Homicide Quotes

Quotes tagged as "homicide" Showing 1-30 of 42
David Levithan
“I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
David Levithan, Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Ambrose Bierce
“HOMICIDE, n. The slaying of one human being by another. There are
four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and
praiseworthy, but it makes no great difference to the person slain
whether he fell by one kind or another -- the classification is for
advantage of the lawyers.”
Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil's Dictionary

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Killing a person does not lead to nearly as much pain as creating a human being.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Lucy Ellmann
“he fact that there seems to be no problem in America that can’t be solved by murdering your whole family or your boss or a whole crowd of strangers, and maybe yourself”
Lucy Ellmann, Ducks, Newburyport

Nalini Singh
“Bye, Trace. Hope you and Andreja have a good day. Oh, I may be arrested for homicide soon. Please come visit me in prison.”
Nalini Singh, Archangel's Viper

P.D. James
“It had always been a part of his job which he found difficult, the total lack of privacy for the victim. Murder stripped away more than life itself. The body was parceled, labelled, dissected; address books, diaries, confidential letters, every part of the victim's life was sought out and scrutinized. Alien hands moved among the clothes, picked up and examined the small possessions, recorded and labelled for public view the sad detritus of sometimes pathetic lives.”
P.D. James, The Murder Room

Stephen        King
“As he was shaking off, it came to Jake Chambers that the Pere would never do this again, or grin at him and point his finger; or cross himself before eating. They had killed him. Taken his life. Stopped his breath and pulse. Save for dreams, the Pere was now gone from the story. Jake began to cry.”
Stephen King, The Dark Tower

Laura Lippman
“John Updike, in that book you gave me, he said the dead make space. Do you know what I think? Updike doesn't know dick about what it's like to be a homicide cop in Baltimore.”
Laura Lippman, The Sugar House

P.D. James
“Snapping shut his mobile, Dalgliesh reflected that murder, a unique crime for which no reparation is ever possible, imposes it own compulsions as well as it's conventions. He doubted whether Macklefield [the murder victim's Will attorney] would have interrupted his country weekend for a less sensational crime. As a young officer he, too, had been touched, if unwillingly and temporarily, by the power of murder to attract even while it appalled and repelled. He had watched how people involved as innocent bystanders, provided they were unburdened by grief or suspicion, were engrossed by homicide, drawn inexorably to the place where the crime had occurred in fascinated disbelief. The crowd and the media who served them had not yet congregated outside the wrought-iron gates of the Manor. But they would come, and he doubted whether Chandler-Powell's [owner of the Manor where the murder was committed] private security team would be able to do more than inconvenience them.”
P.D. James, The Private Patient

Louise Penny
“Isabelle [Lacoste] sat quietly for a moment, looking into the naked woods. Only in the winter was it possible to see both the forest and the trees. Homicide, she thought, was a perpetual winter.”
Louise Penny, The Madness of Crowds

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is pointless to teach someone a lesson by killing them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Bruno Schulz
“Matter is the most passive and most defenseless essence in cosmos. Anyone can mold it and shape it; it obeys everybody. All attempts at organizing matter are transient and temporary, easy to reverse and to dissolve. There is no evil in reducing life to other and newer forms. Homicide is not a sin.”
Bruno Schulz, The Street of Crocodiles

Diane L. Kowalyshyn
“But Julia wouldn’t know what was good for her if it jumped up and bit her on the ass.” ”
Diane L. Kowalyshyn, Catch .22

“(We had one guy who killed a woman and made meatloaf out of her.)
And they interviewed the guy, George, and he was like, ‘Yeah, she was a pain in the ass and I beat her and, you know, I finally cracked her over the head and she died. I didn’t know what the hell to do with her.
Well, Christ, George, I mean… Couldn’t ya—give her a Viking burial or something? You didn’t have to cook the poor woman down like Martha Stewart, for God’s sake. For meatloaf.
I love meatloaf. I do. But I was off it for a long time after that.”
Connie Fletcher, Crime Scene: Inside the World of the Real CSIs

“The writing gets easy once your characters trust that you will not only report what they say but convey what they mean and feel.
~ Michael Kent”
Michael Kent, Twice Dead: A Lieutenant Beaudry Novel

Chelsea G. Summers
“You can read the statistic that the human body holds twenty-five feet of intestines, but until you see it in all its red-white-and-blue glory, you can’t envision it. Twenty-five feet is a lot of intestines, and I was awash. The pulsating, ferocious smell of innards pressed and throbbed in my throat. I pushed snaking lines of slippery viscera to the side, winding some around the nearby jigsaw. The guts smelled like raw haggis—no, let me rephrase: the air smelled like atavistic lust and honor and jubilance and ecstasy.”
Chelsea G. Summers, A Certain Hunger

Kelly Thompson
“I'm going to kill you. And you know what? You totally deserve it.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

“«Jika konsumen adalah raja maka industri adalah Kasparov.»”
Herry Sutresna

“Jika konsumen adalah raja maka industri adalah Kasparov.”
Herry Sutresna

Andrej Poleev
“Amokläufe, Kriege und destruktives Verhalten im Allgemeinen sind Folgeerscheinungen unbewußter Abwehrvorgänge, wenn verdrängte suizidale Tendenzen in Massenmord und Zerstörung umgesetzt und in ihnen manifest werden.”
Andrej Poleev, Metaanalysis of psychoanalysis

Munia Khan
“Who’s going to cross the border
When a land suffers from ‘human disorder’
Under the bunk bed, into the cave
All mute men there ready to rave
Talking mouth: sealed, mission fulfilled
Not much, only a few million killed!

