Descent Quotes
Quotes tagged as "descent"
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“Many are charmed into paying cash for access, but may be unconscious of their petrifying downward spiral and the steady descent into the abyss of a lobby gate. ( “Bribe payers’ index” )”
“In your name, the family name is at last because it's the family name that lasts.”
― Wealth of Words
― Wealth of Words
“He'd been let down so often
His brow was on the floor
But then they found
A small hole in the ground
And let him down some more”
His brow was on the floor
But then they found
A small hole in the ground
And let him down some more”
“Checking a box on a form for race—"Caucasian," "Hispanic," "African-American," "Native American," or "Asian-American"—is untenable and ridiculous. For one thing, "American" is not a race, so labels such as "Asian-American" and "African-American" are still exhibits of our confusion of culture and race. For another thing, how far back does one go in history? Native Americans are really Asians, if you go back more than twenty or thirty thousand years to before they crossed the Bering land bridge between Asia and America. And Asians, several hundred thousand years ago probably came out of Africa, so we should really replace "Native American" with "African-Asian-Native American." Finally, if the Out of Africa (single racial origin) theory holds true, then all modern humans are from Africa. (Cavalli-Sforza now thinks this may have been as recently as seventy thousand years ago.) Even if that theory gives way to the Candelabra (multiple racial origins) theory, ultimately all hominids came from Africa, and therefore everyone in America should simply check the box next to "African-American.”
― Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
― Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time
“Whereas the health of an individual depends on the ego's regular descent and return to and from the unconscious, a society's longevity depends on actual people journeying into the unknown and returning with ideas.”
“How easily such a thing can become a mania, how the most normal and sensible of women once this passion to be thin is upon them, can lose completely their sense of balance and proportion and spend years dealing with this madness.”
― HELL HEAVEN & IN-BETWEEN: One Woman's Journey to Finding Love
― HELL HEAVEN & IN-BETWEEN: One Woman's Journey to Finding Love
“In united families, they might sleep with half filled stomach but no one sleeps with empty stomach.”
― Wealth of Words
― Wealth of Words
“Something ancient in us bends us toward the origins of the whole thing. We either drown in the splits and confusions of our lives, or we surrender to something greater than ourselves. The water of our deepest troubles is also the water of our own solution. In surrender, we descend down to the bottom of it and back to the beginning of it; down into what is divided in order to get back to the wholeness before the split. Healing, health, wealth, wholeness: all hail from the same roots. To heal is to make whole again; wholeness is what all healing seeks and what alone can truly unify our spirit.”
― The Genius Myth
― The Genius Myth
“The length of the fall is dictated by how far we had climbed. The outcome of the fall is dictated by whether we’re holding on to that which we’re climbing, or we’re letting God hold onto us.”
“Whoever would rise, must first descend, for only then can the bottommost rise to the top.”
― Angel of the West Window
― Angel of the West Window
“Then he went on to bore me with a lot of details about jet engines, the venturi effect, increasing lift by increasing camber with the flaps, and how after all four engines flame out the plane will turn into a 450,000-pound glider. Then since the autopilot will have trimmed out to fly a straight line, the glider will begin what the pilot calls a controlled descent. That kind of descent, I tell him, would be nice for a change. You just don't know what I've been through this past year.”
― Survivor
― Survivor
“You can take the Indian out of the family, but you cannot take the family out of the Indian.”
― Wealth of Words
― Wealth of Words
“Descent fatigue occurs in high altitude workers at the end of their workday. They get in the car and drive from the mountain peak to sea level. By the time they arrive at sea level they are experiencing fatigue. It generally subsides after several hours at sea level or by sleeping.”
― Magee’s Disease
― Magee’s Disease
“She’d sworn she wouldn’t end up like her little brother, but loneliness didn’t arrive with flashing bulbs and a warning label. The descent was as simple and complex as a faked smile, white lies about being “okay,” and the nod and acceptance as her own peers didn’t delve deeper, shutting the coffin lid for her.”
― Rising for Autumn
― Rising for Autumn
“At the outset God-the-Preceptor ushers in the body in the process of Descent (Nigam) and stops in the fourth sheath as causal body. Life-power in embryo at first gets awakened in the body of God-the-Preceptor. Without the body of God-the-Preceptor, life-power never awakes, nor she can have an upward motion.”
“14,000 feet (4,267 meters) and above: Most people who ascend above 14,000 feet (4,267 meters) develop some form of altitude disease. Descent is the recommended treatment.”
“The most painful experience that I had in high altitude astronomy was ear barotrauma on descent from the observatory. After experiencing this horrible condition a few times, I got wise and would always carry nasal decongestant medication with me to help prevent it. I saw many people experience the condition so severe that we had to stop descending in the car and sit at the side of the road until it subsided in the unfortunate high altitude worker.”
“My suspicion about what causes Descent Fatigue in high altitude workers is related to reperfusion of thickened hypoxic blood.”
“At the age of 50, my Descent Fatigue is now so severe that I no longer venture to high altitudes unless I have to.”
“Most high altitude workers experienced fatigue after descending to sea level at the end of the work day. No one appeared to know what it was and I now call it ‘Descent Fatigue’.”
“Testing with the CPAP machine revealed that it was triggering altitude sickness symptoms after waking, specifically ‘Descent Fatigue’ during the daytime.”
“A man can play the role of a teacher only when God in Descent takes the manikin form (Manusratan) in him, otherwise not. In this stage, it is seen that God is the doer and author of everything from within.”
“The APAP sleep apnea machine would trigger 'Descent Fatigue' after concluding therapy in the morning.”
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