Palace Quotes
Quotes tagged as "palace"
Showing 1-30 of 56
“Be thine own palace, or the world's thy jail.”
― The Poems of John Donne (Volume 1); Miscellaneous Poems (Songs and Sonnets) Elegies. Epithalamions, or Marriage Songs. Satires. Epigrams. the Progress of the Soul. Notes
― The Poems of John Donne (Volume 1); Miscellaneous Poems (Songs and Sonnets) Elegies. Epithalamions, or Marriage Songs. Satires. Epigrams. the Progress of the Soul. Notes
“She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter’s day, and now she could be dead because she had tried to save the man she loved.”
“All children are love children, he said, but only the best ones are ever called that.”
― Moon Palace
― Moon Palace
“Perhaps there never was a monument more characteristic of an age and people than the Alhambra; a rugged fortress without, a voluptuous palace within; war frowning from its battlements; poetry breathing throughout the fairy architecture of its halls.”
― Tales of the Alhambra
― Tales of the Alhambra
“A good library is a place, a palace where the lofty spirits of all nations and generations meet.”
“The palace smelled of stone and paint, of people and food and beeswax floor polish.
The garden smelled only of flowers and earth.”
― Princess of the Midnight Ball
The garden smelled only of flowers and earth.”
― Princess of the Midnight Ball
“My object is merely to give the reader a general introduction into an abode where, if so disposed, he may linger and loiter with me day by day until we gradually become familiar with all its localities.”
― Tales of the Alhambra
― Tales of the Alhambra
“The next room was a great round ballroom. Its walls were arrayed in gold-painted moldings; its floor was a swirling mosaic of blue and gold; its dome was painted with the loves of all the gods, a vast tangle of plump limbs and writhing fabric. The air was cool, still, and hugely silent. My footsteps were only a soft tap-tap-tap, but they echoed through the room.
After that came what seemed like a hundred more rooms and hallways. In every one, the air was different: hot or cold, fresh or stuffy, smelling of rosemary, incense, pomegranates, old paper, pickled fish, cedarwood. None of the rooms frightened me like the first hallway. But sometimes--especially when sunlight glowed through a window--I thought I heard the faint laughter.
Finally, at the end of a long hallway with a cherrywood wainscot and lace-hung windows between the doors, we came to my room. I could see why the Gentle Lord called it the "bridal suite": the walls were papered with a silver pattern of hearts and doves, and most of the room was taken up by a huge canopied bed, more than big enough for two. The four posts were shaped like four maidens, coiffed and dressed in gauzy robes that clung to their bodies, their faces serene. They were exactly like the caryatids holding up the porch of a temple. The bed curtains were great falls of white lace, woven through with crimson ribbons. A vase of roses sat on the bedside table. Their red petals had blossomed wide to expose their gold centers, and their musk wove through the air.
It was a bed that had been built for pleasure, just like my dress, and as I stared at it I felt hot and cold at once.”
― Cruel Beauty
After that came what seemed like a hundred more rooms and hallways. In every one, the air was different: hot or cold, fresh or stuffy, smelling of rosemary, incense, pomegranates, old paper, pickled fish, cedarwood. None of the rooms frightened me like the first hallway. But sometimes--especially when sunlight glowed through a window--I thought I heard the faint laughter.
Finally, at the end of a long hallway with a cherrywood wainscot and lace-hung windows between the doors, we came to my room. I could see why the Gentle Lord called it the "bridal suite": the walls were papered with a silver pattern of hearts and doves, and most of the room was taken up by a huge canopied bed, more than big enough for two. The four posts were shaped like four maidens, coiffed and dressed in gauzy robes that clung to their bodies, their faces serene. They were exactly like the caryatids holding up the porch of a temple. The bed curtains were great falls of white lace, woven through with crimson ribbons. A vase of roses sat on the bedside table. Their red petals had blossomed wide to expose their gold centers, and their musk wove through the air.
It was a bed that had been built for pleasure, just like my dress, and as I stared at it I felt hot and cold at once.”
― Cruel Beauty
“It was the clouds I saw first.
Enormous clouds drifting in the cobalt sky, soft and magnanimous, still tinged by the rose remnants of sunrise, their round edges gilded with the golden light. The dewy freshness of morning lingered in the balmy air as we peered up at the mountain-palace spiralling into the heavens above.
