Anne Lamott

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Anne Lamott

Goodreads Author

in San Francisco, California, The United States

Member Since
January 2012

Anne Lamott is an author of several novels and works of non-fiction. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, her non-fiction works are largely autobiographical, with strong doses of self-deprecating humor and covering such subjects as alcoholism, single motherhood, and Christianity. She appeals to her fans because of her sense of humor, her deeply felt insights, and her outspoken views on topics such as her left-of-center politics and her unconventional Christian faith. She is a graduate of Drew College Preparatory School in San Francisco, California. Her father, Kenneth Lamott, was also a writer and was the basis of her first novel Hard Laughter.

Lamott's life is documented in Freida Lee Mock's 1999 documentary Bird by Bird: A Film Portrait of

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Anne Lamott I don't personally find it useful to talk about abortion, Obamacare, immigration, or the environment with my conservative friends. We will NEVER chang…moreI don't personally find it useful to talk about abortion, Obamacare, immigration, or the environment with my conservative friends. We will NEVER change each others' thinking, and will ruin the meal or coffee or mood by trying. I ask myself frequently, "Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?". That settles for me.
People get to think what they want, and I do, too. But I hate arguments and debate--I always have since I was a little child. I do what I can to advance the causes I so passionately believe in, and I try to tell the truth, and then I have it to let it go at that.(less)
Anne Lamott Thank you. The modern reality is, in one very important realm, the same way it's always been: you have to write a terrific book that people will want …moreThank you. The modern reality is, in one very important realm, the same way it's always been: you have to write a terrific book that people will want to read, because you have labored over it to get it just right. You have poured your heart, soul and intelligence into it, for a long time. You have addressed important aspects of our lives--love, family, meaning,betrayal, aging, coming through hardship--whatever. And you have told us your version, in the truest, most reliable voice you can muster, so that we want to spend a week with you, every night after dinner or before bed. If you display a wonderful sense of humor, so much the better.
I've never actually heard the word "platform" in this context, so there are better people to ask, ie, people who know what the word means.
But first--write the best, most amazing book you can, the wisest, most honest, most human book you have inside: we are starving to death for this ina culture that mostly traffics in appearance and surface. Let a couple of friends read it and give you their opinion. Write the book one more. We used to call this putting in through the typewriter one more time." I'm talking about RE-TYPING it, so you can get to know it at the most intimate level--not gussying it up on the computer.
Then find someone who critiques and edits professionally--have garage sales etc to raise 1500 dollars. Sell the treadmill. Someone good will read it for $1500. If you think his or her comments are good, make the necessary changes.
Keep making the book better. Cut it by 1/4. (Sight unseen, I bet it is too long. Takes out half the details, descriptions, and lies.)
Have more garage sales. Hire a good editor to mark it up. Make the changes. Then send it out. I think if it is unique, interesting, well written, and ABOUT something, you'll find an agent.(less)
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Quotes by Anne Lamott  (?)
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“You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.”
Anne Lamott

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”
Anne Lamott

“For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.”
Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird



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Join us for a special discussion with author Anne Lamott on Thursday, December 12th! Anne will be discussing her latest book, Stitches, a follow u ...more

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message 2: by Billy

Billy Masters Cheers to my new friend Anne!

message 1: by Beth

Beth Hi Anne,
Thanks for befriending this fellow author on Goodreads. Loved your Bird by Bird book!

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