Nepali Writers Quotes
Quotes tagged as "nepali-writers"
Showing 1-30 of 85
“An overflowing pot must be emptied before anything new can be added. If you cling to the sorrows of the past, how can you make space for the happiness and joy of the present?”
― विप्लवी [Biplavi]
― विप्लवी [Biplavi]
“Until an overflowing pot is emptied, nothing else can be added to it. If you keep holding onto the sorrows of the past, how and where will you make room for the happiness and joy of the present?”
― अर्को देशमा [Arko Deshma]
― अर्को देशमा [Arko Deshma]
“Unseeing, even when seen
unfeeling, even when felt,
to those scattered loves
and the abashment that meet the eyes,
I had tried to brush them off
and indeed, had wiped them away.”
unfeeling, even when felt,
to those scattered loves
and the abashment that meet the eyes,
I had tried to brush them off
and indeed, had wiped them away.”
“Soft touches of fragrance of affection
deeper than the imprints of kisses,
have surely separated from me
hiding behind some abstruse backdrops.”
deeper than the imprints of kisses,
have surely separated from me
hiding behind some abstruse backdrops.”
“Beneath a romantic, yet melancholic dusk sky,
the roads continue meandering, in their
own rhythm, as I gazed into them,
moments continue scattering
as I kept living them.”
the roads continue meandering, in their
own rhythm, as I gazed into them,
moments continue scattering
as I kept living them.”
“In that vagueness,
as if entering the realm of youth itself were a crime,
as if casting eyes upon a scene were a sin,
as if living a life for an entire lifetime were a curse.”
as if entering the realm of youth itself were a crime,
as if casting eyes upon a scene were a sin,
as if living a life for an entire lifetime were a curse.”
“Yet, those skies of love were
still filled with love,
those countless moments of youthhood
were still delirious with youthfulness.”
still filled with love,
those countless moments of youthhood
were still delirious with youthfulness.”
“I had been longing for a moment,
once again, for myself.
I had been living a moment
just like I was living myself.”
once again, for myself.
I had been living a moment
just like I was living myself.”
“In that moment and the moments surrounding,
walls were there, but not for me,
soils were there, but not for me,
times were there, but not for me.”
walls were there, but not for me,
soils were there, but not for me,
times were there, but not for me.”
“छहारी जति नै शीतल भए पनि त्यहाँबाट बाहिर निस्कनै पर्छ । किनभने यसरी छहारीमै बसिरहे आफ्नो छायाले पनि साथ छोडिदिन्छ ।”
― फरक [Pharak]
― फरक [Pharak]
“Writing has been a compelling force in my life, though I’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly why.”
“Should I ask everyone the question that should not have been asked, or should I, turning up to the sky, be answering the question that’s not been asked?”
“In this atmosphere, where you have to go perennially crazy only to survive, which auspicious moment should I choose to become mad?”
“Time was slow in passing and tired, perhaps, of the undeterred movements into a rushed day.”
― Dawn's Decimals: A Novel
― Dawn's Decimals: A Novel
“It was now a season for selfhood, serenity, sense-making of a personal kind.”
― Gazes Untold: A Novel
― Gazes Untold: A Novel
“This book collects the experience of my trip to Nepal, an unforgettable journey that allows you to see the world with different eyes.An itinerary started and ended in Kathmandu, accompanied for most of the journey by the local guide Mahesh who, in addition to giving me information on the places, also spoke to me about the history of the country and the divinities.I was able to admire extraordinary places from Pokhara to Dhulikel, visiting Buddhist monasteries and sacred places, but also seeing the devastation of the earthquake in Bhaktapur.The book was created as a sort of guide-diary (with some photos too), narrating my feelings and the places I visited, without neglecting some small curiosity and a tragicomic event that happened to me.”
― Nepal, between spirituality and culture: Twelve days in the land of the great peaks
― Nepal, between spirituality and culture: Twelve days in the land of the great peaks
“Questo libro raccoglie l'esperienza del mio viaggio in Nepal, un viaggio indimenticabile che mi ha permesso di vedere il mondo con occhi diversi.
Un itinerario iniziato e terminato a Kathmandu, accompagnato per gran parte del viaggio dalla guida locale Mahesh che oltre a darmi informazioni sui luoghi, mi parlava anche della storia del Paese e le divinità.
Ho potuto ammirare posti straordinari da Pokhara a Dhulikel, visitando monasteri buddisti/induisti e luoghi sacri, ma anche vedere le devastazioni causate del terremoto del 2015.
Il libro è stato creato come una sorta di guida-diario (con anche qualche foto), narrando le mie sensazioni e i luoghi visitati, senza trascurare qualche piccola curiosità e un evento a dir poco tragicomico.”
― Nepal, tra spiritualità e cultura: Dodici giorni nella terra delle grandi vette
Un itinerario iniziato e terminato a Kathmandu, accompagnato per gran parte del viaggio dalla guida locale Mahesh che oltre a darmi informazioni sui luoghi, mi parlava anche della storia del Paese e le divinità.
Ho potuto ammirare posti straordinari da Pokhara a Dhulikel, visitando monasteri buddisti/induisti e luoghi sacri, ma anche vedere le devastazioni causate del terremoto del 2015.
Il libro è stato creato come una sorta di guida-diario (con anche qualche foto), narrando le mie sensazioni e i luoghi visitati, senza trascurare qualche piccola curiosità e un evento a dir poco tragicomico.”
― Nepal, tra spiritualità e cultura: Dodici giorni nella terra delle grandi vette
“Mouths, carrying the barking prowess, race from courtyard to courtyard, spreading blasts of harsh, raucous sound.”
“Lampposts look, in the glow of their defeated light, robbed by the fog, but cannot tell if the streets, lying by stretching limbs in courtyards, are sleeping face downwards or supine.”
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