From the poem Invisible Sign”
Munia Khan, The Half Circle

“Police investigations is often times where Good and evil collide.”
William R, Ablan

Naima Coster
“For all her boldness, Jade was good at citing risks, naming all the things that could sabotage a life. In the weeks after a homicide in the neighborhood, elementary school kids did worse on tests. Teenagers without fathers were more likely to wind up parents before graduation. Black boys got sent to the principal's office more.”
Naima Coster, What's Mine and Yours

Christopher L. Bennett
“Agent Shelan wondered if it would really hurt diplomatic relations with the Klingon Empire all that much if she tossed Korath, Son of Monak, into an antimatter reactor. Surely if anyone would recognize homicide as a valid response to intolerable annoyance, it would be the Klingons.”
Christopher L. Bennett, Watching the Clock

“I took a black and white photograph, which I also posted on Instagram. Her New Balance shoes and her feet crossed, hanging as she sat atop the pile of aluminum chairs, against the backdrop of the many legs of the chairs shining in the street lights in contrast to her dark shoes and leggings, were so captivating. There was a lightness in the way she sat there with her crossed legs dangling, as if she was perched on a cloud and it was the most natural thing as she was my angel. I was still unsure if she really existed or if I had only made her up with Pinto cat one night. It was all like a lucid dream. I was so glad for us and for us becoming rich soon too. I was so glad I could provide her with a future in Europe. I was so glad we would be rich and happy and we would be able to make all our dreams come true and travel the world freely together. I can show her Italy and Hungary and Europe. We can pick where do we want to live or make family.
I knew all my life, all my work had led to this girl, this moment, and this future. Ours.
She started to rap in Spanish in the Rioplatense dialect as I started to record her. „Loco, loco…” - she was so cute, it sounded like she had learned it on the streets of Buenos Aires, skipping school. She was amazing - so young, so true, so natural and pure and cute. I couldn't get enough of her. I wanted to make kids with her. With only her. Nobody else.
By the wall of the church and the bar tables, there were a bunch of metal mobile railings with the Ajuntamiento de Barcelona logo in the middle of each of them. I told Martina to squat down to the level of the Ajuntamiento sign, and before I could finish my sentence, she was already doing it. She posed with the mobile railings, making a funny, cool and happy face while squeezing the Ajuntamiento logo between two of her fingers and pointing at it with her other hand, as if we were mocking the authorities of the Ajuntamiento. She was reading my mind. Like she knew magic.
She was such a good girl. She was so pretty, smart and sexy.
She was smiling, biting her lower lip, excited, turned on, and in love, I thought, looking like a bunny, or like Whitney Houston on the Brazilian live concert video, so I began to call her “Bunny”. I showed her how Whitney was smiling the same way. I was so blind to see the connection. (“The Cocaine Queen”)
I was so much in love with her, so under her spell, I just really wanted her to be the One, I guess.
I explained to her that the Camorra was one of my costumers and they had a club close by too and they were taking away other people's coffeeshops, menacing their lives and their families'.
I explained to her that we were going to do all demolition and remodeling without any permit, without telling a word to anyone. I told her that we would lie to the residents of the building above us about what we were going to do there for months and months. I told her that she must keep it as our secret. She was nodding happily and she seemed happy that I trusted her. I explained everything to her, I told her about Rachel and Tom and I signing the founding document at Amina's office at the beginning of the same year, 2013. She seemed to understand the weight of all I told her and the reasons why I told her about it all, so she would know, so she wouldn't make a mistake saying the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time. I asked her to pay attention to her surroundings in Barcelona from then on, as there were a lot of criminals, and she was a very pretty girl - not only my girlfriend. She seemed to take it as a privilege to be my girlfriend, and she seemed eternally happy, as was I. I told her that she was the only person I fully trusted.
I wanted to send the video of Martina rapping on WhatsApp to Adam, but Martina told me I shouldn't because it was late and, at the end, Adam was my boss. “Yeah but he is not really my boss, in Spain, I am the boss.”
Tomas Adam Nyapi

Ramesh Nyberg
“We all sat there, silently looking out over an expanse of floating clothes, body parts, and an occasional length of twisted metal trapped in between some weeds, as jet fuel trailed gently across our nostrils. It was so starkly unfamiliar that it was disorienting. Silently, we surveyed it all and then, as if someone had flipped a switch, we went to work.”
Ramesh Nyberg, Badge, Tie, and Gun: Life and Death Journeys of a Miami Detective

Kerrelyn Sparks
“My friend Roman always says that with love, anything is possible.”
“Sí, like double homicide.”
Kerrelyn Sparks, The Undead Next Door

Steven Magee
“Crime of passion, lifetime of regret!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Owning a gun puts your risk of illegally killing a person much higher.”
Steven Magee

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