Gas Quotes
Quotes tagged as "gas"
Showing 1-30 of 82
“If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas.”
― Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
― Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
“A whizzpopper!" cried the BFG, beaming at her. "Us giants is making whizzpoppers all the time! Whizzpopping is a sign of happiness. It is music in our ears! You surely is not telling me that a little whizzpopping if forbidden among human beans?”
― The BFG
― The BFG
“Before reaching Grassy Butte, though, Dad spied a farmhouse with two pumps in the drive and a red-and-white sign out front saying DALE'S OIL COMPANY. Another sign said CLOSED, but a light was on in the house and Dad pulled in, saying, "I believe we might prevail on Dale. What do you think?"
"Prevail on Dale," I repeated to Swede.
"To make a sale," she added.
"And if we fail, we'll whale on Dale--"
"Till he needs braille!"
"Will you guys desist?" Dad asked.”
― Peace Like a River
"Prevail on Dale," I repeated to Swede.
"To make a sale," she added.
"And if we fail, we'll whale on Dale--"
"Till he needs braille!"
"Will you guys desist?" Dad asked.”
― Peace Like a River
“…he was doing a breath hydrogen test. If you know the amount of hydrogen someone is exhaling orally, it's a simple matter to extrapolate the amount they're exhaling rectally. This is because a fixed percentage of hydrogen produced in the colon is absorbed into the blood and, and when it reaches the lungs, exhaled. The breath hydrogen test has given flatus researchers a simple, consistent measure of gas production that does not require the subject to fart into a balloon.”
― Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
― Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
“If the choice is dying from COVID-19 or surviving by wearing a hazmat suit, a gas mask and goggles to the shops, I choose the latter.”
“Cars have run on gasoline for over a century. It’s time we get advanced and start powering them with Duck Soup.”
― Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.
― Music is fluid, and my saxophone overflows when my ducks slosh in the sounds I make in elevators.
“Everyone loves the smell of gasoline, but do you think it would make a good scent in a soap?
Gasoline-scented soap is a great idea that’s a terrible idea. Plus, if I made soap that smelled like petroleum, The US Military would invade my shower and kill me.”
― 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat
Gasoline-scented soap is a great idea that’s a terrible idea. Plus, if I made soap that smelled like petroleum, The US Military would invade my shower and kill me.”
― 94,000 Wasps in a Trench Coat
“SERVICE Center ARISTON - Service Kompor Gas ARISTON
Selamat Datang Di service kompor gas ARISTON panggilan Express
Jangan RESAH Ataupun GELISAH Bila Kompor Gas ARISTON Anda Mengalami Masalah / Kerusakan, SERVICE CENTER ARISTON Memberi keringanan untuk mengatasi masalah Dengan Jangkauan JABODETABEK
Layanan BERGARANSI yang SERVICE CENTER ARISTON berikan Adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para customer yang meminta akan pelayanan service kompor gas ARISTON yang.di kerjakan langsung di tempat customer ARISTON SENDIRI.
Mengatasi keluhan Kompor Gas ARISTON Anda Yang Bermasalah Seperti :
Api Kecil
Api Merah
Api Susah Dinyalakan
Pemantiknya Mati
Kompor Mati Total
Ada Yang Bocor ( Bau Gas )
Body Kompor Nyetrum ( KONSLET )
Di Masuki Tikus
Peredam Panas Ancur
Api Oven Tidak Nyala
Kompor Sudah Lama ( Tidak Dipakai )
Kompor Meledak
Tungku Api Nyala Sebagian
Di Tangani Langsung Oleh TEKNISI Yang AHLI Dan PENGALAMAN Di Bidang Service Kompor Gas ARISTON
Via celuller / massage
0858 6012 1544 ( Whatapps )
Hari LIBUR/MINGGU kami tetap melayani service
-4 Tungku -5 Tungku -6 Tungku
-2 Tungku -3 Tungku -4 Tungku -5 Tungku
- DKI JAKARTA dan sekitarnya
( Jakarta Pusat,Jakarta Selatan,Jakarta Utara,Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Selatan )
- BEKASI dan sekitarnya
( Bekasi timur,bekasi barat,bekasi selatan,bekasi utara )
- DEPOK dan sekitarnya
( Depok timur,depok selatan,depok utara,depok barat )
- TANGERANG dan sekitarnya
( Tangerang selatan,tangerang utara,tangerang barat,tangerang timur )
- BOGOR dan sekitarnya
( S E - J A B O D E T A B E K )
-Cipinang,Pondok Kopi,Pondok gede,Pondok kelapa,Jatibening estate,Cikunir,Pekayon,Kemang Pratama
- Jati asih,Bantar gebang,Kota wisata,Kota Legenda,Cileungsi,Narogong,Kranggan,Ujung aspal
- Cibubur,Cimanggis,Mekar sari,Tapos,Cilodong,Cibinong,Sentul City,Bogor dan sekitarnya
- Pondok Indah,Bintaro,Tanah kusir,Kebayoran lama / baru,Block m,Antasari,Pondok labu,Cireundeu
- Cilandak,Cinere,Depok,Tanah baru,Pondok cabe,Pondok petir,Pamulang,Bsd,Serpong gading,lippo karawaci,Bitung,Legok,Kelapa dua,gading serpong dan sekitarnya
- Alam sutra,Kota Modern,Cipondoh,Poris,Cikokol,Juru bendi,Bandara,Kalideres,taman duta
- Taman semanan,Kedoya,Green Garden,Joglo,Kebun jeruk,Srengseng,Meruya,Duri kepa,grogol
- Tomang,Cideng,Kota,Mangga besar,pantai indah kapuk,pantai mutiara,Ancol,Gunung sahari
- Kelapa gading MOY dan Sekitarnya
- Kemayoran,Senen,Sunter,Kelapa
gading,Pulomas,Cilincing,Koja,Pulo gadung,Rawa mangun
- Cakung,Harapan baru,Harapan indah,Pondok ungu,Cibitung,Lippo Cikarang”
Selamat Datang Di service kompor gas ARISTON panggilan Express
Jangan RESAH Ataupun GELISAH Bila Kompor Gas ARISTON Anda Mengalami Masalah / Kerusakan, SERVICE CENTER ARISTON Memberi keringanan untuk mengatasi masalah Dengan Jangkauan JABODETABEK
Layanan BERGARANSI yang SERVICE CENTER ARISTON berikan Adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para customer yang meminta akan pelayanan service kompor gas ARISTON yang.di kerjakan langsung di tempat customer ARISTON SENDIRI.