If the palace above the Court of Nightmares had been crafted of moonstone, this was made from... sunstone. I didn't have a word for the near-opalescent golden stone that seemed to hold the gleaming of a thousand sunrises within it.
Steps and balconies and archways and verandas and bridges linked the towers and gilded domes of the palace, periwinkle morning glories climbing the pillars and neatly cut blocks of stone to drink in the gilded mists wafting by.
Wafting by, because the mountain on which the palace stood... There was a reason I beheld the clouds first.”
― A Court of Wings and Ruin
Enormous clouds drifting in the cobalt sky, soft and magnanimous, still tinged by the rose remnants of sunrise, their round edges gilded with the golden light. The dewy freshness of morning lingered in the balmy air as we peered up at the mountain-palace spiralling into the heavens above.
If the palace above the Court of Nightmares had been crafted of moonstone, this was made from... sunstone. I didn't have a word for the near-opalescent golden stone that seemed to hold the gleaming of a thousand sunrises within it.
Steps and balconies and archways and verandas and bridges linked the towers and gilded domes of the palace, periwinkle morning glories climbing the pillars and neatly cut blocks of stone to drink in the gilded mists wafting by.
Wafting by, because the mountain on which the palace stood... There was a reason I beheld the clouds first.”
― A Court of Wings and Ruin
“God’s favour is powerful. His favour can move a peasant from poverty to a palace.”
― Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration
― Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration
“He stopped our walk to peer inside a splendid white, wrought-iron gate with gold spokes, through which we could glimpse a building that looked like Buckingham Palace in London. The grounds were lush and parklike, surrounded by trees. Kenji said, "Tōgū Palace is through those gates. It's a state guesthouse now. You can't see it from here, but the crown prince and his family live on the grounds farther back behind the palace."
"Can we take a tour here sometime?"
"It's only open for visitors on New Year's Day and the emperor's birthday. The Imperial Palace, closer to where we live, has more access for tourists. It's even got a moat surrounding it. Beautiful gardens year-round but especially in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom.”
― My Almost Flawless Tokyo Dream Life
"Can we take a tour here sometime?"
"It's only open for visitors on New Year's Day and the emperor's birthday. The Imperial Palace, closer to where we live, has more access for tourists. It's even got a moat surrounding it. Beautiful gardens year-round but especially in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom.”
― My Almost Flawless Tokyo Dream Life
“It was as if I had inherited a palace by virtue of simply being in love.”
― Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir
― Your Blue Is Not My Blue: A Missing Person Memoir
“I have always said that a picture book is a palace for a poem. I still believe that.”
― Sir Grace and the Big Blizzard
― Sir Grace and the Big Blizzard
“No matter how beautiful a palace is, if the public who financed the palace do not live there, then that place is nothing but a show site occupied by unethical jesters who deceived the people!”
“The power of faith can usher a peasant to a palace because faith activates God’s favour.”
― The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes
― The Essence of Faith: Daily Inspirational Quotes
“That evening, Samantha headed toward a nondescript door that was tucked into the downstairs hallway like an architect's afterthought. It might not look impressive, but this was the Door of Sighs, the royal family's private entrance to the grand ballroom: so named because generations of princesses had lingered there when they were too young to attend, and sighed romantically as they watched the dancing.”
― American Royals
― American Royals
“It was the size of a palace and gilded from top to bottom as if the owner had said, “Try for blindingly ugly, but I’ll settle for merely gaudy if I must.”
― Dance With The Sword
― Dance With The Sword
“When Emeline passed through, she didn't step onto boardwalk, but flagstones. She paused, disoriented. The darkness of the woods morphed into soft, dewy lamplight and the sour-water smell of Bog was replaced by the perfumed scent of late-blooming roses.
They'd stepped out of a swamp and into... a city.
Before her lay a quiet, cobbled street lined by white row houses, many of them creeping with green ivy. The city stretched out, its streets rising and twisting towards the top of a lush green hill thick with trees. Emeline caught glimpses of rust-red rooftops and stone bridges over steep canals, of a white-bricked bell tower and a wide blue lake.
At the crest of the hill, a fortress crowned the city, gleaming like ivory in the starlight.
It was just as Tom had described it.
"The Wood King's palace," she whispered.”
