Exploring Quotes
Quotes tagged as "exploring"
Showing 1-30 of 78
“Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling.”
― The Wanderess
― The Wanderess
“A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.”
― The Wanderess
― The Wanderess
“The thing about exploring is that you have to know whether the thing you've found is worth finding. Some things are just sitting there, minding their own business, waiting to be discovered. Like America. And other things are probably better off left alone. Like a dead mouse at the back of the cupboard.”
― The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
― The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
― Motive Black: A novel
― Motive Black: A novel
“On the first day Coraline's family moved in, Miss Spink and Miss Forcible made a point of telling Coraline how dangerous the well was, and they warned her to be sure she kept away from it. So Coraline set off to explore for it, so that she knew where it was, to keep away from it properly.”
― Coraline
― Coraline
“I'm more interested in arousing enthusiasm in kids than in teaching the facts. The facts may change, but that enthusiasm for exploring the world will remain with them the rest of their lives.”
“I should not act better than anybody, but sure as hell, NOBODY’S better than ME!”
― Sacrifices Beyond Kingdoms: A Provocative Romance Torn Between Continents and Cultures
― Sacrifices Beyond Kingdoms: A Provocative Romance Torn Between Continents and Cultures
“We only know a tiny proportion about the complexity of the natural world. Wherever you look, there are still things we don’t know about and don’t understand. [...] There are always new things to find out if you go looking for them.”
“I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads.”
― Aleph
― Aleph
“The coast is a transition zone, always changing. It keeps on changing its dynamics, perpetually, in both space and time.”
― Transfigured Sea
― Transfigured Sea
“Deep sea rays use their electro-receptive sense to find prey under the seabed sand and mud.Laura also loves to explore things that are hidden, most often hidden meanings.”
― Transfigured Sea
― Transfigured Sea
“There's a simplicity and a sense of adventure to being alone, and I sometimes envy you for having it, as you explore Paris. Even when you're getting your heart broken, you can still wake up and not know what's going to happen next.”
― Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults
― Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults
“Finally, consider your predicament a privilege in a world so shrunken that certain people refer to it as the 'global village.' The term 'explorer' has little meaning. But exploration is nothing more than a faray into the unknown, and a four-year old child, wandering about along in the department store, fits the definition as well as the snow-blind man wandering across the Khyber Pass. The explorer is the person who is lost.”
― Jaguars Ripped My Flesh
― Jaguars Ripped My Flesh
“Seventy percent of the planet is water. Most of that water is deep ocean. The origin of everything. Less than 5 percent of the deep ocean is mapped. Humans know more about Mars. Anything could be down there. Therefore, everything is.”
― Whalefall
― Whalefall
“The night sky, a cosmic abyss, holds the promise of mystery and adventure, beckoning wanderers like me to explore its depths.”
― Peruvian Days
― Peruvian Days
“Life is a constant state of exploration and evolution. Twelve years ago, I wrote that I was on a journey of discovery and change. This has turned out to be the one phrase that has stayed true throughout all the alterations in my life and in my way of thinking.”
“Maybe there’s something instinctive in us, that we’re drawn to human habitation and can’t resist a ruin, the way newborn babies respond to a crude drawing of a face. These are the rarities in human history, the places from which we’ve retreated. These once-inhabited places play a different air to the uninhabited; they suggest the lost past, the lost Eden, not the Utopia to come.”
― Findings
― Findings
“There is so much life on the sides, the margins, in dark alleys, in parks, and remote villages that most tourists never get to see, and thus never get to feel and capture the real spirit of the places they visit. And thus, Dear Readers, I ask: can we travel without being tourists? Indeed, can we stop being tourists altogether? Can we begin to master the art of getting lost; the art of finding hidden gems, beauty, or simple experiences after which life is never the same?”
“I want to be a true explorer, a really hard cut. I wanted to be tested, to live without the safety net and find out what I am made of. I want the freedom of the unknown.”
― Living the Best Day Ever
― Living the Best Day Ever
“Engaging in the physical world; learning how to build or make or do something in the physical world, where the results aren't negotiable; you can't claim that you did it if you didn't; you either summited, or the cake is edible, or the eggplant grew, or the table is made - whatever it is, doing something that is a physical manifestation in the world will create strength and ability. [And that physical experience is important because unless you have experience you may have inaccurate ideas about things.]
Experience reveals your biases. And it reveals the holes in your thinking. And it informs you and enables you to become a much more complete and frankly, compassionate human being.”
Experience reveals your biases. And it reveals the holes in your thinking. And it informs you and enables you to become a much more complete and frankly, compassionate human being.”
“Day and night, I was free to explore the house-- and I went everywhere that I could, for my key opened almost half the doors. I found a rose garden under a glass dome; the roses formed a labyrinth in which I always got lost, and yet-- according to the cuckoo clock at the door-- I would always stumble out again in exactly twenty-three minutes. I found a greenhouse full of potted ferns and orange trees. The air was thick with the warm, wet smell of earth. Bees hummed through the air; the glass walls were frosted with condensation. I found a round room whose walls were covered in mosaics of naiads and tossing waves, and the air always smelled of salt, and no matter which way I turned, the door was always directly behind me.”
― Cruel Beauty
― Cruel Beauty
“Philosophy is about picking up an idea or a combination of ideas, then, like a toddler with its toys - twisting, turning, pulling, arranging, rearranging (and sometimes violently so).
All in our minds, for the benefit of all.”
All in our minds, for the benefit of all.”
“I sat in the back with Omar napping against my right shoulder and Mother napping against my left, and I thumbed through the bird book and looked at pictures of all the new birds I had seen, and at the ones I had not seen. It was unimaginable to think that they were out there-all these hundreds, even thousands of birds-and that I had not seen them. I felt both hungry and sated-like a cat, I imagined. With Mother asleep on my shoulder, good crisp air coming in the window, a stomach full of flounder, and two dozen new birds flying through my mind-and returning home-I felt like there couldn't be a more satisfied person in the world.
This, in turn, made me hungrier: made me want to see more.”
― The Sky, The Stars, The Wilderness
This, in turn, made me hungrier: made me want to see more.”
― The Sky, The Stars, The Wilderness
“Hitting off-the-beaten-trail landmarks, trail systems, and road routes can offer a taste of the uncommon and unfamiliar while minimizing the impact at heavily trafficked locations.”
― The National Parks Journal: Plan & Record Your Trips to the US National Parks
― The National Parks Journal: Plan & Record Your Trips to the US National Parks
“Make an expedition to your mind, for it is the most rewarding journey.”
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
“All I want to do is explore London with you again. You know parts of the city I didn't even know existed. Sometimes I feel like it invents new parts of itself just for you.”
― The Case for Jamie
― The Case for Jamie
“If we could learn everything and take what works best from each party, we could then create new things and be on the same path.”
“Nature calls upon us to explore, and not to exploit; to preserve, and not to destroy.”
― These Words Burn Like Fire
― These Words Burn Like Fire
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