Good Or Bad Quotes

Quotes tagged as "good-or-bad" Showing 1-30 of 40
“You knowing the people who do bad things and talking about them.
That doesn’t make you a good person.
You doing good things to others and being good to others.
That does make you a good person.
You regarding yourself as a good person and others as bad people,
because you disapproved of someone actions or doing.
You don’t weigh yourself as good person ,
because you do good, and you are good to others.
You say your good , because you oust those who do bad,
not that you do better yourself.
Your righteousness comes after judging others, not that you doing right.
It does not come from your own act or doings.
You need to do better.
Being a good person, it comes by you saying something or doing something. It doesn’t come by you judging others.

Galatians 6:10 | Ephesians 4:32”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Understanding your presence, what time we are in and what is about to come .Will make you understand why things are happening the way they are happening. Every decision now is shaped on what is about to come.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“There is nothing good , worth celebrating or be proud of. When your making others feel bad about themselves. Nonmatter how bad they are. You should be correcting them, advising them and showing them on how to do right next time. If you are as good as you claim to be.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Most people who are not cultured in their minds they associate culture with stupidity , old fashion, illiterate, stubbornness, poverty and failure. That is why most educated people are running away from their culture. They are even embarrassed by it. It is not because the culture is bad, but it is what they think. With the education, they have , Instead of making other rituals , laws and practices to be done right culturally . They are bashing the culture.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Do something right now, so that you won't be ashamed of your history.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Suppose you found a valid reason why you did what you did. Either It is right or wrong. Good or bad . Chances are you will do it again.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Romans 12:8-21

Whether people know or see that you are racist or not. You know. Do the right thing and get rid of that evil heart and mind. Racism is not generic, but it is being taught. Most people who are racist are being groomed by bad parents to be racist. If being racist is a good thing, why are you publicly hiding that you are racist. You can comfort yourself by telling lies and believing lies you telling each other. Truth is you are not as good as you think you are if you are racist. You are not good person at”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Today we are celebrating days of reconciliation, but the problem is we still have people who want apartheid back. People who think apartheid is the way and they don’t see anything wrong . They think they are superior and are better than other races. They still want to continue doing what they had been forgiven without asking for forgiveness. We have those who think apartheid or racism is their culture. They teach it, share it and laugh about it amongst themselves. They tell themselves they are good and God’s people, while they mistreat , slave, disrespect, abuse, kill, undermine, torture other races that are different than them. Apartheid or racism is crime against humanity. You don’t have to say it or show it. But if in your heart and mind you are racist. Then you are evil , bad and committing crime against humanity .It doesn’t matter how you are justifying it to cleans your heart or trying to get away in doing the most evil, inhuman thing on earth. We are all equal, We are all the same. We are all humans. Let's respect and love each other, embracing our differences without offending one another. Happy Reconciliation day.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some people will choose to be mean to you for no reason , while you are good and kind to them . They are becoming vile, mean and horrible to you to prove to other people that they are not in love with you, interested in you, dating you , they are not that close to you, and they don't care about you. Yet in their minds they convinced themselves that you are a bad person more than them. You choose to look out for them, they choose to come for you and to hurt you.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Most of us. We lose ourselves, friends and loved ones. We lose good memories , lessons, and opportunities. We lose good times, satisfaction, and pleasures. It is because we live our lives trying to prove a point to everyone. We constantly without fail, daily hurt ourselves and always being miserable by trying to show them. We are fighting ourselves, our hearts, feelings, minds, conscious and nature, because we trying to be seen as good people. We are not allowing us to be humans, to feel, to experience, to love, to live because we want to be seen as better than everyone. That is why even when we have achieved everything we wanted. We are still empty inside, unsatisfied, lonely , hurt, miserable and incomplete. There is a part of us missing. It is missing because we were not true to ourselves. Be true to yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos, The Theory of 46 Be's