― Edgewood
They'd stepped out of a swamp and into... a city.
Before her lay a quiet, cobbled street lined by white row houses, many of them creeping with green ivy. The city stretched out, its streets rising and twisting towards the top of a lush green hill thick with trees. Emeline caught glimpses of rust-red rooftops and stone bridges over steep canals, of a white-bricked bell tower and a wide blue lake.
At the crest of the hill, a fortress crowned the city, gleaming like ivory in the starlight.
It was just as Tom had described it.
"The Wood King's palace," she whispered.”
― Edgewood
“Emeline couldn't remember when, exactly, things changed. Only that a moment ago she was walking down palace halls and now she walked a dirt path beneath a midnight sky. Tulip trees lined the path, their flowers unfolding like burning yellow crowns among their green leaves.
The farther they walked, the taller the trees grew, until they were impossibly tall. So tall, they seemed to brush the stars.
The path ended in a grove of silver birches. Moonlight pooled in from the canopy above, illuminating a bone-white throne and a man seated upon it. Atop his head sat a crown of rosebud thorns.
His skin was sunbrowned, his hair moon pale; and instead of robes, water adorned him. It flowed in rivers from his hair, over his neck and shoulders where it began to gush, like a waterfall, down the rest of his body. Emeline could see no glimpse of skin beyond the cascade, but at his feet water pooled and sank into the brown earth. Wherever it touched, gray and purple thistles grew.
The Wood King.”
― Edgewood
The farther they walked, the taller the trees grew, until they were impossibly tall. So tall, they seemed to brush the stars.
The path ended in a grove of silver birches. Moonlight pooled in from the canopy above, illuminating a bone-white throne and a man seated upon it. Atop his head sat a crown of rosebud thorns.
His skin was sunbrowned, his hair moon pale; and instead of robes, water adorned him. It flowed in rivers from his hair, over his neck and shoulders where it began to gush, like a waterfall, down the rest of his body. Emeline could see no glimpse of skin beyond the cascade, but at his feet water pooled and sank into the brown earth. Wherever it touched, gray and purple thistles grew.
The Wood King.”
― Edgewood
“With her hand tucked into his elbow, Rooke led Emeline down halls awash in the golden hues of sunset. Vases bordering the windows sprouted green pine boughs and branches of bright red sumac. As Emeline quickened her pace to match his long strides, the fabric of her dress whispered against the floor.”
― Edgewood
― Edgewood
“There is nothing that I would not do for you."
She regarded him with a devilish grin. "I'm gonna remind you of that when I make you wash dishes at the new restaurant."
Naveen frowned. "Did I say there was nothing I wouldn't do?"
"That's right," Tiana said. "And it's too late to take it back."
Then she claimed his lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
"I can't wait to see that new restaurant in action. Your palace," Naveen said when they broke apart.
Tiana grinned slowly. "Tiana's Palace---I like the sound of that.”
― Almost There
She regarded him with a devilish grin. "I'm gonna remind you of that when I make you wash dishes at the new restaurant."
Naveen frowned. "Did I say there was nothing I wouldn't do?"
"That's right," Tiana said. "And it's too late to take it back."
Then she claimed his lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
"I can't wait to see that new restaurant in action. Your palace," Naveen said when they broke apart.
Tiana grinned slowly. "Tiana's Palace---I like the sound of that.”
― Almost There
“I am one of the few people around that can talk about the day I spent at Buckingham Palace with the Queen and the day I spent with the President of the USA!”
“You too can be great, you just need to keep doing great and when you are great, you will dine with kings and queens in the palace.”
― Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen
― Dear Daughter: Short and Sweet Messages for a Queen
“The tower walls were not solid like the walls of the Fairyland Palace. Standing close to them, Rachel and Kirsty saw that they were made of swirling snow.”
― Alyssa the Snow Queen Fairy
― Alyssa the Snow Queen Fairy
“We came next to a side door that led us back to the courtyard, where the ice now ran red with blood, then he made us all leap through a window that brought us to a winter garden, filled with flowers the color of twilight punctuated with violent hedges, their leaves black and spiky and their berries bright with poison.”
― Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries
― Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries
“When you look at palaces from an artistic point of view, they are places to be applauded; from a political point of view, they are places to be booed because the money spent there could be spent on the public!”
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