Logical Quotes
Quotes tagged as "logical"
Showing 1-30 of 122
So many talented people with no contacts.
So many people with contacts without talent.”
― Talent for Horror: Homage to Edgard Allan Poe
So many talented people with no contacts.
So many people with contacts without talent.”
― Talent for Horror: Homage to Edgard Allan Poe
“If all of the people in Hollywood had plastic surgery and went on vacation, there wouldn't be a person left in town.”
“Having their feelings make sense is how people get their kicks.”
― The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity
― The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity
“Our lives really do seem strange and mysterious when you look back on them. Filled with unbelievably bizarre coincidences and unpredictable, zigzagging developments. While they are unfolding, it’s hard to see anything weird about them, no matter how closely you pay attention to your surroundings. In the midst of the everyday, these things may strike you as simply ordinary things, a matter of course. They might not be logical, but time has to pass before you can see if something is logical.”
― Killing Commendatore
― Killing Commendatore
“Yeah, but our choices are limited. We choose from a list that they chose for us." She said.
"Well, Choices are supposed to be limited. That's life" I snapped”
― Delirium
"Well, Choices are supposed to be limited. That's life" I snapped”
― Delirium
“Atheism is a conclusion reached by the most reasonable methods and one which is not asserted dogmatically but is explained in its every feature by the light of reason. The atheist does not boast of knowing in a vainglorious, empty sense. He understands by knowledge the most reasonable and clear and sound position one can take on the basis of all the evidence at hand. This evidence convinces him that theism is not true, and his logical position, then, is that of atheism.
We repeat that the atheist is one who denies the assumptions of theism. he asserts, in other words, that he doesn't believe in a God because he has no good reason for believing in a God. That's atheism -- and that's good sense.”
― The meaning of atheism
We repeat that the atheist is one who denies the assumptions of theism. he asserts, in other words, that he doesn't believe in a God because he has no good reason for believing in a God. That's atheism -- and that's good sense.”
― The meaning of atheism
“It doesn't sound logical to say
that a man is an atheist
just because he's probably someone
who knows his own God...personally.”
― Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza
that a man is an atheist
just because he's probably someone
who knows his own God...personally.”
― Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza
“I believe neither in luck nor in destiny,” he declared. “I trust only the science of probabilities. I have studied mathematical statistics, combinatorial analysis, mass function, and random variables, and they have never held any surprises for me. You don’t seem fully to grasp the destabilizing effect that someone like you can have on someone like me.”
― A Winter's Promise / The Missing of Clairdelune / The Memory of Babel
― A Winter's Promise / The Missing of Clairdelune / The Memory of Babel
“I lose faith in mathematics, logical and rigid. What with those that even zero doesn’t accept?”
― The Shape
― The Shape
“Time throws you out of its dimensionless planar like a boomerang. It unites with you again in death.”
“Many in our culture have employed scare tactics simply because reason cannot support their agendas, therefore it is assumed that fear will press resistant individuals to accept those agendas since reason is not available to do so.”
“The world would be a rather boring place if all we had is evidence, if all we had is logic. We need a bit of the illogical to cherish the sweetness of life.”
― Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to The Human Race
― Making Britain Civilized: How to Gain Readmission to The Human Race
“A common assumption is that a superintelligent machine would be like a very clever but nerdy human being. We imagine that the AI has book smarts but lacks social savvy, or that it is logical but not intuitive and creative. This idea probably originates in observation: we look at present-day computers and see that they are good at calculation, remembering facts, and at following the letter of instructions while being oblivious to social contexts and subtexts, norms, emotions, and politics. The association is strengthened when we observe that the people who are good at working with computers tend themselves to be nerds. So it is natural to assume that more advanced computational intelligence will have similar attributes, only to a higher degree.”
― Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
― Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
“There is no logical sense of holding onto someone or something whose time together has passed; spare yourself the heartbreak and simply let go, and move on.”
― Life Is A Circus
― Life Is A Circus
“Ada yang mencari kebenaran, tak sadar otaknya mengalami sesat pikir.
Hilangkan dahulu sesat pikir, kebenaran langit akan terbuka.”
― Master of Stupidity
Hilangkan dahulu sesat pikir, kebenaran langit akan terbuka.”
― Master of Stupidity
“No, life had ceased to be logical, and therefore nothing was absurd. It was life: one had to accept it as it was or kill oneself.”
― The War of the End of the World
― The War of the End of the World
“Self-centeredness takes away the fragrance of common sense from an intelligent person and makes him dumb, deaf, stupid, and illogical.”
― Quantraz
― Quantraz
“You gotta know the kind from unkind, before you know the right from wrong.”
― Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat
― Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat
“All I said was that I would have the banns read so that we could be married as soon as possible. It was the logical, moral, and upright thing to do.”
Reese narrowed his eyes slightly as he continued to stare at Rupert. “Did you ask her if that was what she wanted?” A feeling as though headmaster Reese had taken the switch down from its mount on the wall behind the desk sent cold fingers of dread through him. “Isn’t it obvious?” he answered in a mumble.”
― A Lady's First Scandal
Reese narrowed his eyes slightly as he continued to stare at Rupert. “Did you ask her if that was what she wanted?” A feeling as though headmaster Reese had taken the switch down from its mount on the wall behind the desk sent cold fingers of dread through him. “Isn’t it obvious?” he answered in a mumble.”
― A Lady's First Scandal
“Your logical, authentic, scientific, and rational response to your opponents will not be affected because of their just enmity. There is only one way left that you keep silent and smile at their behaviour; they will mentally die.”
“Animals are logical creatures...Humans? We're emotional. We're swayed by how things make us feel, even if we're quietly aware that those feelings are leading us down a dark and dangerous road where the next thing we're likely to feel is a kick in the proverbial unmentionables.”
― Legend to Farmer: A Slice of Life Fantasy
― Legend to Farmer: A Slice of Life Fantasy
“Logical correctness or incorrectness is completely independent of the truth of the premises.”
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