Drjayce Quotes

Quotes tagged as "drjayce" Showing 1-20 of 20
Jayce O'Neal
“You can't judge a book by it's cover but you can sure sell a bunch of books if you have a good one.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“When you always expect the worst you can never experience the best.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Cellaholics are those who interrupt quality time when they are with you, but rather text, call, and email others who are somewhere else. ”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Student: why do dumb people ignore wise people. Teacher: Because, the dumb people believe they are the wise people.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“When life gives you lemons...throw the lemons at people..it's hilarious!”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Great words, golden promises, built up exploits plus lack of character equals low down dirty fraud.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Doing the right thing the wrong way is still the wrong thing.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Usually, if you think something's wrong, it probably is...”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“When you chronically interrupt your time with whom ever you're with to answer your phone/text you are saying that the caller is more important.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Beauty is only skin deep but deception goes right to the core.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“You can't go fishing while you're anchored in the desert.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“When you constantly question the motives of others you can't see them in their truest form.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“if at first you don't wake up try, try again...”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Questions are the gateway to wisdom.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Simplicity is complex.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Some things don't need to be said. Some things need to be said. There I said it.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Snake in the grass, peekaboo I see you...through you I see....you cannot hide from me.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“He who knows all the answers, but none of the questions is like a large gobbling bird on Thanksgiving.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Never fear to improve upon the last endeavor.”
Jayce O'Neal

Jayce O'Neal
“Answers based in truth are the foundation of wisdom.”
Jayce O'Neal