Ourself Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ourself" Showing 1-10 of 10
Kamand Kojouri
“The reason as to why we are attracted to our opposites is because they are our salvation from the burden of being ourselves.”
Kamand Kojouri

Wes Adamson
“Yet the best determining factor of how comfortable we are with ourselves, is our ability to laugh at ourselves.”
Wes Adamson

Prem Jagyasi
“As individuals, we hardly have any control over the world. At best, what we can do is try controlling ourselves.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Prem Jagyasi
“We should always be ready to explore our positive and negative traits by evaluating our real self from time to time.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Cortney S. Warren
“One major cost of self-deception is that we use painful life experiences to justify being non-ideal versions of ourselves.”
Cortney S. Warren, Lies We Tell Ourselves: The Psychology of Self-Deception

Jay Woodman
“We are all 'right' if we are being truly ourselves.... that is the best we can be in each moment, until we learn more...”
Jay Woodman

Patricia Highsmith
“Each person carries around in himself a terrible other world of hell and the unknown. It is an enormous pit reaching below the deepest crater of the earth, or it is the thinnest air far beyond the moon. But it is frightening and essentially “unlike” man as he knows himself familiarly, so we spend all our days living at the other antipodes of ourself.”
Patricia Highsmith

Simon Schrock
“Dar tocmai pentru aceasta a venit El sa locuiasca in inimile noastre!Nu degeaba sa numeste El,Mangiietorul!”
Simon Schrock, One Anothering

Patrick Rothfuss
“Jeder erzählt in seinem eigenen Kopf eine Geschichte über sich. Ununterbrochen. Die ganze Zeit. Und diese Geschichte macht einen zu dem, der man ist. Wir gründen unser ganzes Leben auf diese Geschichte.”
Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

“Parce que nous sommes nos propres barrières. Notre propre ennemi. Cette cage dans laquelle tu te crois parfois enfermé, tu en détient la clef.”
Nine Gorman, Mathieu Guibé