Muses Quotes
Quotes tagged as "muses"
Showing 1-30 of 100
“The ‘Muse’ is not an artistic mystery, but a mathematical equation. The gift are those ideas you think of as you drift to sleep. The giver is that one you think of when you first awake.”
“Muses are fickle, and many a writer, peering into the voice, has escaped paralysis by ascribing the creative responsibility to a talisman: a lucky charm, a brand of paper, but most often a writing instrument. Am I writing well? Thank my pen. Am I writing badly? Don't blame me blame my pen. By such displacements does the fearful imagination defend itself.”
― Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
― Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader
“I love you, Lucien, but I am a muse, you are an artist, I am not here to make you comfortable.”
― Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d'Art
― Sacré Bleu: A Comedy d'Art
“For this will cure him that is sick, and rouse him that is in dumps; one that has loved, it will remember of it; one that has not, it will instruct. For there was never any yet that wholly could escape love, and never shall there be any, never so long as beauty shall be, never so long as eyes can see. But help me that God to write the passions of others; and while I write, keep me in my own right wits.”
― Daphnis and Chloe; The Love Romances of Parthenius and other fragments
― Daphnis and Chloe; The Love Romances of Parthenius and other fragments
“I kept reaching for my muses,
my wandering muses, floating
on clouds filled with their passions.”
(Muses of Wandering Passions, p. 64)”
― Muses of Wandering Passions
my wandering muses, floating
on clouds filled with their passions.”
(Muses of Wandering Passions, p. 64)”
― Muses of Wandering Passions
“Our silences, those haunting moments between you and me. Do you remember them the way I do? I visit those alleys often. Do you too?”
“Inspiration is that little spark that comes at night to set our souls ablaze.”
― Song of a Nature Lover
― Song of a Nature Lover
“The distinction that only sciences are useful and only arts are spirit-enhancing is a nonsensical one. I couldn't write much without scientists designing my computer. And some of them must want to read about Greek myth after a long day at work. These Muses always remind me that scientists and artists should disregard the idiotic attempts to separate us. We are all nerds, in the end.”
― Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth
― Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth
“A Poet wrote this poem for me in 2017. Whenever I read this, I feel happy that I could touch someone deeply!
"It has not been long since he came to my life
He came like a soft wind
He made me feel like a king
He showed me who i am
He made me believe i can
No not just a simple man
A man who is so deep
Emotions feelings are in a heap
His mighty head high to keep
Though strong and hard
His heart is made of gold
Love kindness are decorated in folds
He holds the capacity of changing others
Making all the sisters and brothers
Feel that they are worthy
His words are so simple yet strong
Commanding yet soft
High pitched yet so serene
He smiles and makes the world smile
He feels the unfelt
He touches the untouched
He sees the unseen
He takes care of all without showing
He shows without pretending
His eyes sparkel with light
He is fearless no fright
He lightens up the room when he enters
And when he speaks is like a melodious symphony
That touch you deep down
He will inspire you
He will teach you
He will lend u a hand
And make u stand
He will be the eye for you to see
Thorough ur own heart
He never hopes bad for others
Neither does he bothers
About the negetivies
He is the positive man
The mighty happy soul
And if i talk about his soul
It the most beautiful soul
How can anyone feel so much?
And he has the capability of being himself
No matter what
He takes good care of others
And makes sure he is fit too
He wants smile in evryones faces
And he will make you smile
You meet him once
And here you go!
You have a changed life
Do you kno who the magic man is ?