Mengatasi keluhan Kompor Gas ARISTON Anda Yang Bermasalah Seperti :
Api Kecil
Api Merah
Api Susah Dinyalakan
Pemantiknya Mati
Kompor Mati Total
Ada Yang Bocor ( Bau Gas )
Body Kompor Nyetrum ( KONSLET )
Di Masuki Tikus
Peredam Panas Ancur
Api Oven Tidak Nyala
Kompor Sudah Lama ( Tidak Dipakai )
Kompor Meledak
Tungku Api Nyala Sebagian
Di Tangani Langsung Oleh TEKNISI Yang AHLI Dan PENGALAMAN Di Bidang Service Kompor Gas ARISTON
Via celuller / massage
0858 6012 1544 ( Whatapps )
Hari LIBUR/MINGGU kami tetap melayani service
-4 Tungku -5 Tungku -6 Tungku
-2 Tungku -3 Tungku -4 Tungku -5 Tungku
- DKI JAKARTA dan sekitarnya
( Jakarta Pusat,Jakarta Selatan,Jakarta Utara,Jakarta Timur, Jakarta Selatan )
- BEKASI dan sekitarnya
( Bekasi timur,bekasi barat,bekasi selatan,bekasi utara )
- DEPOK dan sekitarnya
( Depok timur,depok selatan,depok utara,depok barat )
- TANGERANG dan sekitarnya
( Tangerang selatan,tangerang utara,tangerang barat,tangerang timur )
- BOGOR dan sekitarnya
( S E - J A B O D E T A B E K )
-Cipinang,Pondok Kopi,Pondok gede,Pondok kelapa,Jatibening estate,Cikunir,Pekayon,Kemang Pratama
- Jati asih,Bantar gebang,Kota wisata,Kota Legenda,Cileungsi,Narogong,Kranggan,Ujung aspal
- Cibubur,Cimanggis,Mekar sari,Tapos,Cilodong,Cibinong,Sentul City,Bogor dan sekitarnya
- Pondok Indah,Bintaro,Tanah kusir,Kebayoran lama / baru,Block m,Antasari,Pondok labu,Cireundeu
- Cilandak,Cinere,Depok,Tanah baru,Pondok cabe,Pondok petir,Pamulang,Bsd,Serpong gading,lippo karawaci,Bitung,Legok,Kelapa dua,gading serpong dan sekitarnya
- Alam sutra,Kota Modern,Cipondoh,Poris,Cikokol,Juru bendi,Bandara,Kalideres,taman duta
- Taman semanan,Kedoya,Green Garden,Joglo,Kebun jeruk,Srengseng,Meruya,Duri kepa,grogol
- Tomang,Cideng,Kota,Mangga besar,pantai indah kapuk,pantai mutiara,Ancol,Gunung sahari
- Kelapa gading MOY dan Sekitarnya
- Kemayoran,Senen,Sunter,Kelapa
gading,Pulomas,Cilincing,Koja,Pulo gadung,Rawa mangun
- Cakung,Harapan baru,Harapan indah,Pondok ungu,Cibitung,Lippo Cikarang”
“A visiting student in La Palma was working with astronomical detector engineer and routinely breathing nitrogen gas. He later unexpectedly fainted, collapsed to the ground and went to hospital.”
“Op mijn leeftijd ga je niet in één klap dood. Je bent als een huis waarvan de luiken worden gesloten, waar de meubels een voor een worden weggehaald, waar eerst het gas wordt afgesloten, dan het water, en ten slotte het licht, totdat de deur voor de laatste keer op slot wordt gedraaid en de sleutel wordt weggegooid. Een grappige gedachte. Niemand ziet het, maar ik glimlach.”
― Een Duitse fantasie
― Een Duitse fantasie
“Excessive gas production with a putrid smell and loose or soft stools indicates that poor digestion is present.”
― Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue
― Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue
“Behavioral issues are the common sign of low level gas poisoning. The personalities can be euphoric, irritable or depressed.”
― Toxic Altitude
― Toxic Altitude
“Small airways disease was diagnosed in me after I spent a decade breathing industrial and medical gas in my professional astronomy jobs.”
― Toxic Altitude
― Toxic Altitude
“When [Sylvia] Plath committed suicide, the suicide rate for women of her age in England reached a staggering 10 per 100,000. Driven by a tragically high number of deaths by gas poisoning. That is as high as the suicide rate for women in England has ever been. By 1977 when the Natural Gas changeover was complete, the suicide rate for young woman was half that.”
― Talking To Strangers: What We Don't Know About Strangers
― Talking To Strangers: What We Don't Know About Strangers
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