Matisse Quotes

Quotes tagged as "matisse" Showing 1-5 of 5
Henri Matisse
“You must forget all your theories, all your ideas before the subject. What part of these is really your own will be expressed in your expression of the emotion awakened in you by the subject.”
Henri Matisse

“We both disliked rude rickshwalas, shepu bhaji in any form, group photographs at weddings, lizards, tea that has gone cold, the habit of taking newspaper to the toilet, kissing a boy who'd just smoked a cigarette et cetra.
Another list. The things we loved: strong coffee, Matisse, Rumi, summer rain, bathing together, Tom Hanks, rice pancakes, Cafe Sunrise, black-and-white photographs, the first quiet moments after you wake up in the morning.”
Sachin Kundalkar, Cobalt Blue

Henri Matisse
“Don't wait for inspiration. It comes while working.”
Henri Matisse

Marion Woodman
“When Matisse was asked whether he believed in God, his response was, 'yes, when I'm working'.”
Marion Woodman, Conscious Femininity: Interviews With Marion Woodman

Henry Miller
“..., que sólo quienes, como él, son sensibles a la alquimia del sonido y los sentidos, son capaces de transformar la realidad negativa de la vida en las formas substanciales y significativas del arte. Sólo quienes pueden admitir la luz en sus entrañas pueden expresar lo que hay en el corazón.”
Henry Miller