Following Quotes

Quotes tagged as "following" Showing 1-30 of 77
Scott Lynch
“Know something? I'd lay even odds that between the people following us and the people hunting us, we've become this city's principle means of employment. Tal Verrar's entire economy is now based on fucking with us.”
Scott Lynch, Red Seas Under Red Skies

Criss Jami
“I would rather be an artist than a leader. Ironically, a leader has to follow the rules.”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

“The world is full of men who want to be right, when actually the secret of a man's strength and his pathway to true honor is his ability to admit fault when he has failed. God wants to fill the church with men who can say they are wrong when THEY ARE WRONG. A man who is willing to humble himself before God and his family and say:"I was wrong." will find that his family has all the confidence in the world in him and will much more readily follow him. If he stubbornly refuses to repent or admit he was wrong, their confidence in him and in his leadership erodes.”
Jim Anderson, Unmasked: Exposing the Cultural Sexual Assualt

David Icke
“No one rules if no one obeys”
David Icke

Steven Magee
“If you do not want to be lied to, then you need to stop following politics.”
Steven Magee

John M. Cusick
“If everyone you knew jumped off a bridge, would you too?” Dr. Roger asked.
David had heard this before and knew you were supposed to say no. But was that really true? If everyone jumped off a bridge, maybe there was a good reason. Maybe the bridge was on fire.If anything, the guy who didn’t jump was the crazy one.”
John M. Cusick, Girl Parts

Emma Törzs
“'s the steps themselves that make a path, instead of the other way round. We are creating even as we believe we are following.”
Emma Törzs, Ink Blood Sister Scribe

Stephanie Garber
“Jacks didn't stop following her, and she had a feeling he never would.

She almost laughed at the idea that she'd thought she could run away from him. That he would simply let her go.”
Stephanie Garber, The Ballad of Never After

Héloïse d'Argenteuil
“[A]s though mindful of the wife of Lot, who looked back from behind him, thou deliveredst me first to the sacred garments and monastic profession before thou gavest thyself to God. And for that in this one thing thou shouldst have had little trust in me I vehemently grieved and was ashamed. For I (God [knows]) would without hesitation precede or follow thee to the Vulcanian fires according to thy word. For not with me was my heart, but with thee. But now, more than ever, if it be not with thee, it is nowhere. For without thee it cannot anywhere exist.”
Héloïse, The Letters of Abélard and Héloïse

Sara Gruen
“The person following is never in control, which she knows full well and which is exactly why she does it.”
Sara Gruen, Flying Changes

“He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, can be taught; teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is a prophet; follow him.”
Persian Proverb

Cormac McCarthy
“You think that when there's somethin that's got you snakebit you can just walk off and forget it. The truth is it aint even following you. It's waitin for you. It always will be.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Passenger

Isaac Mashman
“Your personal brand has a following, image, reputation, a service, and has to be appreciated as a lifelong commitment.”
Isaac Mashman, Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence

T.F. Hodge
“There's more rewards in righteously leading the crowd, than recklessly pleasing it.”
T.F. Hodge

T.F. Hodge
“There's more powerful rewards in righteously leading the crowd, than recklessly pleasing it.”
T.F. Hodge

Simona Ondrejkova
“Following the herd may have been the path of least resistance in the past - but you weren’t born to do that. When the herd isn’t heading in the direction of the world you want to see, you mustn’t be afraid to go against it, because future generations will rely on your courage and vision.”
Simona Ondrejkova

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A great leader is someone who first mastered the art of following.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Despite how ominous it might appear; the size of the task will never be bigger than the man who has chosen to be obedient.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I debated for a moment and wondered if I was walking into a trap. Eventually, I thought what the hell, and followed him into the dark.”
Jennifer West, The Legend of Acacia Vitak

Avijeet Das
“Dogs are like ex-girlfriends; they like to follow you everywhere, keep following you, and love sniffing you.”
Avijeet Das

Steven Magee
“When I was at the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm, I was the new guy that was following OSHA laws and the company did not like it!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I lead and the internet follows.”
Steven Magee

Robert Jordan
“All the stories are real," he muttered.
"So it seems, lad," the blacksmith said. "So it seems."
Rand only half heard. He was concentrating on following Egwene's slender shape. He had pulled himself together just enough to wish she would hurry, though in truth she was keeping her pace to what the two men could manage with their burden.”
Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

David R. Loy
“they are notoriously difficult to understand, which is why they are respected more than they are actually studied”
David R. Loy, Money, Sex, War, Karma: Notes for a Buddhist Revolution

Emily Habeck
“Without eyelids, he seemed to stare right through her when he slept, like a figure in a painting whose gaze follows you no matter where you orient yourself in the room.”
Emily Habeck, Shark Heart

John Mark Comer
“Who are you following? Everybody is following somebody-or at least someone. Put another way, we’re all disciples. The question isn’t, Am I a disciple? It’s Who or what am I a disciple of?”
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did

John Mark Comer
“Powerful forces have a vested interest in our believing the myth (and it is a myth) that we are following no one at all. Many of the cultural liturgies that indoctrinate us daily—“ Be true to yourself,” “You do you,” “Speak your truth”—can be traced back to sources with a nefarious agenda. If “they” (whether multinational corporations, politicians, anti-democratic government agents, marketing departments, influencers who just want more followers, etc., etc.) can make us believe that each person is a blank slate, just following the inner compass of our “authentic self” in an upward march to happiness, then they can keep us blind to all the ways we’ve been “discipled”—formed and manipulated—by their desires.”
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did

John Mark Comer
“Any skilled con artist knows the key to deceiving your mark is to get them to believe your scheme was their idea. Translation: The key to getting people to follow you is to convince them they aren’t following anyone at all.”
John Mark Comer, Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become Like Him, Do As He Did

“If you aren't crazy yet, you know nothing.”
Niedria Kenny

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