“Stop being hard on yourself, because you want people to think you are a good person and you end up avoiding doing things that matters in your life. Stop suffering from good girl or boy syndrome. Stop seeking validation when you know what is best for you. Don’t be afraid to experience because you are afraid you will make mistakes. If you make mistakes learned from them. Just live your life and be yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“It’s no surprise why we are depressed. Everyday we are being emotionally blackmailed by those who want to take advantage of us or who want us to side with them. Sometimes we are even emotionally being blackmailed in believing having fun , enjoying yourself and being happy is a bad thing. Having sex makes you a bad person and not having sex makes you a good person. Being in a relationship or marriage means you a loser, weak, vulnerable, stupid, dependent, desperate person who can't sustain themselves and being single means you are strong, independent , smart, intelligent, hard working and a successful person. Which is not true. It is all about your character traits as a person if whether you are good person or not. Stop being hard on yourself, because you want people to think you are a good person and you end up avoiding doing things that matters in your life. Stop suffering from good girl or boy syndrome. Stop seeking validation when you know what is best for you. Don’t be afraid to experience because you are afraid you will make mistakes. If you make mistakes learned from them. Just live your life and be yourself.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Your bad actions have more impact & damage than your good ones. When you choose to do or say something good. Few people benefit. But when you choose to do or say something bad. More people suffer. Before trying to make more people suffer by your bad decision making or actions. Remember that your actions in life are a boomerang. Whatever you sent out there will come back to you. That is why it is always good to do good even thou few people might benefit from it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Everyone should make it their duty to serve their own country. They must cleanup and take care of the infrastructure, environment and where they stay .They must protect the children, man ,women and the infrastructure . If everyone participates to become good citizen. Our country will be a safe and better place.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The people I am wiling to do everything for to make them happy. Are no willing even to do a single thing to make me happy. They know what I want or need to be happy, but they told themselves that they will do anything for me.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You guys want us to be bad people. If we are not bad people and we are not doing bad things. You want us to feel bad for being good people.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You don't know the pain of doing good, while everything bad is happening to you. Being good hurts.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Sadly, we must act like baddies or ratchet to show that we are good people. If not. Today's society says if you are an innocent, calm, kind, and reserved person. You might be a dangerous person. Hiding your true self. You might be a serial killer, rapist, abuser or psychopath.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Are these NGOs, NPOs, Foundations, activists, Feminists, Masculinity, and institutions fighting for peace and justice or they are fighting for revenge? Is their end goal to see everyone living in harmony or do they want people to live hating each other? Do they forgive someone who has seen their wrongs and try to make amends or you will forever be guilty no matter what in their eyes? Do they believe in rehabilitation, second chance, mistakes, reform, growth, maturity, transformation, correctional services, or higher power like being born again? I hope they don't have misdirected anger and outrage that causes more harm than good.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Beneficiaries of crime will always fight for criminals, criminal activities, and lawlessness.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I hate it when people interpret my good gestures as advances.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Ironically, most people who publicly claim to be good people are the ones doing horrible things to other people. Especially if you don't agree with them or see their views. Where do they get the decency and courage to say they are good while they harm, hurt, endanger, and kill innocent people for no reason?”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Whoever you choose to be with or wherever you choose to be. Party responsible. Choose to be in a good place and surrounded by good people. Make the right choice because the last decision you make this year might be one of those decisions you make. It will decide if this is the last decision you make in your life or one of those decisions you make in life.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Choosing to cut some people off. It doesn’t always mean they were toxic, and you are the right one. You might be the toxic one. You are cutting them off because they are calling you out on your bad behavior and you don’t want to change because you are benefiting from your bad behavior. Sometimes you cut them because they will call you out for making bad decisions and doing stupid things. Sometimes you cut them off because you want to change your life and do things they never thought you would do or become someone they know you are not.

Most people who are on the receiving end also choose to cut people off and cut communication. When they see they must give back or help you back, especially when they think you will want something from them that they can give or help with, but they have already decided that they will never give you anything.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When the world is run by bad people. Speaking the truth will get you sidelined, rejected, isolated, sanctioned, character assassinated, and killed. They will do everything in their power to silence you. Not because you are doing something right, but because they are doing something wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Choose to fix your heart and mind before attempting to fix the world. Many of us are broken, yet we seek to correct others and improve our city, town, country, or the world. Focus on fixing yourself first. If your mind and heart are in the wrong place or filled with negativity, only bad things will result, leading to destruction rather than creation. Conversely, if your mind and heart are in a good place, only good things will come from you, leading to building rather than destroying.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“If we are to be truthful and frank, the real enemy, or public enemy number one, is ourselves. We need to look in the mirror. We don’t want to take accountability and responsibility. We are always looking for excuses to blame others for our misfortunes.

We have poisoned our minds with negativity, lies, fake stories, fabricated information, and seeing things that are not there. We have poisoned our hearts with hate, envy, and jealousy which makes us believe in things that are not happening. This causes us to accuse others for no reason, leading to stereotypes and racial profiling.

When we get the opportunity, we misuse it by doing wrong or harm. We steal from others, lie about others, block others' success, sabotage others, and even kill others. We set up situations and circumstances that hurt others and are unfair to them. We change the rules to our advantage because we want to benefit, but we exclude others in the process.

We think we are superior to everyone and deserve better than anyone else. Instead of sharing, being equal, and living harmoniously with everyone, we act selfishly.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I had never seen or heard of good people who want to do bad things to others, say bad things about others, or wish bad things to happen to others. However, on social media, everyone claims to be good people or Christians, yet they make it their mission to lie, manipulate, sabotage, abuse, harm, endanger, kill, and hurt someone. They want others to suffer, that is how good they are. They find pleasure, comfort, excitement, enjoyment, and entertainment in others distress, misfortunes, and pain.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Evil thrives on dominance and supremacy. Without dominance and supremacy, evil cannot survive.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People with motives or agendas are dangerous because they manufacture facts to suit their narrative or to convince others.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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