He is the passionate writer ”
"It has not been long since he came to my life
He came like a soft wind
He made me feel like a king
He showed me who i am
He made me believe i can
No not just a simple man
A man who is so deep
Emotions feelings are in a heap
His mighty head high to keep
Though strong and hard
His heart is made of gold
Love kindness are decorated in folds
He holds the capacity of changing others
Making all the sisters and brothers
Feel that they are worthy
His words are so simple yet strong
Commanding yet soft
High pitched yet so serene
He smiles and makes the world smile
He feels the unfelt
He touches the untouched
He sees the unseen
He takes care of all without showing
He shows without pretending
His eyes sparkel with light
He is fearless no fright
He lightens up the room when he enters
And when he speaks is like a melodious symphony
That touch you deep down
He will inspire you
He will teach you
He will lend u a hand
And make u stand
He will be the eye for you to see
Thorough ur own heart
He never hopes bad for others
Neither does he bothers
About the negetivies
He is the positive man
The mighty happy soul
And if i talk about his soul
It the most beautiful soul
How can anyone feel so much?
And he has the capability of being himself
No matter what
He takes good care of others
And makes sure he is fit too
He wants smile in evryones faces
And he will make you smile
You meet him once
And here you go!
You have a changed life
Do you kno who the magic man is ?
He is the passionate writer ”
“The muses are wicked and wonderful, devious and delightful, not to be trusted and not to be ignored. Thank God we have them.”
― The Film Director's Bag of Tricks: How to Get What You Want from Actors and Writers
― The Film Director's Bag of Tricks: How to Get What You Want from Actors and Writers
“The artist, in making victims of his muses, remasters himself as a hero, saving them from their otherwise inconsequential lives.”
― Apple: Sex, Drugs, Motherhood and the Recovery of the Feminine
― Apple: Sex, Drugs, Motherhood and the Recovery of the Feminine
“All women are wonderful,
are the most divine creation,
owners of all dreams and desires, inspiration from poets,
lull of men at war.
They are muses, ladies, angels, princesses and flowers,
until one day they became mothers-in-law.”
are the most divine creation,
owners of all dreams and desires, inspiration from poets,
lull of men at war.
They are muses, ladies, angels, princesses and flowers,
until one day they became mothers-in-law.”
“Art supersedes knowledge written in books.
Art is the muse.
Art is magic settling upon your he[art] like dust.”
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
Art is the muse.
Art is magic settling upon your he[art] like dust.”
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
“Ideas love silence.
When you are silent, ideas come to knock on the door of your heart.”
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
When you are silent, ideas come to knock on the door of your heart.”
― Night of a Thousand Thoughts
“You must seduce poetry with the heart of your words before she'll sprinkle you with the magic of hers.”
“One must have heroes, which is to say, one must create them. And they become real through our envy, our devotion. It is we who give them their majesty, their power, which we ourselves could never possess. And in turn, they give some back.”
― A Sport and a Pastime
― A Sport and a Pastime
“The perfect person does not exist. There is no woman or man you would meet who would make you write poetry.
So poets create imaginary persons who could play muses in their life. And inspire them to write. I have met many people in life, but I have always enjoyed being alone.”
So poets create imaginary persons who could play muses in their life. And inspire them to write. I have met many people in life, but I have always enjoyed being alone.”
“The perfect person does not exist. There is no woman or man you would meet who would make you write poetry.
So poets create imaginary persons who could play muses in their lives. And inspire them to write. I have met many people in life, but I have always enjoyed being alone.
So poets create imaginary persons who could play muses in their lives. And inspire them to write. I have met many people in life, but I have always enjoyed being alone.
Calliope (Cal-LIE-oh-pee) Muse of Epic Poetry
Clio (CLEE-oh) Muse of History
Melpomene (Mel-PAH-muh-nee) Muse of Tragedy
Terpsichore (Terp-SIC-or-ree) Muse of Dance
Thalia (THAL-ee-uh) Muse of Comedy
Mnemosyne (NEM-AH-suh-nee) Goddess of Memory
Ouranos Her Father
Gaea Her Mother
Cronus Her Brother
Rhea Cronus's Wife
Themis and PhoebeMnemosyne's Sisters
Prometheus and Epimetheus Mnemosyne's Nephews”
― Bemused
Calliope (Cal-LIE-oh-pee) Muse of Epic Poetry
Clio (CLEE-oh) Muse of History
Melpomene (Mel-PAH-muh-nee) Muse of Tragedy
Terpsichore (Terp-SIC-or-ree) Muse of Dance
Thalia (THAL-ee-uh) Muse of Comedy
Mnemosyne (NEM-AH-suh-nee) Goddess of Memory
Ouranos Her Father
Gaea Her Mother
Cronus Her Brother
Rhea Cronus's Wife
Themis and PhoebeMnemosyne's Sisters
Prometheus and Epimetheus Mnemosyne's Nephews”
― Bemused
“Zeus wanted something that would bring healing to the people who had survived the war.
