on his jaw, the shaggy brown hair that was reaching for his shoulders, the couldn't-care-less attitude like he was at the top of the food chain and he fucking knew it. The biceps didn't hurt, either. No, I couldn't stop thinking with my ovaries and there didn't seem to be anything I could do to stop it.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Dragons

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sometimes it is okay for the not-so-okay to act like they are okay.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia