First World Quotes

Quotes tagged as "first-world" Showing 1-13 of 13
Santosh Kalwar
“My first world is humanity. My second world is humanism. And, I live in the third world being merely a human.”
Santosh Kalwar

Arundhati Roy
“How can you measure progress if you don't know what it costs and who has paid for it? How can the "market" put a price on things - food, clothes, electricity, running water - when it doesn't take into account the REAL cost of production?”
Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

“The U.S. will never be a free and happy nation while they continue to exploit and marginalize the Third World. The Third World will never be happy or free so long as there is a First World stuck in the mire of consumerism, alienation, indifference. (Clodovis Boff, p. 161)”
Mev Puleo, The Struggle Is One: Voices and Visions of Liberation

“First, people should open their eyes to see structural sin, which is the very existence of a First and Third World. As long as there's a First World, there won't be peace because there won't be justice or sharing. (Pedro Casaldaliga, p. 243)”
Mev Puleo, The Struggle Is One: Voices and Visions of Liberation

J.R. Rim
“I want to be this generation's Sherlock Holmes. That is, the man to solve first world problems.”
J.R. Rim

Jason Hickel
“From the perspective of human welfare, the high levels of GDP that characterise the United States, Britain and other higher-income countries turn out to be vastly in excess of what they actually need.”
Jason Hickel, Less Is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World

“While the opportunity to improve yourself and your situation is a great thing, our striving to build perfect lives seems to have morphed into perfectionism so focused on itself that we forget about others in the world. We work so hard to build the ultimate luxury sedan, to embody society's standard of beauty, and to achieve historical scientific breakthroughs that we conveniently forget our family members in other parts of the world who must walk miles each day in their only set of clothing for the opportunity to go to school.”
Holly Sprink, Faith Postures: Cultivating Christian Mindfulness

Chris Matakas
“We are so surrounded with this fortune that we tend to forget that though subjectively in abundance, objectively this is a rarity.”
Chris Matakas, #Human: Learning To Live In Modern Times

Camilla Gibb
“Ethiopia doesn't matter to the West," I say, stating the obvious. "We offer them nothing they can exploit.”
Camilla Gibb, Sweetness in the Belly

Louis Yako
“[T]he phrase 'first world problems.' The first problematic issue with this phrase is the assumption that we live in three (or more) worlds rather than one planet.”
Louis Yako

Louis Yako
“Finally, the phrase ‘first world problems’ is built on the misleading assumption that every single individual in the first world is living in better conditions than those in the other worlds. And if so, this totally ignores the fact that the first world, too, is filled with violence, suicide, mental issues, homelessness, death, and every other problem we see in the rest of world. In this sense, the phrase ‘first world problems’ does not even do justice to millions of people suffering in the first world itself. The phrase assumes that people in the second or the third worlds are miserable and incapable of having economic, social, or even political fulfilment.”
Louis Yako

“In many first world countries, school systems teach several explanations for life on earth, and they present each of them as theories, not fact. Evolution is one of the many theories and so is creationism. They present the evidence for both belief systems, as well as the areas in which the evidence is lacking. And they investigate all the reasons why both theories are viable explanations for life on earth. My education was different. I learned that evolution was the only viable explanation and I came away with the impression that it was the ultimate truth that I needed to sculpt my reality around.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose