Credo Quotes
Quotes tagged as "credo"
Showing 1-14 of 14
“There is something brittle in me that will break before it bends. Perhaps if the [the enemy] had brought a smaller army I might have had the sense to run. But he overdid it.”
― King of Thorns
― King of Thorns
“I believe order is better than chaos, creation better than destruction. I prefer gentleness to violence, forgiveness to vendetta. On the whole I think that knowledge is preferable to ignorance, and I am sure that human sympathy is more valuable than ideology. I believe that in spite of the recent triumphs of science, men haven't changed much in the last two thousand years; and in consequence we must try to learn from history.”
― Civilisation
― Civilisation
“The beauty of things was born before eyes and sufficient to itself; the heartbreaking beauty
Will remain when there is no heart to break for it.”
Will remain when there is no heart to break for it.”
“A skeptical man with a credo, 'Seeing is believing'.
One day he found something so alien and said,
'I can't believe what I just saw'.
Then the other man with different credo,
'Blessed are they who believe without seeing'.
One day he found something so alien and said,
'This is blasphemy, sinful and evil'.”
― My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut
One day he found something so alien and said,
'I can't believe what I just saw'.
Then the other man with different credo,
'Blessed are they who believe without seeing'.
One day he found something so alien and said,
'This is blasphemy, sinful and evil'.”
― My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut
“If I could sum up my poetry in a few well-chosen words, the result might be a poem. Several years ago, when I was asked to say something on this topic, I came up with the notion that for me the making of poems is both a commemoration (a moment captured) and an evocation (the archaeologist manqué side of me digging into something buried and bringing it to light). But I also said that I find the processes that bring poems into being mysterious, and I wouldn't really wish to know them; the thread that links the first unwilled impulse to the object I acknowledge as the completed poem is a tenuous one, easily broken. If I knew the answers to these riddles, I would write more poems, and better ones. "Simple Poem" is as close as I can get to a credo':
Simple Poem
I shall make it simple so you understand.
Making it simple will make it clear for me.
When you have read it, take me by the hand
As children do, loving simplicity.
This is the simple poem I have made.
Tell me you understand. But when you do
Don't ask me in return if I have said
All that I meant, or whether it is true.”
Simple Poem
I shall make it simple so you understand.
Making it simple will make it clear for me.
When you have read it, take me by the hand
As children do, loving simplicity.
This is the simple poem I have made.
Tell me you understand. But when you do
Don't ask me in return if I have said
All that I meant, or whether it is true.”
“Literature matters because it is how humanity, with all its losses and joys, can become a work of art.”
“Say no! I thought. Say you want yourself all for your own self. Say that you have no specific country, say that you are important without any story from above, say that your home is with me and the other girls up in the sky.”
― Sister Golden Hair
― Sister Golden Hair
“Sede, portanto, surdos quando alguém vos fala sem Jesus Cristo, da linhagem de Davi, nascido de Maria, que verdadeiramente nasceu, que comeu e bebeu, que foi verdadeiramente perseguido sob Pôncio Pilatos, que foi verdadeiramente crucificado e morreu à vista do céu, da terra e dos infernos. Ele realmente ressuscitou dos mortos, pois o Seu Pai O ressuscitou, e da mesma forma o Seu Pai ressuscitará em Jesus Cristo também a nós, que Nele cremos e sem o qual não temos a verdadeira vida.”
― Patrística - Padres Apostólicos
― Patrística - Padres Apostólicos
“You have been taught the basic laws of survival. The first is self preservation. The second is to be aware at all times. The third is always expect the unexpected. The fourth is never to underestimate anyone. The fifth is to respect all that exists in life.'
'To simplify; always avoid trouble, always be alert, take nothing for granted, never trust another, always anticipate the worst.”
― Child of Earth
'To simplify; always avoid trouble, always be alert, take nothing for granted, never trust another, always anticipate the worst.”
― Child of Earth
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