In my mind, there was nothing more healing to the soul than the written word, and music, and dance, and comedy, and inspiration. So that is why I decided to create." She looked them each in the eye. "I decided to create you. Each of you would bring joy through your own unique talents, while also singing Zeus's praises for saving the world from the Titans.”
― Bemused
In my mind, there was nothing more healing to the soul than the written word, and music, and dance, and comedy, and inspiration. So that is why I decided to create." She looked them each in the eye. "I decided to create you. Each of you would bring joy through your own unique talents, while also singing Zeus's praises for saving the world from the Titans.”
― Bemused
“Every time they shared their talent, they discovered that one of them had a unique gift. Clio had always possessed a keen mind and an ability to remember and recite facts after hearing them only once, but after they performed that skit for Apollo and Hermes, Clio's powerful intelligence had amplified. Just as Thalia's ability to make people laugh and forget their troubles had intensified so much that it cleared the clouds away and brought in sunshine.”
― Bemused
― Bemused
“"Not only will the masses forever sing your praises for saving them from Titan rule, but they will associate you with feelings of warmth and safety and pleasure and all things good. It will be beautiful, Zeus. I promise."
Technically, she had delivered on that promise by creating the most beautiful, most compelling, most delightful beings the world had ever seen. She'd gifted them with the ability to bring joy to everyone, both god and mortal.”
― Bemused
Technically, she had delivered on that promise by creating the most beautiful, most compelling, most delightful beings the world had ever seen. She'd gifted them with the ability to bring joy to everyone, both god and mortal.”
― Bemused
“She sketched the figure of a dancing nymph, capturing the rhythmic flow of her movements with precise detail. This one would be headstrong, but her energy and passion would balance well with
Melpomene's sweet nature.”
― Bemused
Melpomene's sweet nature.”
― Bemused
“Now, what should we call ourselves?"
"Well, in the old language, mousa means a source of inspiration," Clio said. "Why don't we call ourselves the Muses?”
― Bemused
"Well, in the old language, mousa means a source of inspiration," Clio said. "Why don't we call ourselves the Muses?”
― Bemused
“Suddenly, an ethereal haze formed above their heads, and images of the words they sang began to dance in the sky. The gods all tilted back in their seats, expressions of awe and delight illuminating their already glowing faces.
Ree nearly lost track of the lyrics when she glanced over and noticed that same glow radiating from Thalia. Then Mel. Then Calli. Then Clio. She looked down at her own body and marveled at the incandescent sheen covering her skin. She and her sisters all shone like the gods of Olympus.”
― Bemused
Ree nearly lost track of the lyrics when she glanced over and noticed that same glow radiating from Thalia. Then Mel. Then Calli. Then Clio. She looked down at her own body and marveled at the incandescent sheen covering her skin. She and her sisters all shone like the gods of Olympus.”
― Bemused
“The five of you are never more powerful than when you lift your voices together.
How many times had her mother spoken those words? Ree now realized that they were not just words; they were a prophecy. There had always been something special about the connection she felt with her sisters when they sang together.”
― Bemused
How many times had her mother spoken those words? Ree now realized that they were not just words; they were a prophecy. There had always been something special about the connection she felt with her sisters when they sang together.”
― Bemused
“Our group name is the Muses," Calli said.
Zeus smiled. "I like that. The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes.”
― Bemused
Zeus smiled. "I like that. The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes.”
― Bemused
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